33 Beautiful Japanese Yakuza Tattoo Designs and Images

yakuza tattoo types

yakuza tattoo types - win

A yakuza tattoo type drawing of pietro from animal crossing

submitted by toriaezu-okay to Artprompt [link] [comments]

Brotherhood - Thief in Law (Yakuza in Russia)

TL;DR: I imagined a hypothetical Yakuza-style and mood game set in Russia that will never happen, but I think the idea fits too well and wanted to share with the sub. Source: Russian/Post-USSR-Territory immigrant.
So I was supposed to sleep yesterday to get ready for work, but instead I was up until 1 am, frantically writing down ideas, that felt like Bloodborne notes when seen in the morning. But I genuinely like this "pitch", plus it's more original then the monotony of "Your favorite X" posts for you, dear reader. So here is what I have:
Name: Without going much into the "lore", I'm not great with naming. "Thief in Law" is a legit russian term for a very specific type of criminal, not exactly Yakuza-Samurai, but something closer to the representation of the Mafia families. I wish it had a better english "ring" to it. Brotherhood is a slight play on the "Brother" naming convention (yes, russian gangsters call each other "aniki" too). I'm not too versed in the criminal overworld to come up with a better name. Other options I had were "Vor" ("вор") - "Thief" directly translated, but taking the page from "Yakuza" playbook, or "Pahan" ("Пахан") - apparently a mafia slang for the head of the gang, that I found on the wiki.
Mood/Lore/Story: So, here is another part I'm not so strong at, since "crime" was not really my thing before I moved away, I was a good boy! BUT-BUT-BUT, even the things that are known to me on the surface level are already perfect for the type of serious, straight-faced, convoluted and nationalist storytelling the Yakuza games are known for. Back home, we used to have a period called "Rakish 90s" ("Лихие девяностые"). In short - when USSR fell apart, and we still haven't figured out the whole "capitalist" thing, the Yakuza-style crime of rackets, schemes, financial pyramids, weapon trafficking and all that good stuff ran rampant, because a lot of shit in the government had to be rebuild from scratch, leaving too much wiggle room for criminals and people willing to do anything for a buck. Capitalism is cool, but if there are no rules in place, people will and were exploiting everything and everyone. 20 years later, that time created a climate of romanticized crime. Not to the extent of "Yakuza" with pinkie cutting old-time traditions, obviously, but very similar in spirit and the same amount of reach into politics (our president was a KGB agent, if you didn't know! and KGB is like the CIA of 'Merica, being the shittiest internal secret service!). "Eye for an eye", "sitting in prison means respect", "honor among thieves" etc etc. Probably the most classic representation of it can be found in a movie "Brother" as well as "Bimmer" ("Бумер") - they are not "Yakuza-style" comedies with serious plots, but they have the potential to be, since they can be interpreted as a kind of a romanticized version of that kind of life. There can be also a fuck ton of colorful characters - Your political criminals in suits; Your slimy dudes covered in tatoos that will shank you; militaristic old-guard pining for the old days; you skinheads and anti-fa; the younger kids, that are too influenced by the west and "don't get it, MAN"; I also heard you guys like back tattos?!
In short, I don't have a "plot" in mind. But the setting is there to allow all sort of Yakuza-like shenanigans. Long rackets, paperwork and bribes, politics involved, prison drama, and even unveiling of old WW2 weapon caches. All that covered in the thickest level of patriotism and national pride. You can go nuts! Personally, I had this fun idea to level up, so I think the first game needs to start with a crime that the MC commits and will end with him going to jail for the first time.
Setting: Just like in Yakuza, we have 2 major cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg to choose from that can be modeled with unique places all over, plus a fuck ton of beautiful iconic minor locations.
Gameplay: So guns are a thing, but not as much as in the US. And "one single person is the best" narratives are generally not a thing. It's mostly about brothers and a team of dudes. So I'm thinking something closer to Y7's RPG system would fit better. Either way, fist-fights are still a major thing and the base Yakuza gameplay formula would also fit. It will have two major currencies - bottles vodka (CP equivalent for quests and achievements) and money (for fights and activities).
Level Up System: It will not be "money", because we don't care about investing in yourself. I was playing with the idea of it being Liters of Vodka you drank, or prison tattoos FarCry 4 style, but I think I found something better. Your EXP is your time spend in prison, since prison makes you tough! And prison guards or ex-prison guards are the most vicious horrible enemies because the work in prison. At some point in early game you meet a "trainer" who tells you to behave like your appropriate prison sentence, since you will get caught and serve it anyway! You might as well start behaving like you already did right now (very Pat-like), which will lead you to commit more crime and act even tougher. Yeah I know it doesn't really make sense, shut up.
NOW! Here is what you are actually here for. THE WACKY SHIT. THE GOOD STUFF. THE SIDE QUESTS.
Imagine playing through the contents of "/ANormalDayInRussia/" - there is so much crazy shit you can go over. There is a goldmine of wacky cultural shit, especially if you're a westerner and have no context for it. There is a high president for "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" material, since most people will be either way below you and have nothing to lose, or too above and will not care if you die. Here are some examples I could come up with:
  • You learn about side quests by giving bags of sunflower seeds to gossiping old ladies sitting on a bench (it's a thing, trust me).
  • Collecting parts of a home made vodka brewing machine.
  • Helping that one guy to sell a meteor that fell into his yard for vodka while secret agents are trying to stop you. (I couldn't find an articles but Woolie always talks about it and I believe him)
  • THE ONLY FOREGNER IN THE ENTIRE CITY - "Look at this strange and wacky black guy!! He can't speak the language good and has a very HOT Russian Girlfriend for no reason! What's up with that?!"
  • Take Tigers from Yakuza and replace them with Bears and/or Wolves for the same purpose.
  • "There is no Sex in USSR" is a classic aspect that still holds kinda true in a lot of circles. I'm not smart enough, but something good can be done with that.
  • Street racing, but everyone has the same shitty busted car.
  • Climbing on very tall building with no safety, you can make fun of Ubisoft towers!
  • Something needs to be done with the Corpse of Lenin. My suggestion - it either gets lost and/or YOU need to pretend to be him for a day and lay there.
  • Cameos by Russian celebrities that none here knows about but are forever iconic and even cult-like back there.
  • Collecting and/or dealing with post-WW2 relics, guided by a guy wearing the Kozak uniform.
  • Very tired and old hookers, that are sick of everyone's shit, but are also very wise. Potentially tied to romanticized domestic abuse and/or homophobia.
  • Quests based on old soviet movies - a boy and his robot double; diamonds hidden in a broken arm cast and/or chairs; a guy with a heart of a dog;
  • Vostok 1 mission about going into space or at least a space station.
  • The one cop that never takes bribes. Because all of them always take all the bribes all the time. And there has to be one that is a pure angel.
  • Super boss - a guy spent 40 years laying on his couch amassing POWER and is now out to bust some heads. Mr. Shakedown equivalent maybe.
  • And most importantly! Never forget - Japan... I mean Russia is the best and the brightest country in the world!!!
  • Now there is one thing I couldn't find an equivalent for, and that is the diaper wearing adults. The best I could come up with is public bath houses. A deep russian tradition to go and take the hottest bath ever with a bunch of naked dudes while being whipped by branches. I went in a couple of times when I was a kid and it's 300% super real! Sometimes followed by jumping into the cold water.
  • Holiday feast! There is always more food then anyone ever needs. I'm thinking of something close to the Jack's 55th Birthday. Make sure not to fall asleep with your face in the salad (it's a national thing)!
  • Drinking Games - OBVIOUSLY. Timing mini-games maybe? Something close to the sleeping mini-game in Y7 maybe.
  • And yeah we also have karaoke of national songs! A community theater performance mini-game maybe?
Post TL;DR - woof, I think this covers all the ideas I had and hopefully showed you something interesting to read, and maybe even talk about! I know this will never happen ever, but I really liked this idea and it felt like a post well done enough to share.
submitted by RevenTheLight to TwoBestFriendsPlay [link] [comments]

My list of gripes and suggestions after 60 hours

Just a big ranty list of notes I scribbled down after the first playthrough on PC. Edits will be ongoing. Apologies for the formatting being trash on mobile, I don't know what I'm doing.
Should also mention I like this thing enough to probably do at least another 60 hrs.
My Rig:
-AMD Ryzen 3900X -nVidia 3070, drivers are most recent -32GB RAM -2TB SSD, game is installed on it and it is the C:\ 
-Performance with my med-high RTX settings hovers around 50-65 fps, assuming the fps bug isn't happening. -I would say CTD has been very rare. When CTD did occur I dialed back my 3070 overclock gradually and they seem to not happen at all now. 
Graphics & Atmosphere
-Puddles: almost all puddles don't make noise, the only ones I've seen that do are the ones where you meet Stout. I'm guessing this is because those are permanent and the rest come from rain. Driving through the rain puddles, having a splash, and a short wet tire trail would be nice. -Water: no sound or splash when items, NPCs or vehicles hit water. This made the 'car off the cliff funeral' quest have a bit of a lackluster sad ending. Just a silent, distant, explosion poof that glitchily lasted half a second. -Cyberware: Only an animation for the first two. After that it's just in the menu and there are no satisfying crunching or cutting noises where there should be. -Parking: there are weirdly few parking spots, it wouldn't be that noticeable except that the AI doesn't know how to drive around your pulled over car so it just stacks up traffic behind it. -Eating: there are no sounds or animations for drinking or eating, not even a chomp or glug noise in the inventory screen. -Darkness: RTX makes it so dark inside some locations that it would be REALLY NICE to have a flashlight or night vision headwear or cyberware. 
Character Customization
-Life paths are limited and it really feels like Streetkid is the only fleshed out one, and the Corpo and Nomad starts were just sort of glued on. Streetkid feels like the only story. -There is no way to customize your character after the creation screen other than hand/arm cyberware changes. -Character model customization is pretty limited currently. You are stuck with a choice of three 'heads' and can only change a few features to a few set options from there. -All the genital stuff was pointless marketing and they could just take it out to avoid the clipping bugs for all I care at this point. Unless they tie it in to a DLC or expansion it will never show up in anything so what's the point? -Cyberware and tattoos are extremely limited in choice and this is pretty surprising and disappointing. -Most hair options and beard options don't look great, some of this due to 'tall head' on the head options. -Almost all beards don't meet with the hair properly and the colors are different. this was a problem in the Sims 2 I believe. 
-Ammo are too plentiful, I've only ever run out on Very Hard and I never crafted any -Grenades are too plentiful, I had hundreds by midgame without crafting -If grenades were less plentiful, perhaps they should sell for more than 2 or 3 eddies? -Scopes have weird stats that don't seem to do anything, ADS time in fractions of a percent and Range in units unknown -I don't see any immediately obvious way to tell which module effects do not stack. I heard %crit does not stack. -The skill that lets you throw knives seems like garbage as a single throw destroys a knife worth hundreds. No Idea why I would take this anyways -unless- you don't need blade skill to boost it. If you do it would seem simpler to just use silenced pistols which can easily one-shot anyways. -Item cards show very little info on the gun. You don't know the following by looking at the card: -Auto or Semi? -Silenced by default or no? (some of the Grads seem to be?) -Magazine size -Accuracy & recoil -Range -ADS time (Should be related to weight in my opinion) 
Armor & Clothing
-Characters end up looking like clowns unless you ignore stats HEAVILY, see suggestions below in Suggestions section -I'm not sure if armor does anything. Does anyone know? I noticed I was getting one-shotted a lot, made new armor stacked with Armadillo. No change. Maybe I'm receiving elemental damage that bypasses armor but I really don't know. 
Other Items
-Why are so many Junk items $3 or $750??? It's just weird. -Would be nice if there were more misc items that actually did things, like the cat food apparently does 
-Upgrading is expensive and not too effective -Rarely need to craft anything because you collect so many drops and weapons aren't particularly unique 
Crime & Wanted System
-Police only exist in clusters standing around crime scenes OR when they spawn on top of you after gaining 1 wanted level. They spawn so close you see them appear on the mini-map and at times I've seen them materialize right in front of me maybe 30 feet away. -No police cars in traffic at all -Crimes don't need to be 'witnessed' in any way. It is simply this: if you brandish too long at an NPC, or kill an NPC, NCPD teleports within 30 feet of you in about 10 seconds max. -No bounties from NCPD or gangs or corps -It feels especially weird that you have some many quests that should have corps sending assassins after you instantly but nothing happens -Wanted stars accumulate ridiculously fast. 
-Enemy AI could flank a touch more, but otherwise I think they're fine: Snipers hide and snipe, melee charge you, Netrunners hack and hide, the rest take cover and shoot/grenade you. -Incoming damage -I'm not sure if there is a way to see you are taking certain damage types quickly -It's hard to see if armor is doing anything for you -Healing: I never felt the need to use any healing item other than the lvl 1 maxdoc. 40% is too much for the starter healing item, and you get so many that again, I had hundreds by midgame without crafting -Stamina doesn't matter, generally, except when boxing -You have way too much stamina and/or running and dodging doesn't eat up enough of it. with Body 3 I can still run a long ways and never run out in a normal gunfight. This makes a whole bunch of foods and Chems pointless for all but melee characters. Maybe the heavy machine guns and sniper rifles should eat up a bit of stamina? Maybe if you run out of stamina you can't shoot them accurately while standing or something? 
-Disable camera & turret quickhacks -Currently, you can shut off almost any camera and turret from far away and never have to really deal with them and you barely lose any RAM for it and this is for ANY CHARACTER that has a cyberdeck, not just hacking specialists -Alert mode -Alert mode is way too passive. The AI just seems to stand in place or wander a few feet, not actively searching. This means that shooting enemies and cameras with a silenced weapon has basically no downside and you can just pick apart the whole base piecemeal. -Vision cones -The vision cones on the mini map don't reflect the enemy vision accurately. They seem to have a shorter range peripheral vision cone as well. This is really cool, but it makes the vision cones on the mini-map a bit of a lie. (See suggestions) -hiding bodies kills them? Why? I get if you stuff them in a freezer, but why does putting them in a trash bin kill them? I noticed this on one of the gigs that has an optional objective for no Militech deaths. Bug? Hard to tell because whether or not you kill anyone ONLY seems to matter for these few quests and whether or not you collect the extra bounty amount. 
-Mostly just composed of rare stat checks and the breach minigame -Terminals are generally only guarded by one NPC and let you do a few things: -Remote view through cameras (sometimes not all of them??) -Shut off attached cameras -Shut off attached turrets -read a few short emails, usually with the same few mixed in spam messages, usually the same emails repeat through the base. -View the same tiny text web pages -Access points seem to be glorified loot crates with the same breach puzzle repeated hundreds of times through the game. -on Access Points all three goal levels are all just the same loot, they don't do anything else or have any variety. -Occasionally you'll have to do the breach minigame on other things but it seems to be a one-off thing. 
===Bugs and Shortcuts===
Texture and model loading
-Something big is wrong with how the game loads and tracks resources -It seems to make up NPCs on the fly rather than keeping any track of them like any other open world game. Sometimes if you look back and forth, entirely different NPCs and cars spawn. -Also when you look back and forth, even on a 3000 series card, you can see the texture level of detail ramping up very slowly. -Glitches on animated posters/billboards 
-Random times, could be a few minutes, could be hours, framerate will drop by a good 20 fps and stay that way until the game is restarted -Some say memory or CPU 'leak' issue, not sure. Can verify it's happening though on my AMD 3900X. -I 'feel' like maybe the FPS bug is something with DLSS running at a different setting than you told it to in the back end. 
Keybinds & Controls
-There are way too many unbindable keys in the game keybind interface. something like half the actual controls that exist do not appear in there. You can access them in the Steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config folder .xml files. -There are also wholly missing controls like a single button to holsteempty hands (you can double tap alt by default) or a button modifier to walk at the NPC walk speed. -At least pre 1.05 you couldn't use Autohotkey for rebinds, haven't tested 1.05 -Double tap to dodge is not a great default to have when there is already a single button dodge modifier in the config files that you can enable with some effort. double tap on a PC just results in a lot of scooting forwards off of cliffs. -I really don't like the way the game seizes your controls during certain quest NPC interactions. You may notice you can't crouch or sprint, sometimes it cranks down your FOV. if you were already crouching when the interaction started you are stuck crouching until the first line of dialogue ends. 
File size limit bug at 8mb
-Crafting too much bloats the file -Possibly other things not culling from the file properly, but really, there just shouldn't be such a low limit in a game that needs to keep track of so many things 
AI shortcuts
-Other than enemies in combat, there seems to be basically zero AI other than the following -NPC standing around in place -NPC zombie wander for a short distance -NPC car drive on set short path that it cannot diverge from in any way -Enemy NPC patrol (bases only seems like) -Enemies and police don't seem to have 'pursuit' AI, if you run about 50 feet away, they more or less give up like an MMO mob 
-Loot Bags Floating: when you take a un-looted body to a container and hide it, the bag holding their equipment floats at head level. This doesn't happen if you do the move that kills and puts them directly in the container, then the bag is on the ground -Photo mode: taking a photo seems to mess with the brightness in the photo mode. Doesn't seem like it changes anything in the settings it just gets brighter or darker for some unknown reason and then stays that way for the rest of that photo mode session. -Mirrors: V is bald when you look in the mirror with headwear on. Should either show you without face and headgear or show you with them on. FPS also dies hard for some reason when using mirrors which is strange because nothing is really moving and the live action reflections with RTX seem fine. Would be nice if your character appeared in RTX reflections but it probably doesn't to hid the bizarre things the character model does like your body splitting when you aim. -Calling vehicle button makes your vehicle explode into existence, ignoring NPC vehicles. Frequently damages your vehicle -Vendors only spawn Legendary items the first time you talk to them and after that they're gone forever 
Weapons & Ammo
-There should be muzzle attachments other than suppressors, it looks like there used to be compensators, some are still in the game with the names missing and are worth 0 eddies. -Sniper scopes should have different zoom levels and there should be ones with adjustable zoom. I have a feeling this was disabled to hide 2d sprite cars and such. as it stands though, sniper rifles barely see farther than any other weapon. -There could be more ammo types for guns, would add incentive for crafting and you'd actually run out of them. Would make more sense than the weapons having these traits, which seems pretty 'Borderlands'. -Explosive, chemical rounds etc -Could be armor piercing but I can't even tell if they have armor TBH 
Alert Mode
-Spawn extra enemies if alert is triggered -Enemy alert AI should have a few variants and some enemies should wander larger distances, searching -Alert mode could increase vision distances and/or reduce discovery time when they are spotting you 
Mini Map
-Remove vision cones on the mini map, they aren't accurate anyways, replace enemies on mini map with just a facing direction arrow for each enemy. -equipment, scopes, or cyberware could add levels of accuracy to the enemies on the minimap: -only scanned enemies, just facing arrow -only scanned enemies, vision arc -only scanned enemies, vision arc and range -all enemies, vision arc and range 
-More options for cyberware, there are far too few and once you have a full set it's like that system barely needs touched. Last half of the game the only thing I did was toggle whether or not I had the magic non-lethal eye mod turned on. -More cyberware should have visible differences on the character model -Negatives for installing a ton of cyberware -More stealth cyberware, perhaps one that gives you vision cones, on that populates unmarked enemies on the map and only show them? -Could be levelled too, example low level just shows the vision arc, high level shows the full coverage -Leg Mods for run speed, sprint speed, dodge distance, dodge stamina effect 
-Distract enemy, disable camera, and disable turret are too cheap and effective to be the built-ins you don't need a daemon for. I'm not sure why these and distract are built-in, they are the most powerful ones in the game for stealth. -Disabling with the default disable camera/turret quickhack should cause the same alert state that shooting a camera does. the camera went dark. At least then you'd have some reason not to do it and actually have to go to a terminal. -You could have a higher level, much more RAM costly one that does it without the alert (say it loops the feed or something) -lvl 1 ping and breach maybe should be the only slotless ones, unless more are added. -Maybe there could be a analyze one that gives you the weaknesses and such instead of that just coming free with the scan view? 
Street Cred
-Street cred seems pointless; it's directly tied to things that give you normal experience and only seems to be used to gate off buying gear -Could affect discounts at vendors? -Other ideas? 
Character Customization
-Color sliders instead of few set colors. don't give us the sims 4 excuse, this sets a color on a single character you almost never see. 
-Remove the nonlethal eye cyberware mod, it makes non-lethal missions trivial -Remove the nonlethal weapon mod, or at least make it Greatly reduce the weapon damage output (and maybe have an electric effect?) -If there were any kind of faction reputation, perhaps killing members should factor in to it? 
-Default oxygen gauge gives you way too much time and should be shorter. see no reason to have gear that boosts it. 
Vehicle Damage
-Would be nice if the damage wasn't only cosmetic: blown tires, missing door causes more driver hits, etc -The need to take the car somewhere to repair it or at minimum, pay to repair in the summoning menu, as adding garages to the map might be not feasible 
Weapon Mods
-Power Weapon scope mod that makes the 2nd and 3rd zoom level an "extrapolated" view from the point of first and second reflection, showing where our bouncing rounds will go. Could utilize the same blur effect as the BD edit mode. -Tech Weapon mods that reduce shake during charging, speeds up charging, increases penetration (currently seems to have infinite) -Magazine size mods, reload speed mods -Compensators / Muzzle brakes 
Armor slot for hands
-Gloves, gauntlets, claws, those metal finger things Evelyn has, etc. Could be just cosmetic for all I care. 
3D model viewer
-Similar to Fallout 4, let you just view the 3d model for items you are carrying -Could maybe have some animations to run through 
-Terminals should be either guarded more heavily, harder to break in to, or both -Terminals could have levels of access that lock out certain actions if you don't have the hack skill or didn't get a high enough pass on the breach game? -Terminals should let you do a larger variety of things in general -More locked doors -More systems to enable/disable -Ability to cancel alerts? -Access Points could provide an alternative way to access the system for the attached terminal 
Faction Reputation
-Fixer reputation -Higher level fixer gigs could be gated by fixer reputation -sidenote, would be nice if fixers had unique item rewards for you completing major gigs or their whole chain -Faction reputation -Could determine if you are attack on site or friendly for various corps,gangs, NCPD, etc. -would matter more if there were factions driving around on the streets rather than just hanging out in clusters 
Body Customization in Character Creation
-Ability to adjust height, musculature, body fat, etc. -Make armor actually fit the model, no clipping or pokies -I've seen mention that Body stat is involved but I haven't seen it, though I do see the model sort of...growing weirdly sometimes when opening the inventory. 
ArmoClothing system changes
1.Transmog system like FF14, where you can apply stats of an item to the model of another 2.Remove stats from most of the current slots and add other slots so you can have armor under or over clothing -I'd almost prefer this because having an armor bonus from glasses and BD headsets is goofy -Buttons to hide head and face gear would be nice to have in either case -More items for the "Clothing Sets" slot please. So far I only remember seeing the one for the Heist and the Arasaka Hazmat suit which doesn't seem to do anything like a Chemical Resist buff. The hazmat suit actually nicely covered all my armor in a way where looked like it was still there. 
-Ability to buy at least a couple other Apartments -Garages in the nicer ones to store cars, so they don't just existing in that one car summoning menu. 
Game world
-Arcade machines, pachinko machines, more Yakuza series type stuff -fewer fake vendors that just tell you to go away -NCPD, Gangs, Corps in traffic -WHERE IS TRAUMA TEAM??? There are several ways they could interact in the game but all they seem to be is a couple setpiece groups standing around and the one story section. 
Hidden collectables
-Similar quality to the cigarette cards in RDR2 -Maybe displayable in apartments -Actually hidden, not on the map 
Vehicle customization
-Garages -Paint color, cosmetic mods -Performance mods (not really important currently as cars don't really affect gameplay at all with no unscripted chases) 
submitted by liteblite to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Being a tattooed Asian man completely changed how people saw me

I’m not a bad looking Asian guy, but I don’t have a face that stands out either. I dressed stylish, and people were friendly to me but still had their doubts. I’ve always been into metal music, and so I hung out with a lot of tattooed people, which led me to start getting tattooed. I started with some Chinese characters on my arms, and suddenly I became the cool ‘yakuza’ Asian guy (even though yakuza is japanese, but other people always mix it up). I now have a full sleeve with a mix of American and Japanese traditional elements, plus additional tattoos on my torso. I can cover up everything when I am wearing something long sleeved, and the difference is night and day. I would be wearing a sport coat looking business casual, then take off the coat sitting down at a coffee shop and notice people completely shift attitudes and they will approach me to chat with me. I’ve been hit in by a lot of ‘alt’ type women of all races.
I live on the East Coast of the US so there are not as many tattooed Asians as there probably is in California, so I stand out heavily. I’m also East Asian and not SEA who usually are more likely to be tattooed.
Any other Asians have this experience? Im not encouraging people to get tattooed just to stand out, but it certainly makes a difference in how I am treated.
submitted by machinavelli to AsianMasculinity [link] [comments]

"Oh, so you're an SMT fan? Name every demon, atma avatar, and persona then." Alright, challenge accepted...

Fog, Demonic Shrunken head, A Bao A Qu, Myconid, Poltergeist, Looper, Will o’ Wisp, Blob, Slime, Megaplanaria, Mad Slug, Chatterskull, Mummy, Isma’s Ghost, Skeleton, Ghoul, Ghost, Zombie, Cockatrice, Scylla, Serpent, BUG, Tammuz, Tarantella, Apep, Basmu, Troll, Oni, Cyclops, Edimmu, Ogre, Gargoyle, Orc, Shadow, Mephisto, Loa, Succubus, Incubus, Kyme, Rangda, Taraka, Druj Nasu, Furiae, Arachne, Harpy, Hakuma-Bhuta, Black Knight, Daeva, Akhkharu, Dullahan, Vampire/Upyr, Pharaoh, Tiamat, Hydra, Gorgon, Balaur, Typhon, Fenrir, Orthrus, Manticore, Nue, Asura, Astaroth, Beelzebub, Baal Zebul, Zoma, Tara, Behemoth, Baal, Minotaur, Medusa, Loki, Hecate, Seth (Egyptian), Lucifer, Werewolf, Lamia, Girtablulu/Sasori Otoko, Werecat, Orias, Siren, Lemurian, Stolas, Heqet, Giant, Lakhe, Dwarf, Fungus, Viy, Yomotsu Shikome, Gnome, Fomorian, Puka, Elf, Goblin, Bogle, Dryad, Wyvern, Purski, Quetzalcoatl, Dodongo, Basilisk, Stonka, Varaha, Bander, Nekomata, Cerberus, Cancer, Salamander, Pazuzu, Kwancha, Kelpie, Ketam, Treant, Gdon/Dawon, Sobek, Bastet, Apis, Lagoon, Baku, Hanuman, Jinn, Cu Chulainn, Tsukuyomi, Lakshmi, Alraune, Kali, Thor, Yaksa, Susano-o, Naga, Kohryu/Huang Long, Barong, Sphinx, Anubis, Chimera, Krishna, Odin, Ganesha, Dream Kiss, Pyro Jack/Jack O’ Lantern, Backbeard, Bone Golem, Man Eater, Kurabebi/Takuroubi, Ascomid, Interipelli, Redrum, Metal/Heavy Metal, Dr. Bacta, Junkie, Assassin, Mutant, Fallen Monk, Friday, Highway Star, Kin’s Head, Punks, Spartoi, Spectre, Pisaca, Chon Chon, Sakasakubi, Bodyconian, Corpse, Talos, GDR1000, LB-501A, Azazel, Berith, Fleurety, Golem, Aim/Harborim, Bugbear, Wendigo, Fafnir, Dragon/Wurm, Valac, Ladon, Humbaba, Orobas, Garm, Jabberwocky, Wyrm, Dead Lobster, Girimehkala, Utukku, Vetala, Lich, Biwa Hoshi, Mudman, Nosferatu, Wight, Sawo Bhaku, Celuluk, Succubus, Amdusias, Phantom, Leonard, Larvae, Nebiros, Lemures/Lemur, Tamamo-no-mae, Volvo, Rarung, Kiyohime, Leviathan, Nidhoggr, Vritra, Apollyon, Belphegor, Geryon, Chronos, Echidna, Mammon, Arioch, Balaam, Sargatanas, Satan, Mitra, Moloch, Belial, Asmodai/Asmodeus, Bael, Legba, Rusalka, Celaeno, Aello, Ocypete, Apsaras, Merrow, Pixie, Ubelluris, Sallos, Atlas, Tsuchigumo, Tan-ki, Bugaboo, Kobold, Sword Knight, Wand Knight, Gemori, Valkyrie, Houri, Hannya, Amy, Okuninushi, Cup Knight, Morgan, Kushinada-Hime, Jack Frost, Coin Knight, Centaur, Coatlicue, Bai Long, Kitsune, Gryphon, Yatagarasu, Pegasus, Choronzon, Mezuki, Gozuki, Arahabaki, Sytry, Momunofu, Gaap, Forneus, Kimaris/Cimeies, Carbuncle, Vepar, Undine, Sylph, Flaemis, Aquans, Aeros, Erthys, Phoenix, Rakcarango, Pabilsag, Genbu/Gui Xian/Xuan Wu, Unicorn, Gandharva, Qilin/Kirin, Focalor, Agares, Kikuri-Hime/Shirayama-Hime, Damballah, Baphomet, Kinnara, Eligor, Aiwass, Ukobach, Michael, Gabriel, Nike, Cherub, Raphael, Uriel, Amon, Bishamonten, Ifrit, Jikokuten, Rakshasa, Koumokuten, Zouchouten, Seiryu/Qing Long, Garuda, Zeus, Shiva, Apollo, Ahura Mazda, Leto, Artemis, Vishnu, Brahma, Indra, Brahman, Fudou Myouou, Freyr, Urd, Sarasvati, Verdandi, Skuld, Ame no Uzume, Mahakala, Wu Kong/Seiten Taisei/Son Goku, Indrajit/Meganada, Yama, Ravana, Agni, Niou, Take-Mikazuchi, Hino Kagutsuchi, Nagasunehiko, Take-Minakata, Kotoshironushi, Hitokotonushi, Taotie, Orcus, Tezcatlipoca, Mishaguji, Hariti, Hel, Dakini, Satanachia, Surt, Mara, Dagon, Tengu, Ongkot, Watcher, Isora, Kinnari, Lilith, Calon Arang, Lilim, Nightmare, Cyak, Imp, Oberon, Senko, Tam Lin, Senri, Hobgoblin, Banshee, Cait Sith, Throne, Dominion, Virtue, Power, Archangel, Angel, Flauros, Abaddon, Samael, Marchosias, Ose, Decarabia, Gamigin, Andras, Ananta/Shesha, Maya (Mayan), Baek Yong/Pek Yong, Ganga, Pendragon, Yamata no Orochi, Itzamna, Yurlungur, Raja Naga, JormungardMidgardsormr, Worm, Tuofei/Takuhi, Jatayu, Feng Huang/Ho-oh, Badb Catha, Gu Huo Niao, Hresvelgr, Gurr, Fuxi, Narasimha, Nandi, Bai Ze/Hakutaku, Pascal, Cu Sith, Shanhui/Sanki, Kraken, Souyou/Atsuyu, Nezha/Nata Taishi, Zenki and Goki, Yaksini, Shuten Doji, Turdak, Ibaraki Doji, Azumi, Sarutahiko, Fachan, Knocker, Brownie, Barbegazi, Tun Kou, Gremlin, Sanni Yaka, Baykok, Oshichi, Preta/Gaki, Legion, Shade, Army Zombie, Zombie Cop, Obattarion, Zombie Lady, Black Ooze, Mou-Ryo, Yakuza, Hoodlum, Weredog, Scanner, Magus, Holy Knight/Temple Knight, Fanatic/Zealot, Dark Priest, Oni Jorou, Fallen Monk, Death Rider, Suicide Unit, T95D, T95C/P, T93G, Bit Ball, Bigfoot, Kugutsu, David, Pale Rider, Daisoujou, Creature, Suzaku, Wings, Nymph, Gomorrah, Tsu, Ix Owl, Rafflesia, Zord P, Guy, Zord H, Buster, Zord M, Zordon, Zodia, Killer Bee, Sol Cat, Jabba, Morrigan, Isis, Zarathustra, Kether, Lasobelak, Universe Will, Rakucha, Shisochou/Pteros, Raven, Jyukuko, Velg, Shitori/Vulture, Rukh, Titan, Usas, Chakra, Hibakara, Alcyoneus, Kumbhanda, Tagon, Element, Chibiryu/Tinygon, Skyjaki, Shutenku, Shuragi, Raou, Gaia, Izanami, Empusa, Porewit, Kazfiel, Aniel, Ardha, Virochana, Kalki, Atavaka, Ashtar, Horus, Parvati, Freyja, Arianrhod, Amaterasu, Omoikane, Tajikarao, Ameno Torifune, Chernobog, Ares, Ishtar, Durga, Taueret, Onamuchi, Sukuna Hikona, Ouyamatsumi, Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, Nalagiri, Haokah, Mercurius, Nyx, Alp, Titania, Nadja, Dark Elf, High Pixie, Helel, Metatron, Camael, Sariel, Kushiel, Ophanim, Raguel, Tzaphkiel, Remiel, Principality, Betelgeuse, Gagyson, Rahabh, Otohime, Mizuchi, Nozuchi, Kingu, Tarrasque, Suparna, Macha, Nemhain, Bennu, Anzu, Byakko, Selket, Black Widow, Gyu-ki, Bicorn, Duergar, Sudama, Ihika, Cailleach Bheare, Hag, Hecatoncheir, Zombie Priest, Workaholic, Zombie Dog, Yaka, Ghoulette, Inferno, Depth, HangedMan, Old One, Doppelganger, Chris the Car, Jack the Ripper, Franken, Demi-Nandi, Heracles, Slave, Oracles, Spartan, Terminator, Gyrator, Executioner, Neophyte, Butcher, Kamen-Hijiri, Ashura, Onmyoji, Jiraiya, Kugutsushi, Yggdrasil, Mandrake, Audrey, Rabbi, Junk, Iron Maiden, Crazy Dummy, Police, Jaws, Andromeda, Spider, Moebius, Sage of Time, Matador, Hell Biker, Alice, Ghost Q, Norn, Hathor, Amon Ra, Belobog, Thoth, Vesta, Holy Ghost, Faunus, Melusine, Muspell, Buer, Vine, Bushyasta, Chefei, Apaosha, Parasite, Zombie Teacher, Zombie Girl, Zombie Boy, Angra Mainyu/Ahriman, Aka Manah, Dahaka, Kuchisake-Onna, Hanako, Jelly Man, En no Ozuno, Little Lama, Otsuki, Stomach Flower, Soldier, Chief, Perun, Marduk, Verethragna, Futsunushi, Sleipnir, Gullinbursti, Balor, Anahita, Konohana Sakuya, Kundali Vidyaraja/Gundari Myouou, Vajrayaksa, Ildanach, Lugh, Kvasir, Deirdre, Diarmuid, Airgetlam/Nuadha, Fir Bolg, Urvashi, Tilottama, Sventovit, Tyr, Triglav, Vayu, Brigid, Brynhildr, Illuyanka, Huitzilopochtli, Belberith, Sargasso, Langsuir, Freserai, Raniel, Paurus, Feldi, Lister, Toifel, Bolshuta, Roehm, Faustman, Deitel, Clay, Calypso, Gedou, Ocpa, Olberg, Feist, Thief, Robber, Bandit, Defenser, Stras, Alta, T, Vivahti, Bible?, Another Bible, Calydon, Svadilfari, Atsuyu, Hargest, Ragon, Purshi, Fugi, Nuwa, Meshitori, Ariel, Audumbla, Raoh, Mushiki, Fighter, Barbarian, Executor, Knight, Io, Ganymede, General, Pitekanboss, Grostar, Satyr, Beowulf, Briareus, Ent, Siegfried, Hippopotamus, Horkos, Bufu Dragon, Borou, Karasu Tengu, Roy, Fairy/Fey, Marshal Tianpeng/Tenhou Gensui, Utgard, Antares, Helldog/Hellhound, Kyuki, Nikaron, Death Tail, Zagan, Balrog, Mora, North Wind, Mokkurkalfe, Fuu-Ki, Hachiman, Prometheus, Inti, Anat, Pallas Athena, Erzulie, Scathach, Nakisawame, Kama, Jarilo, Neko Shogun, Kanbari, Kartikeya, Ogun, Cybele, Black Maria, Sedna, Sekhmet, Marici, Zhong Kui/Shouki, Otogo-Douji, Pales, Kanaloa, Pachacamac, Mot, Guedhe, Thanatos, Ixtab, Heimdall, Kresnik, Maui, Jambavan, Ictinike, Khonsu, Peri, Xiuhtecuhtli, Maruts, Shaytan, Agathion, Spriggan, Lorelei, Domovoi, Kijimuna, Hypnos, Hinoenma, Sandman, Kikimora, Nacht Kobold, Chi You, Nergal, Rahu, Sraosha, Sandalphon, Azrael, Lailah, Victor, Abraxas, Botis, Barbatos, Purson, Bifrons, Nisroc, Melchom, Zhu Yin, Patrimpas, Ouroboros, Culebre, Vouivre, Yato no Kami, Vasuki, Mushussu, Python, Uwabami, Asp, Toubyou, Vidofnir, Hamsa, Da Peng, Holawaka, Caladrius, Yamachichi, Ba, Huoniao/Kau, Zhen, Stymphalides, Itsumade, Moh Shuvuu, Hippou, Ukano Mitama, Kamapua’a, Airavata, Yatsufusa, Xiezhai/Kaichi/Cai-Zhi, Shiisaa, Ammut, Hsing Hsing/Shoujou, Katakirauwa, Hairy Jack, Kabuso, Hare of Inaba, Aerophant, Mamedanuki, Oliver, Taown, Catoblepas, Suiko, Afanc, Waira, Gogmagog, Oumitsunu, Ribhu, Koropokkuru, Berserker, Yomotsu Ikusa, Tokebi/Dokkaebi, Yamawaro, Amazon, Yuki Jyourou, Todomeki, Leanan Sidhe, Grendel, Gashadokuro, Ocelot, Asinaga, Tenaga, Haoma, Kukunochi, Daphne, Oshira-sama, Es, Zaccoum, Jubokko, Saki Mitama, Kushi Mitama, Ara Mitama, Nigi Mitama, Kudlak, Dzolob, Enku, Obariyon, Patriot, Agony, Rastaman, Waxwork, Scarecrow, Macabre, Torso, Quicksilver, Tattooed Man, Killer Chopper, Hooligan, Mothman, Myrmecoleon, Okiku-Mushi, Yowie, Ubu, Rama, Guan Yu, Fariedone/Fereydun, Yoshitsune, Jeanne D’Arc, Fugurama, Yakou, Platoon Soldier, Inui, Gargantua, Sid Davis, Shiki Ouji, Strigoii, Strix, Kashiyama, Dantalion, Julia, Speedy, Mikiya, Orgone Ghost, Tenzan Tendou, Demiurge/Yaldabaoth, Yaso Magatsuhi, Ou Magatsuhi, Inaruna, Lord Nan Dou/Nanto Seikun, Hokuto Seikun/Beiji Weng, Enoch, Skoll, Tenjiku Tokubei, Narukami, Kamakura Gongorou, Hermod, Varuna, Maso, Sati, Tensen Nyannyan/Taishan Niang Niang, Mokosh, Xi Wangmu/Seioubo, Seimen Kongou, Aizen Myouou, Ogma, Fuhedi Mergane, Gozu Tennoh, Fuutai, Aonbharr, Ankou, Bres, Amatsu Mikaboshi, Janus, Phaleg, Armaiti, Yamaoka/Alfred, Vohu Manah, Mucalinda, Jahi, Tlazolteotl, Pairika, Cupid, Sumizome, Polisun, Adramelech, Paimon, Alastor, Malphas, Crom Cruach, Alecto, Tisiphone, Megaera, Genkurou, Mangadhai, Tesso, Cath Palug, Salome, Nemesis, Iwate, Picollus, Leprechaun, Yog Sothoth Jr., Sarashina-Hime, Miyasudokoro, Carrie, Fuji Musume, Bukimi, Dribbler, Zombie Painter, Zap, Teketeke, Zombie Nurse, Mr. Zombie, Grimies, Mr. Bear, Anatomy, Kokkuri, Lady Masquerade, Pride, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Greed, Lust, Kandori, Men In Black, Harem Queen, Takeda, Agent, Secret Police, Pandora, Lady Snow, Saurva, Kenta, Shikijirou, Ninhursag, Suseri-Hime, Yamato-Takeru, Priyankara, Hatsuse Ou no Mikoto, Asherah, Cthugha, Azathoth, Ithaqua, Phanuel, Abdiel, Daniel, Cassiel, Shamshel, Morax, Haagenti, Pucel, Leraje, Vapula, Valefar, Murmur, Allocen, Ipos, Bune, Sabnock, Marbas, Halphas, Raum, Freezer, Lion Head, Boogeyman, Evil Spirit, Minor Devil, Messenger, Naga Kanya, Hong Long, Yinglong/Ouryuu, Nagi, Ikazuchi, Kinshichou, Podarge, Nicothoe, Boogie Raven, Moruto, Atropos, Lachesis, Clotho, Hakuei, Shirohebi, Shirogitsune, Kuzunoha, Gabriel’s Hound, Osaki Gitsune, Okon Kitsune, Kuda Kitsune/Kudagitsune, Phantacat, Boogey Dog, Eros, Ville, Psyche, Keukegen, Nereid, Mab, Mabel, Abaddons, Beelzebub's Servants, Shikigami, Familiar, Astarte, Baalzephon, Lamashtu, Buddha Dharma, Goho Douji, Akura Ou, Nurikabe, Silenus, Leshy, Saturnus, Night Stalker, Karuyaka, Ririyaka, Amanojaku, Orc Chief, Red Cap, Shikijo Innen Rei, Entity, Jibakurei, Fuyurei, Onibi, Stomper, Mommy Dead, Crispy Dead, Zombie Lady, March Hare, Card SoldieTrump Soldier, Darkness, Splatter, Critter, Plasma, Gyspy Rose, Bluebell, Primrose, Dark Willow, Holy Element, Adonis, Demon Student Akira, Demon Student Hiroko, Demon Student Yoshio, Demon Student Miki, Mother-Child Fusion Demon, Innsmouth, Ishtar Shinja Guardian, Ishtar Shinja Sistrum, Bael Shinja Kurare, Bael Shinja Tarantella, Bael Shinja Baal Soldier, Cranky, Resistance, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Type 9x Mobile Infantry, Highball, Gate Robot, Eye Ball, Shingetsu no Inu, Mangetsu no Inu, Houjou no Yagi, Marcol, Alkeroke, Ankaroke, Merlion, Gulltoppr, Hildisvini, Dilu Horse, Demeter, Aphrodite, Erinyes, Hippolyta, Medea, Togyuu, Ton, Charybdis, Einherjar, Alberich, Hrungnir, Mimir, Seiren Taisho, Fergus, Kiichi Hougen, Niu Mowang, Zhu Baije, Merfolk, Tsurubebi, Chupacabra, Broken Scepter, Blue Man, Jalandhara, Gucumatz, Huli Daxian, Ame no Fuchikoma, Shiranui, Munin, Rashnu, Aegir, Apsu, Simurgh, Kyourou, Gespenst, Silky, Hugin, Aeshma, Mastema, Osiris, Saturday, Satoshi, Cassius, Shemhazai, Asha, Ameretat, Khshathra, Mohammed, Zarik, Nanauatzin, Hades, Manco Capac, Benkei, Mahamayuri, Fortuna, Kangiten, Kinmamon, Futotama, Billiken, Alilat, Albion, Ometeotl, Dionysus, Attis, Aramisaki, Zaou Gongen, Tonatiuh, Diana (Roman, the one with tits), Dzelarhons, Pele, Mada, Cernunnos, DB Busters, Persephone, Tlaloc, Ba Da Wang, Bes, Tschaggatta, Rolwoy, Shiwanna, Vodyanik, Setanta, Vivian, Penanggal, Kaiwan, Black Frost, Wild Hunt, Mokoi, Mithras, Tzitzimitl, Lucifroz, Israfel, Melchizedek, Shax, Seere, Makara, Hoyau Kamui, Ym, Tuna Roa, Bai Suzhen, Zhu Tun She, Thunderbird, Tangata Manu, Camazotz, Onmoraki, Kaiming Shou, Qing Niuguai/Seigyuukai, Buraq, Kaso, Dormarth, Cunhur, Gally Trot, Cabracan, Peallaidh, Jersey Devil, Jueyuan, Chagrin, Tlaltecuhtli, Tednong Cut, Puts, Nyalmot, Galley Beggar, Bilwis, La Llrona, Acheri, Lham Dearg, Ippon Datara, Greyman, Churel, Wicker Man, Dybbuk, Garrote, Cosmo Zombie, Headless Rider, Padlock, Drag Queen, Facebind, Mayahuel, Narcissus, Erlkonig, Skogsra, Shan Xiao, Urban Terror, Douman, Mad Gasser, Purple Mirror, Red Cloak, Reiko Kashima, Turbo Granny, Kamiotoko, Huang Di, Saladin, Masakado, Longinus, Hagen, Lanling Wang, Frost Five, Milky Frost, Strawberry Frost, Lemon Frost, Melon Frost, B. Hawaii Frost, Moowis, Speedy Demon, Winpe, Juggler, Snappy, Omphalos, Erika, Lukoje, Goggie, Mayone, Romero, Shemyaza, Malsum, Satanael, Kadokura, Manitou, King Frost, Lucifuge, Soulless God Oumagatsu, Sarutobi Sasuke, Tobi Katou, Fuuma Kotarou, Agrippa, Abe no Seimei, Manannan, Sif, Huracan, Xuanzang/Genjou, Umayadono-Ouji, Sakya/Shaka, Robin Goodfellow, Eros Prime, Venus, Taranis, Longma, Taksaka, Kinich Ahau, Hermes, Mars, Skanda, Kabandha, Rhadamanthus, Rhadamanthus Prime, Charon, Fjalar, Seker, Iris, Juanlian Dajiang/Kenren Taishou, Hoenir, Maia, Maia Prime, Nanna, Vulcanus, Surya, Kinich Kakmo, Vulcanus Prime, Njord, Hunab Ku, Fukurokuju, Ebisu, Galahad, Bacchus, Dagda, Arthur, Futsuno Mitama, Budai, Shou Shen, Crowley, Rasputin, Faust, Puck, Cwn Annwn, Ratatoskr, Wanyudo, Xaphan, Ah Puch, Kisin, Hunhau, Vucub-Caquix, Demon King/Dairoku Tenmaou, Wraith, Shoggoth, Ochre Jelly, Metal Drache, S.S., Metal Zentaur, Hellsehen, Kommandant, Maschinen Kommando, Sharf Shutze, Virulenz Kraft, Maschinen Soldat, Sturm Soldat, Taurus Mask, Leo Mask, Scorpio Mask, Aquarius Mask, Zombie Junkie, Zombie DJ, Kudan, Cursed Escort, Cursed Taxi, Dresser Hag, Jumping Geezer, Linda, Junnosuke Kuroda, Rinok, Helios, Hyperion, Tishtoriya, Gyoukukou Joutei, Odysseus, Hastur, Callisto, Astria, Maihime Amano, Tatsunoshin Suou, Nodens, Matsuo-sama, Kanshou and Bakuya, Saji, Waitry, Metal Guru, Yog Sothoth, Byakhee, Shub-Niggurath, Tenchu Akatsuki, Tenchu Myojou, Tenchu Mochizuki, Tenchu Hekiun, Red Beret, Garrison, Ryuman, Fang Leng, SAT, 200km/h Fogey, Red Cape, Blue Cape, Mussie, Tsuchinoko, Black Mask, Umr At Tawil, Tatari Mokke, Nekhbet, Kotodama, King Deva, Komainu, Canhel, Tanuki no Namamono, Bahan, Clock Rabbit, Hippogriff, Bathin, Azoth, Black Raja, Van, King Van, Grigori, Koakuma, Skull Crown, Raziel, Arche, Exousia, Kuriotes, Galgalim, Seraph, Merkabah, Ego, Yeti, Issun-boshi, Rasetsu, King Rasetsu, Nitanita, Pifrus, Toushin, Robot, Yamanba, Android, DB-kun, Caladbolg, Counting Sheep, Makura-gaeshi, Melissa, Persona, Gingitsune, Namtar, Nessie, Sand Dragon, Svafnir, Rox/Hei Long, Wadjet/Vaget, Petit Frost, Yukinko, RazoKamaitachi, Yuki-onna, Neko no Namamono, Frost Ace, Hundun, Daji, Paramese, Mechi, Shock, Gris gris, Kappa, Lynx, Diana (Petit Frost), Vibhishana, Demogorgon, Dephinx/Death Sphinx, Helphinx/Hell Sphinx, Neuphinx/Neo Sphinx, StarhaiHoshigami, Death Cerberus, Neo Nex/Hell Cerberus, King Nex/King Cerberus, Meta Gef/Death Gryphon, Neo Gef/Hell Gryphon, King Gef/King Gryphon, Ikkaku Dragon, Bakemogura, Kami wo Kure, Nautilus, Bunbuku Chagama, Moai, Rokurokubi, Cyborg Deka, Paramecium King, Excalibur, Kaguya-Hime, Shura-Ou, Dunamis, Meta Kem/Death Chimera, Neo Kem/Hell Chimera, King Kem/King Chimera, Denix/Death Phoenix, Helnix/Death Phoenix, Neonix/Neo Phoenix, Nathanael, Midir, Stribog, Dian Cecht, Lindwurm, Furfur, Bran, Jashin, Frost Trio, Tankororin, Umibozu, Hiruko, Homunculus, Elphine/Zashiki Warashi, ThundaKaminari-sama, Iron Kitsune, Kyuusupaa, Kamazaru, Heart, Indy, Sweet, Aquacloud, Pluto, Green M, Flower Killer, Chiruchiru, Viking, Kirudante, Lemonchi, Kurodanshaku, Okubyou Tamago, Kinoko Houshi, Lost, Requiem, Gilgamesh, Idaten, Poseidon, Shukuyuu, Barchiel, Gambiel, Adnachiel, Zuriel, Verchiel, Hamaliel, Haurvatat, Muriel, Ambriel, Malchidael, Barbiel, Kintaro, Sakata no Kintoki, Argos, Skinfaxi, Hrimfaxi, Selkie, Raijuu, Nemea, Aianga, Issitoq, Daidara-bocchi, Ginkaku, Cho Hakkai, Sa Gojo, Kinkaku, Gyuu Maou, Aker, Earth Element, Aqua Element, Air Element, Flare Element, Mermaid, Mokele Mbembe, Kesaran Pasaran, Etain, Angrboda, Kaos Cat, Dred Rox, Rune Cat, Arch Rox, Pyro Cat, Giga Rox, Luna Cat, Mega Rox, Mega Cat, Wing Rox, Ogre Cat, Blazron, Dark Cat, Solron, Doom Cat, Doom Rox, Dred Cat, War Rox, Kibra, RoksauIwasaurus, Raykon/Devil Reikon, Wyregg, Rudra, Coppelia, Mad Hatter, Skyfish, Ikonda, Glasyabo, Andromus, Grevir, Forlo, Empio, Empra, Tokisada, Samejima, Green Bear, Miura, Gaian Believer, Seri, Hayashi, Wakazou, Gyaru, Yojinbo, Maximan, Herunaasu, Feji Adonis, Bucchi, Idea Angel, Tsuzumi, Mubiora/Miranda, Adam Kadmon, Eve, Maria, Sakahagi, Alciel, Makami, Kurama Tengu, Futomimi, Skadi, Inugami, Ongyo-Ki, Sui-Ki, Kin-Ki, Datsue-Ba, Hua Po, Kodama, Dis, Koppa Tengu, Dante, Raidou (if the previous two count), Trumpeter, Mother Harlot, Black Rider, Red Rider, White Rider, Kagutsuchi, Manikin, IzFanagi, Artio, Dain, Olgoi Khorkoi, Ovinnik, Volos, Bannik, Korred, Guiafairo, Hati, Annaberge, Jarovit, Polevik, Gurangatch, Harut and Maroth, Harmil, Paku, Derii, Dorun, Clocks, Rasen, Gaan, Raruu, Oojita, Amphiptere, Hadarniel, Dobiel, Isaac, Iblis, Tecciztecatl, Flame Apostle, Ice Apostle, Olofat, Shugoshin, Dyaus, Hayagriva, Prithivi, Harihara, Ramedo, Blazron, Varnani, Karma Soldier, Tribhvana, Raiho, Oboroguruma, Ichimokuren, Shouten, Utai-Gaikotsu, Abihiko, Zombie Officer, Zombie Guard, Orpheus, Orpheus Female, Orpheus Telos, Trismegistus, Lucia, Juno, Penthesilea, Artemisia, Polydeuces, Caesar, Castor, Palladion, Kala-Nemi, Moros, Messiah, Tharmas, Urizen, Urthona, Luvah, Baby Goldfish, Abel, Aditi, Cain, Devi, Gozanze, Guukyou, Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, Qin Shubao, Seth (Abrahamic), Spartacus, Utnapishtim, Yuchi Jingde, YHVH/God, Elohim, Sabaoth, Shaddai, True, Sanctity, Lie, Sin, Twin Sister, Takehaya Susano-o, Sumeo-Okami, Takeji Zaiten, Himiko, Kanzeon, Kouzeon, Tomoe, Suzuka Gongen, Haraedo-no-Okami, Yamato Sumeragi, Kintoki-Douji, Kamui, Kamui-Moshiri, Magatsu-Izanagi, Izanagi-no-Okami, Chou-keshin, Jorougumo, Binbou-gami, Yakubyou-gami, Yomi-Kugutsu, Nesting Doll, Nesting Skull, Soldier Bug, Luck Locust, Clarion, Ame no Ohabari, Kuzuryu, Fake YHVH, Zeed, BeldBaldur, Jezebel, Ose Hallel, Flauros Hallel, Demonica-L, Demonica-N, Demonica-C, Demonee-Ho, Bagaboo, Bogaboo, Maya (Hindu), Dummy, Jimenez, Shekinah, Ariadne, Asterius, Ancient of Days, Sanat, Masakado’s Shadow, Oread, Napaea, Kuebiko, Koga Saburo, Chemtrail, Michizane, Tenkai, Pluto Soldier, Gaea Woman, Ashura Woman, Ashura Man, Gaea Man, Samurai Zombie, Al-mi’raj, Maitreya, Cleopatra, Mitra-Buddha, Inanna, Chironnupu, Arsene, Orpheus Female Picaro, Orpheus Picaro, Crystal Skull, Raoul, Zorro, Diego, Johanna, Agnes, Koh-i-Noor, Milady, Lucy, Queen’s Necklace, Goemon, Kamu Susano-o, Gorokichi, Regent, Carmen, Celestine, Captain Kidd, William, Athena Picaro, Robin Hood, Hereward, Necronomicon, Al Azif, Stone of Scone, Ariadne Picaro, Asterius Picaro, Orlov, Emperor’s Amulet, Hope Diamond, Thanatos Picaro, Magatsu-Izanagi Picaro, Kaguya Picaro, Tsukiyomi Picaro, Messiah Picaro, Cendrillon, Ella, Orichalcum, Izanagi-no-Okami Picaro, Pithos, and Valjean
Edit: For those of you wondering, I counted specific enemies as demons as well, as some of the demons in the old persona games were enemy only. But I did take some out.
And that equates to... 1905 demons
I have finally done it. Or at least I think I have.
Boogie Raven
submitted by Link_KurusuToaster to Megaten [link] [comments]

Every Japanese cosmetic parts rated based on historical accuracy. including tank skins.

Looked through all Japanese uniforms and rated them in categories based on how historically accurate they are in terms of colour and detail in actual Japanese WW2 uniforms. (hairstyles will be excluded)
I based all of these from images from stores, replica's, originals and also looked at a reenactment group and their information to get this as accurate as possible.
Here's how a typical type 98 uniform tunic should look like:
Example 1, example 2, example 3
and here's the trousers:
Example 1, example 2, example 3

Final note: I hope the images work!
Most Historically correct (correct color, mostly correct equipment) :
Able body helmet (correct colour, but no insignia due to reasons)
Able body legs (correct colour for the Japanese uniform)
Touch stone legs (Pants have correct colour, early puttees have correct colour)
Touch stone cap
Border guard helmet (star replaced by a Sakura, this civil defence helmet did exist too.)
Border guard torso (great colour, although the uniform has Shoulder epaulets which the type 98 didn't have)
Sun stroke legs (correct shade for army, black shoes and gaiters would work for the navy)
Squall cap
Explorer legs (correct color)
Wild animal torso (correct shade of the tunic, IJA also had camouflage nets)
Wild animal legs
Jungle viper helmet (just a helmet with foliage)
Master at arms gasmask/hachimaki
Sentinel cap (regular cap with motorcycle goggles/dust goggles. These are the goggles you want to use instead of pilot goggles since they were common with infantry and such)
Kaminari cap (correct shade of blue and white for a ship operator from the IJN)
Kaminari legs (Correct shade of blue and white.)
Assembled sun hat (great color of the cap.)
Tetsu no ame helmet
Tetsu no ame torso (great colour of tunic, the equipment is correct for a army paratrooper)
cloud burst legs (correct pant colour for the IJA.)
Arashi hachimaki (these were headbands worn by pilots and soldiers around their head or helmet)
Ambusher helmet (correct color, lacks two sun flaps though)
Ambusher legs (great color on both gaiters and shoes)
beach head raider helmet
Homeland guardian legs ( good color, way better than border guard)
High tide cap
high tide shorts (just the perfect color)

Meh, kind of correct (Correct in some parts but mostly incorrect):
Able body torso (correct shade, Type 38 Arisaka pouches are supposed to be touching each other.)
Touch stone body (a bit bright in shade, has a rifle pouch for an officer)
Squall torso (very dark compared to an actual IJA coat)
Squall legs (also a bit too dark)
Foot soldier torso (to bright shade)
Explorer torso (a bit dark in color and has pilot goggles, but the correct tanker equipment is used)
Explorer headband (nothing written on it, but apparently naval combat units wore long white headbands)
Downwind cap (color is good, but the cap itself seems to be based on a Manchurian cap)
Wild animal helmet (existed but was a last ditch civil defense helmet)
Master at arms legs (dark but is supposed to be some makeshift camouflage)
Ikazuchi legs (probably makeshift camouflage so I'll put it here)
Sentinel shorts (never seen sandals in the IJA/IJN, shorts are a tiny bit dark.
Assembled legs (a bit bright color for both pants but late war puttees are good.)
Observer helmet (A winter tanker helmet, odd to see it in the pacific but it did exist)
Oni torso (supposed to be makeshift camouflage, equipment is a bit weird)
Arashi torso (tunic itself is a good colour, The senninbari vest does exist although most senninbari were worn around the waist, type 98 grenades were mostly used in China and Indo-china.)
Ambusher torso (Shirt is a shade of green which would hint towards the SNLF, but it's too bright than SNLF green. The canteen and the bread bag are also from the army.)
Senshi torso (makeshift camouflage again, supposed to be a SNLF paratrooper. Type BE/Type 100 ammo pouches, while I've never seen a real IJA/IJN SMG pouch this is how they supposedly looked like.)
Senshi helmet (correct helmet but the gas mask is a civil defense gas mask.)
Homeland guardian helmet (same with the observer but with goggles, weird to see it in the pacific since they were used in northern china)
high tide (a bit too bright color but is other wise fine)

Not accurate (has the wrong colour and the wrong equipment and/or equipment worn in the wrong way.)
Border guard legs (too white than an actual uniform)
Sun stroke cap (too light shade, also has pilot goggles)
Sun stroke torso (too dark, almost black)
foot soldier (too dark compared to actual uniform)
Breakwater torso (the Japanese didn't use any tank tops from what I've found)
Breakwater legs (a bit too dark for the SNLF.)
Downwind torso (same with the break water torso, bandoliers were only used by the cavalry and paratroopers)
Jungle viper torso (the tunic is too bright, Ammo pouches are worn around the belt while they should be worn around the waist. he has a red scarf for some reason)
Jungle viper legs (too dark)
master at arms torso (too white, is probably supposed to resemble paratroopers of some sort)
Ikazuchi (has bandoliers and mortar pouches here and there, also tank top again.)
Sentinel torso (too orange/tanned which would mostly been seen on the Type 38/45/45kai and showa 5 tunics, but it's an undershirt which should look like this or this.)
Kaminari torso (tattoos were largely associated with criminal gangs and the yakuza. seeing one would not be accurate in the navy or the army. The life vest is correct but the ammo pouches are worn on the belt and not the waist belt like they should be. Please just give a sailor uniform or an officer uniform dice!)
assembled torso (too dark compared to an actual officer uniform.)
Tetsu no ame legs (too dark, puttees are white, white puttees and gaiters were only worn on Meiji era winter uniforms or naval land combat units)
Observer torso (same case with sentinel, very bright orange/tan. The ammo pouches are correct for a mortar squad though, also has epaulets like border guard. Note: the only Japanese uniform to have epaulets facing inwards towards the neck was the type 2 naval officer uniform.)
Observer legs (too dark pants again, orange puttee straps)
Cloud burst torso (too bright shade, also only has one mortar pouch)
Cloud burst cap (too bright shade)
Oni headgear (Oh god, it's terrible! The cap is a infantry cap from the army, These caps were used by the Type 38/45/45kai/5 uniforms in WW1/early WW2 and China but were later swapped out by the cap you see on touch stone. The gas mask is from the navy, but isn't even working since it lacks the respirator tube worn on the back! Combining army and Navy equipment is not a good idea since the IJA and IJN hated each other.
Arashi shorts (too dark compared to IRL Japanese shorts)
Beach head raider torso (too bright especially since it's supposed to be a SNLF uniform which are green)
Beach head raider legs (too dark)
Senshi legs (they are supposed to be SNLF paratrooper legs but they are grey.)
Homeland Guardian torso (the color is fine, it has two mortar pouches, some type of body armor on it, type 96/99 lmg pouch. It's very messy with it both pointing for a mortar crewman and a machine gunner so I put it here)
Commando crown (grey, would work as japanese naval helmet, but it has yellow splinters over it so it's placed here)

Ikazuchi (don't know what it's supposed to be so I'll put it here)

Tank skins (Type 97 chi-ha):
Accurate (used by the Japanese army/navy and saw service in the Pacific)
Regulation (the most accurate for the Chi-ha tank since it has the correct colors and includes the Japanese yellow line)
Disrupt Green
Karekusa (standard Japanese tank camouflage)

Semi accurate (did exist and was used but not in the pacific or could possibly have existed)
Splinter (not sure about this one)
Entangled (never seen this one either
Kobe: this one was used on the type 89 I go ko in China)
Undergrowth (also used in china, this is also what the "Japanese style" camouflage for the Mark IV and Renault FT17 in Battlefield 1 is most likely based on.

inaccurate (did possibly not exist)
Disrupt grey
Khaki (never seen a Khaki Japanese tank, they either have the standard "karekusa" or some other camo)

Tank skins (Type 2 Ka-mi):
gunship (standard grey for Ka-mi tanks)
Kusa (also grey but a bit darker)
Khaki? (This Ka-mi and this Ka-mi looks a bit Khaki to me)

Not sure:

undergrowth (this was used in China, where the Ka-mi wasn't deployed.)
Disrupt grey
Ambush (I put ambush and regulation here simply because I doubt they'd be used by the IJN, most IJN tanks used a grey color unlike the army that painted their tanks)

Regarding Nakamura's uniform:
Nakamura is wearing a type 5 uniform because the rank insignia are attached to his shoulders and not the collar of the uniform like the type 98 does.

This took a long time to make and I simply made it because I was annoyed how many wrongly colored Japanese uniforms there are. it's not as bad as the early German/British uniforms we had in the beginning, but most Japanese uniforms are a bit wrong in one way or another. I'll update the page with more images sometime later maybe.
Please tell me the images work...
submitted by Sparris_guy to BattlefieldCosmetics [link] [comments]

Yakuza 8 idea... have it be about an actual Yakuza.

Since they want to move away entirely from the typical Kiryu style yakuza game. Basically you’re an actual yakuza like Someya from 6. You start off as a street runt, Build yourself up through the story, have your suits evolve. Eventually you become a patriarch or captain or some shit.. and you run a family and plan crimes. You pick your actual family members based on personality and reign with lots of personality types. I think that’s an interesting turn, you’re an anti villain or villain, you make big moves and deals with other families from Osaka etc. you choose your tattoo, it gets more filled in the more you level up. Basically a choose your own adventure RGG game with an improved new combat system that’s more like a UFC game with heat actions.
submitted by -CoolHandLu to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

The General's Successors: My idea for a unique "rerun".

I'm going to be blunt right here and now, I despise Warmonger and am not really looking forward to Holden Cross partly due to all the reused animations they have, but mostly because they're adding nothing "fresh" in regards to gameplay. In other words... quoting a certain critic, even if they add in something we're already familiar with, they can AT LEAST do something new with it, and that's what I'm going to do with the moves of a man who spawned a meme.
Forewarning like with all my ideas, I am not fluent at all in the other languages the Heroes' speak, so all translations are rough ones at best with the exception of some Japanese words I actually know the meanings of.

General Info.

Name: Susanoo.
Class: Vanguard.
Sub-Categories: Adaptable, Harasser.
Faction: Samurai.
Can be Both Genders.

Health: 130.
Stamina: 150.

Weapon, Tachi: The predecessor to the famous Katana, the Tachi was the first type of battlefield sword wielded by the Samurai, boasting a blade length of 70-80cm, usually 75cm on average, the Tachi is longer then the Katana's average length of slightly over 60cm with a blade that curves much closer to the hilt as opposed to the tip of the sword. Originally used as a Cavalry weapon on Horseback, many a trained samurai found it to be an equally useful weapon on foot, though older makes of the blades were notorious for being rather brittle in long term engagements, the Susanoo have since vastly improved the make of the weapon, bringing a blade of the past back into the battlefields of the present.
As the Susanoo uses a Static Guard with a blade that isn't as long as an Odachi, their Stances are slightly different from the Orochi and Kensei. In their Side stances, the Susanoo uses the Seigan-No-Kamae Stance, with the Right Side having them lead with their Right Foot with their Right hand further up the sword's hilt and the Left Stance being the inverse. For their Top Stance, they use the Hasso-No-Kamae stance, which visually is similar to Kensei's Side Stances, but standing more straight up and actually being used in the way it was intended, to prepare for Downward strikes.

Armor and Height: With the forming of the Chimera alliance, Metal has become a much more common sight in the Mire, and as such, the Susanoo have access to, and have outfitted themselves with proper Metal Armor. Their Default set and its variations are based off a "Gusoku", a full suit of Japanese Plate Armor composed of a Dou, Kusazuri, Sode over both shoulders, Kote sleeves, a Steel Kabuto, a Metal Mengu to protect the face, iron plated Haidate and iron Suneate around their shins.
Their first "Different" set trades out the Iron pieces of the armor for Leather, which was another design of the Gusoku, with the individual pieces looking less "Bulky" and more lightweight, the Kabuto is also replaced with an Iron Jingasa hat, with some sets having the Susanoo's face revealed while others have their nose and mouth covered by a long cloth. Tozen's Set is found among these.
Their 2nd Set completely forgoes the armor in exchange for attire commonly seen in Samurai movies, a Yoroi Katabira Jacket and Yoroi Hakama pants along with a variety of Hairstyles and faces, some sets even give the Susanoo Body Tattoos akin to the Yakuza. Tozen's Alternate Set is found among these.
In regards to their Heights, the Male Susanoo stands at "Above Average" along the likes of Centurion and Valkyrie where as the Female Susanoo stands at the Male Average along with fellow Vanguards Warden, Tiandi and Kensei, and even female Hitokiri.

Backstory: The history of the Dawn Empire, is one akin to a violent tempest. Their homeland lost, their people outnumbered by their unwanted neighbors, theirs is an existence of survival, to push themselves beyond their limits so they may live to see another day. Considered among their greatest were the Orochi and even greater then them was the famed General Tozen, who was not simply content to master the blade, he had intended to redefine it, utilizing techniques that blended power and speed to devastating effect. Taking the Empire's best under his wing, Tozen was aiming to bring the Samurai's swordsmanship to new heights, until he had met his untimely demise on the capital's bridge.
Though their master had perished, the students vowed to continue his legacy, realizing their swords as they were were ill-suited to this new way of fighting, they began to reforge the predecessor of all the Samurai's blades, a weapon that could be both fast and powerful in equal effect, the Tachi. Its length at the medium between the mighty Odachi and the nimble Katana, it allowed these warriors to be powerful with their swings while having enough lee-way to allow for fast, precise strikes, emulating the speed and fury of a mighty storm. Standing in direct contrast to their former brothers and sisters among the Orochi, these warriors renamed themselves to something more apt for their new way of combat, naming themselves after the Kami and hero that slew the 8-headed serpent, Susanoo.
Though an art was invented, it was yet to be perfected, and the now formed Susanoo saw little to be gained in perishing on the field of battle so soon when there was so much to be done, but now war once more threatens to wrench away everything the Samurai hold dear, as the Horkos and their demented crusade tore down the peace the factions were so close to establishing. Now they could no longer afford to stay in seclusion, and so the Susanoo have joined their cause with the Chimera Alliance, to do what their Champion had done so long ago, they would take the head of a tyrant so that Peace may finally reign, and their Master's legacy would be remembered.


Art of the Storm: Landing Lights or Heavies or Deflecting attacks with "Mind's Eye" will "charge" the Susanoo's blade, upon landing and/or deflecting 5 attacks they gain the "Charged Blade" effect, causing their next attack that hits an opponent to "Jolt" them.
Jolted enemies will have all Lights they block be treated as enhanced, take twice as much chip damage and will gain Half as much Revenge when blocking attacks.
Charged Blade Duration: 10 seconds.
Jolted duration: 10 seconds.

Merciful Eye: The Susanoo can cancel the Recovery of their Lights and Heavies with "Mind's Eye".

Calm Skies: (Light, Light, Light (500ms, 500ms (Undodgable), 500ms))
Damage: 14, 13, 16.

Parting Seas: (Light, Heavy (Infinite) (500ms, 600ms-1000ms)
Damage: 14, 21-24.
Fully Charged Heavies gain Hyper Armor once the attack can no longer be feinted.

Rising Winds: (Light, Light, Heavy (Infinite)) (500ms, 500ms (Undodgable), 600ms-1000ms.)
Damage: 14, 13, 21-24.

The Storm's Path: (Heavy (Infinite) (700ms-1100ms (Opener)/600ms-1000ms (Chain))
Damage: 24-27, 21-24

Receding Rain: (Any Heavy, Light, Light (700ms-1100ms/600ms-1000ms, 500ms (Undodgable), 500ms.))
Damage: 24-27/21-24, 13, 16.

Twice Stricken: (Any Heavy, Light, Heavy (Infinite)) (700ms-1100ms/600ms-1000ms, 500ms (Undodgable), 600ms-1000ms)
Damage: 24-27/21-24, 13, 21-24.

Typhoon Kick: (Guardbreak after a Heavy or Chain Light (500ms (Bash))
500ms Whiff Recovery.

Typhoon Kick Alternate: (Guardbreak during a Side Dodge (500ms (Bash))
700ms Whiff Recovery.
Can be done 200-500ms into the dodge.

Surging Tempest: (Heavy after landing Typhoon Kick (600ms))
Damage: 17.
Leads back into the Infinite Heavy chain.

The Coming Storm: (Hold Dodge during a Forward Dodge)
The Susanoo breaks into a sprint while still locked onto their opponent, quickly closing any gaps the foe may have made. The Susanoo will stop running automatically when they get within Guardbreak range.
Can be stopped early by releasing "Dodge".
Drains 8 Stamina for every 900ms the Susanoo spends running.
Triggers 400ms into the Forward Dodge.

Crashing Waves: (Guardbreak during the Coming Storm (400ms (Bash))
The Susanoo performs a dashing Knee strike, knocking the opponent back a fair distance.
Guarantees nothing normally, but gives the Susanoo Frame Advantage and can potentially Wallsplat.
Drain 30 Stamina from the opponent.
700ms Whiff Recovery.

Sky Splitter: (Forward Dodge Heavy (700ms (Unblockable))
Aims at the Top Guard.
Travels far and tracks rolls.
Can be done 100m-400ms into the Forward Dodge or at any point during The Coming Storm.
Can be feinted.
Leads into Chains.
Damage: 20.

Stone Cutter: (Zone Attack (500ms))
Aims at the Left Guard (Player's Right)
Leads into Chains.
Damage: 16.

Mind's Eye: (Full Block (Unique))
The Susanoo briefly assumes a Defensive Stance that lasts for 200ms, if ANY ATTACK other then a Guardbreak hits the Susanoo during this period, they deflect the blow while stepping slightly to the side, causing the attack to be treated as a Whiff and giving the Susanoo Frame Advantage if they act immediately.
Starts at 100ms.
Has 800ms of total Recovery if nothing is deflected.


Common/Default, (Devourer): Executions restore an additional 10 Health.
Common, (Remedy): Restore 10 Health on Hero Kill.
Common, (Feline Agility): Gain a permanent Movement Speed Buff when you obtain renown levels. (Max: 10%)
Rare, (Vengeful Barrier): Gain a 25 Health Shield when you exit Revenge.
Heroic, (Clever Tactics): You capture Zones and use Banners/Offerings 15% Faster.
Epic, (Fresh Focus): When you're OOS, Blocks, Parries and Counter Guardbreaks restore 20% of your stamina.
Legendary, (Rapid Refresh): Upon killing a Hero or reviving an Ally, all active Feat cooldowns are reduced by 5%.


Level 1.
Raikiri (Passive): You deal 15% more Damage to Jolted opponents.

Tireless (Passive): Gain 16.67% Stamina Cost Reduction once unlocked.

Speed Revive (Passive): You revive allies 50% faster.

Level 2.
Raijin's Fang: Throw a dagger that Jolts the enemy it hits, deals extra damage if the enemy is already Jolted.
Normal Damage: 20.
Jolted Damage: 35.
Cooldown: 60 seconds.

Juggernaut: Gain constant Hyper Armor and a 50% Defense Buff for 10 seconds at the cost of being unable to run when Out-of-lock.
Cooldown: 90 seconds.

Inspire: Gain an Aura that increases the Attack of yourself and allies within it by 20%, and causes friendly minions to fight faster.
Radius: 5m.
Duration: 20 seconds.
Cooldown: 2 minutes.

Level 3.
Conduction (Passive): Your Attacks chain a bolt to the closest enemy near a Jolted foe and continues to chain to successive targets.
Bolt Damage: 75% to 1st, 50% to 2nd and beyond.
Chain Radius: 6m from the Jolted enemy and each victim of the Bolt.
Does not affect Minions or Pikemen.

Nukekubi (Passive): Gain Stamina on successful Attacks.
9 for Lights.
15 for Heavies and each enemy hit by a Zone Attack.

Punch-Through (Passive): Doubles your Chip Damage inflicted to Blocking Opponents.
Adds onto the Chip Damage Bonus on Jolted Enemies.

Level 4.
Ama-no-Habakiri: Deliver a Devastating Attack in a wide radius around you, Jolting every target hit.
2 second wind-up before the attack.
Has hyper armor during the wind-up.
Radius: 10m.
Damage: 60.
Cooldown: 160 seconds.

Stalwart Banner: Place a Banner that heals you and any ally inside it.
Heal: 84 HP over 20 seconds.
Radius: 4m.
Cooldown: 200 seconds.

Morale Booster: You and All living allies gain a 30% Attack Buff for 20 seconds.
Cooldown: 3 minutes.


To the Edge (Default): The Susanoo pulls their Tachi from the foe who tries to throw a punch at them only to have their arm deflected as the Susanoo delivers a clean cut through the opponent's neck, who doesn't even realize they've effectively been decapitated until they try to strike the Susanoo again, only for their head to fall off the moment they make the sudden move forward.
Health restore: 50.
Heal/Death Point: When the opponent's head falls off.

Gutless (Default): The Susanoo pulls their weapon from the foe and quickly after delivers a a Side Kick with so much force behind it that their foot punches through into the opponent's stomach, the Susanoo then retracts their leg, pulling it free and leaving the victim to collapse in a heap with a giant hole in their body.
Health Restore: 35.
Heal/Death Point: When the Susanoo kicks a hole in the opponent.

Tenka Goken: The Susanoo kicks their foe back before delivering a series of 5 slashes to their dazed adversary, ending with a Downward slice that goes straight down the center of the victim who collapses backward in a burst of blood.
Health Restore: 35.
Heal/Death Point: After the 5th and final slash.

At Both Ends: The Susanoo quickly tosses their Tachi towards their dazed foe who catches it with the blade facing towards them, immediately after the Susanoo kicks the foe across the face, making them fall over with the Tachi landing in such a way to where the opponent's neck is dangerously close to its edge. The Susanoo then steps on the victim's upper back to keep them from getting up and begins to apply more and more force against the struggling victim until they are forced down onto the Tachi's edge, decapitating them.
Health Restore: 50.
Heal/Death point: when the opponent is decapitated.


(Reminder, I do not know fluent Japanese.)

"Saa, Mairu!" ("Now, Here I come!") Sky Splitter (Male).

"Nigashimasenu!" ("I will not let you escape!") Sky Splitter (Female).

"Nurui!" ("Easy!") Typhoon Kick (Both).

"Osoi!" ("Too slow") Crashing Waves (Male).

"Tsumaran!" ("Useless!") Crashing Waves (Female).

"Sore o mita!" ("Saw that!") Landing an Attack after successful Mind's Eye (Male).

"Mada Mada!" ("Not good enough!") Landing an Attack after successful Mind's Eye (Female).

"Hanase!" ("Let go!") Counter Guardbreak (Both).

"Kogeki!" ("Strike!") Raijin's Fang (Both).

"Kirisake!" ("Tear apart!") Ama-no-Habakiri (Both).

"Munen da..." ("It's mortifying...") Dying (Male).

"Munen..." ("Regrettable...") Dying (Female).

"Waruagaki datta na." ("That was a futile struggle.") At Both Ends (Male).

"Minohodo shirubeki de atta na." ("You should have known your place.") At Both Ends (Female).

"Watashi o mata senaide kudasai." ("Don't keep me waiting.") Locked on Banter.

"Anata ga kōdō shinai baai. Shimasu." ("If you will not act. I will.") Locked on Banter.

"Nanigadekiruka misete kudasai." ("Show me what you can do.") Locked on Banter.

"*sigh* Jikan'nomuda..." ("A waste of time...") Locked on Banter (Large Health Lead.)

"Motto kitai shite imashita." ("I expected more.") Locked on Banter (Large Health Lead.)

"Karada ga shibireru no o kanjite kudasai." ("Feel your body go numb.") Locked on Banter (Jolted Opponent.)

"Anata wa hangeki suru no ga yoideshou." ("You'd do well to fight back.") Locked on Banter (Jolted Opponent).

"Kore wa sugu ni shūryō shimasu." ("I'll end this quickly.") Locked on Banter (Jolted Opponent).

"Katajikenai." ("I'm in your debt.") Revived.

"Mada shinu tsumori wanai." ("I don't plan on dying yet.") Revived.

"Tatakau ishi wa orete wa oranu." ("My will to fight is not broken.") Revived.

"Mada waraneba naranu koto ga aru." ("There is still something I must do.") Revived.

"Kasurikizu da." ("It's but a scratch.") Revived.

"Sawaruna." ("Don't touch me.") Revived (Warmonger).

"Watashi no shikai kara hazurete, akki." ("Out of my sight, fiend.") Revived (Warmonger).

And... finished. Now, I highly doubt Ubi is going to do anything like this given the direction they've been going with their hero design lately, but hey, who knows. Anyways, what are your thoughts?
submitted by Oddly_red47 to forhonor [link] [comments]


We’ve all seen enough gangster movies to know that, when a certain person breaks the rules of a criminal organization, there is a price to pay. This might come in the form of being ‘whacked’ as the Italian Mafia of the East Coast put it, but it may also involve some kind of monetary restitution, paying a little extra to a capo or mob boss as a way of avoiding the other form of punishment mentioned. But in Japan, the Yakuza Clans have another method of atoning for certain transgressions, what is known as ‘Yubitsume’.
Yubitsume can literally be translated to ‘finger shortening’ in English, and is the act of amputating one’s one little finger. It is a Japanese ritual undertaken by those who wish to apologize for offenses to another, just as much a method of punishment as a way to show sincere guilt and remorse to an offended party. It is an ancient and storied ritual of atonement, but these days, it is primarily performed by the Japanese criminal groups known collectively as the Yakuza, one of the world’s most infamous mafia groups. The act of Yubitsume is believed to have originated with a group known as the ‘Bakuto’, commonly acknowledged to be the predecessors of the modern yakuza Bakuto plied their trade in towns and highways in feudal Japan, playing traditional dice games such as hanafuda. They were considered social outcasts, living outside the laws and norms of society, but were often hired by local governments to gamble with laborers, winning back worker's earnings in exchange for a percentage. If a person was unable to pay off a gambling debt, Yubitsume was sometimes considered an alternative form of repayment, a message to other debtors to pay back the money they owed, least they suffer a similar fate. But what made the little finger so significant? The answer is quite simple. In Japanese swordsmanship, known as ‘Kendo’ in Japanese, the little finger's grip is the tightest on the hilt. Therefore, someone who had lost their little finger was unable to grip their sword properly, making them much easier to defeat in a stand up fight, and in turn, making them something of a burden, much more dependent on the protection of others. On top of being intensely painful, the act would mean a lasting humiliating for those that endured it. It was not just a temporary means of punishment, it was something that would effect a person for the rest of their lives.
In order to perform Yubitsume, a person lays down a small clean cloth and lays their left hand onto the cloth facing down. Then, using an extremely sharp knife, often a Japanese Tanto, the person cuts off the section of his left little finger above the top knuckle on the finger or the tip of the finger. They then wrap the severed portion in the cloth and submit the contents graciously to the Godfather of his particular clan, known as the ‘Oyabun’ in Japanese.
If a more grievous offence is committed, then the person moves on to the next joint of the finger to perform the ritual. Multiple transgressions might well mean cutting off portions of the right little finger too, if no more joints of the left finger remain.
The practice of Yubitsume can also be very common among the Yakuza. Their strict hierarchical code means clan members are often found to have broken certain rules, and a Yakuza can be just as recognizable by the absence of sections of their little fingers as they are for the full body tattoos they sport under their well pressed suits. Only unlike the tattoos, which are only inked in places that can be covered up by their clothing, thus essentially concealing their identities from those around them, the absence of their little fingers can be extremely noticeable to those around them. And in recent years, since many Yakuza have sought to leave their various clans, or at least disguise their membership of the organization; and so one Japanese doctor has found himself serving a rather dangerous clientele with a very unusual product.
Thirty nine year old Shintaro Hayashi is prosthetics maker who built a career making silicone body parts for patients with breast cancer, or legs and arms for those injured in serious accidents. But a decade ago, he started to notice a change in the type of person that patronised his Tokyo-based company, Aiwa Gishi. He started to see a steady increase in men who were asking for custom made prosthetic pinkie fingers. Doctor Hayashi says there are three main reasons that Yakuza visit his business. Some clan members are dragged into his office by girlfriends worried about their reputations. Some are former Yakuza who are eager to move up the corporate ladder but worried about the repercussions of their past being exposed. Others are lifelong Yakuza who have no intention of escaping a life of crime, but need to cover up their identity for a some kind of sensitive family based event, such as a wedding or a funeral. The doctor molds silicone prosthetic pinkies, made to seamlessly mask the amputation, making for a smoother transition to the outside world. Priced at nearly $3,000 each, the fingers are carefully painted, to match the exact skin color of the client. Former yakuza members, who make up 5% of Hayashi's business, often keep several sets of fingers for different seasons, a light skinned version for winter or a tanned look for summer. Hayashi has already produced more than three hundred prosthetic fingers, and savours the positive transformation each one brings to the lives of those that wear them. Some Yakuza, who have only been made to cut off a small section of their pinkie finger, are able to hide their lack of appendage by making a permanent fist when in public, but after being forced to commit Yubitsume so many times, there comes a point when certain men can no longer hide their identities. The increasing demand for prosthetic pinkies coincides with an aggressive push to crack down on the yakuza. Gang member numbers have steadily declined, since the Anti-Organized Crime Law went into effect in 1992. But there are still more than 70,000 gang members, according to the National Police Agency.
In recent years, police have clamped down on cash flows, gang activities, and passed measures aimed at pressuring legitimate businesses to cut ties with the mob, which as we may come to learn, has caused excessive levels of Yakuza violence in some areas of Japan.
One ex member of the Yamaguchi-gumi had to undergo Yubitsume a total of four times during his twenty year career in the clan. On the first occasion, he was made to slice the joint of his pinkie to atone for causing a bar fight in which a civilian was beaten up, one which drew unnecessary police attention to the clan. Another was punishment for when one of his underlings was caught taking drugs. As the drug user’s superior, the Yakuza member had to share some of the blame for his actions, and was forced to sever his left pinkie even further. He was made to slice off the remainder of his finger when he decided to cut ties with his former clan completely. The former Yakuza’s current wife convinced him to try and turn his life around after spending years in a Japanese prison, but because he was missing his pinkie, his criminal past was there for all prospective employers to see, so it was almost impossible for him to secure a decent job. “The first time I applied for a job, I got cut after the interview. I couldn't write the truth in my resume because I had been in the yakuza for 20 years” he said during an interview “If you don't have fingers, there's no way to get a sales job. If you put on the finger, you can turn your life around”.
The anonymous former Yakuza managed to hear of Doctor Hayashi after an exhaustive online search for an artisan prosthetics manufacturer, and says his artificial fingers have aided him in his efforts to change his life for the better. He is currently employed by a company that remodels homes, and says he's only once been asked questions regarding his prosthetic fingers. He has to visit Doctor Hayashi at least four times a year for what he refers to as ‘touch-ups’, a procedure that comprises a re-painting of certain discolored parts of the prosthetics. He's amassed more than one hundred fingers over the years, and keeps extras stored away in case of emergencies. “I take off the prosthetic fingers as soon as I get home”, the ex Yakuza adds, “and I never wear them on my days off”.
And so, whenever the COVID-19 travel restrictions come to an end, and you find yourself travelling around Japan, you may find yourself sitting next to someone on the Tokyo metro who has a slightly odd look to one of his pinkie fingers. And if you do, it would be extremely advisable that you’re excessively polite to such a man, because there’s no telling just what horrendous acts of violence he’s committed in the past. Acts of violence he’s not just inflicted on other people, but those he’s inflicted on himself too.
submitted by LetsRead_YouTube to LetsReadOfficial [link] [comments]

One of my players wants a magical yakuza tattoo that gets filled in over time. Need advice on balancing.

A barbarian unarmed brawler type wants a magical tattoo that gets filled in over time like they do for irl yakuza. I suggested incremental power gains at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels. I told him the magical ink would be something to work or quest for.
He asked for fire based effects that arise while in rage. I suggested:
5th level: +2 fire damage to damage rolls.
10th level: enemies that end their turn within 10 feet of the player take 2 fire damage.
15th level: increase the damage and passive burn to +4 fire damage.
20th: I haven't decided. Maybe increase to +6?
Do you guys think the damage/benefits are balanced considering fire is usually resisted?
Edit: formatting
submitted by YumieTakagi to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

Kojiro the rider

Name: Kojiro Suzuki
alias: Kojiro the rider or The ronin of the streets
Age 28
Sex: male
Race: Human
Class: Gunman
Health: low
MP: none
DF: low

flaws: doesn't understand the concept of mercy, even if someone did nothing wrong, if they got in his way they will be knocked out or injured or in the worst case scenario, murdered in cold blood.
Wanted all across the world for: illegal racing, murder, stealing, black market dealings, and in posseion of illegal gear like his modded bike.

Weapons: Miltech revolver and tsunami nekomata heavy sniper rifle.

Look: Wears a worn down gray and white biker helmet, light brown and peanut colored leather jacket covered in pins and patches from old biker gangs , dark gray sneakers, cargo pants, and a cyan dragon tattoo on his left arm. He is of Japanese origin.


Ace Rider: Proficient in racing bikes, can repair them without the need of a garage (assuming there are parts nearby or the one use bike repair kit is in inventory)

Gunslinger: Proficient in pistol type weapons, can draw, reload, and fire them faster. Can modify them with more expensive mods.
Rifleman: Proficient in semi automatic rifles like snipers and DMRS, can reload them faster and can modify them with more expensive mods.

Riders legacy: Can ask for aid from other riders and can trade bike parts with them.


Don't even think about it: Can shoot a one handed weapon off an enemy's hand. (Dm decides effectiveness)

Yari: Summons Yari, Kojiro’s personal racing bike equipped with: overcharged accelerator: allowing for an extremely fast and long burst of speed at the cost of a high chance of exploding the bike and kojiro. Illegally modified engine, and standard nitro boost.

Dash: Allows Kojiro to dodge or engage an enemy at very a very fast speed.

Voice changer: Allows Kojiro to record a voice of anyone and anything and imitate it via his helmet radio. (Including other characters voices in the oakshack)

Inventory: Yari, miltech revolver, Tsunami nekomata heavy sniper rifle, a one use bike repair kit, old biker helmet with an attached radio, ammunition for weapons, and a medal from the last race he won.

Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GodbJOwIs6U

Bio: Kojiro grew up in tokyo japan as a loner, bullied by everyone at his school for not having nice clothes or cool toys and gadgets, at home he was abused by his drug addict dad and his 3 older brothers, his mom was killed in a shootout so he had no mother figure except the one person that remotely cared about him, his sister. She was a mechanic and ran a car tuning shop down the street so she let him tag along on weekends and at night she and him would sneak out to the garage and modify her bike and sports car. His parents never found out and it continued until Kojiro turned 18 and moved out and began the start of his life of underground racing, he began by using one of his sisters old bikes and raced in local drag races and duels. Eventually he began to make a name for himself and won countless races around Tokyo and was given the name: the Ronin of the streets. But 5 years later a group of yakuza members blew up his sisters shop and shot her in the head right in front of Kojiro before stealing her bike and riding off into the night. So in order to make his revenge he took the bike they worked on together every night and rode off after them, the one soon to be named Yari.

Tldr: Grew up in tokyo to shitty family without a mom because she was killed, and bullied at school, turned to underground bike racing, sister was the only person nice to him and was killed by yakuza so he wants revenge.
submitted by F_r3 to TheOakShack [link] [comments]

Smite God Skin Concepts Part 2: One for Everyone (I Hate Myself)

This was a massive undertaking the first time, the second time upped the ante. Check whatever gods you want, I'm tired.
Achilles - Trojan Horse (Wooden Armour.)
Agni - Greek Fire (A more green approach to agni.)
Ah Muzen Cab - Satyr Swarm (Blow dart type auto and tree based everything else with faeries instead of bees.),
Order of the Bat (Vampire skin replacing bees with bats and honey with blood.)
Ah Puch - Mariachi Madness (Spanish Dia de la Muerte skin, death mask and a maraca.)
Amaterasu - Solar Winds (Solar panel-like armour and a solar surfer a la Treasure Planet.)
Anhur - Ben Anhur (Charioteer skin like Ben Hur.)
Anubis - High Priest (Jackal Hooded Priest.)
Ao Kuang - Protector of the Eastern Sea (A Chinese Imperial type armour.)
Aphrodite - Beauty Queen (Beauty Pageant skin.)
Apollo - Soothing Voice (Therapist skin (pencil projectiles and therapy couch for ult.)), White Rider (A sickly man with a cold that never fades and a horse white as snow, he apocalypse is brought by a quartet of horsemen, Apollo brings an unending plague.)
Arachne - Fate Weaver (Ethereal type skin (Think Osiris passive.))
Ares - Consuming Flames (Flame effects from any gaps in his armour ie top of boots or out of his shoulder pads.)
Artemis - In The Bushes! (Gillies suit and compound bow.)
Artio - Wild Woman/Druid (Feral Bear and disheveled clothes and hair.)
Athena - Brutal Warlord (Wasteland skin, tire pauldron, spike shield, rebar spear.)
Awilix - Moon.jpg (Dot skin ie Crit.dmg, Tron type ride. If anyone can suggest a better name for this one, that’d be great.)
Baba Yaba - Mortar & Pestle (Poison type skin.)
Bacchus - Lumbersmashed (Axe and Jug of Maple Syrup.)
Bakasura - Death Mantis (Self-explanatory.)
Baron Samedi - Chill Saturday (Stoner type skin, Saturday an allusion to Samedi meaning Saturday in french.)
Bastet - Bast (A dark fur, more sleek design with a classic style cat o’ nine tails whip.)
Bellona - Warrior Priestess (Classic rpg paladin/priestess type skin.)
Cabrakan - Spacial Rift (Galaxy Skin, Swirling nebula for his 3.)
Camazotz - Fruity Bat (Crazy Bat with a white beard and differently sized eyes.)
Cerberus - Turtle of Terror (Turtle stuff and water effects.)
Cernunnos - Outback Tour Guide (Australian kangaroo with boomerang.)
Chaac - Rain Bringer (Gambler type skin, rains money with 3.)
Chang’e - Lounge Singer (Flowing red dress, feather boa.)
Chernobog - Rainbow Raider (Multicoloured crystals, ult surfs in on a rainbow.)
Chiron - Follower of the Sphinx (Horse half is now lion, egyptian garb for human half.)
Chronos - Chronological (Chronos is now a know-it-all scholar.)
Cthulhu - Scientific Abomination (Partially human transforming into tentacle monster.)
Cu Chulainn - Ink Freak (Tattoo artist with a giant tattoo needle.)
Cupid - Humming Hearts (Hummingbird skin.)
Da Ji - Cake Topper (Like the other dessert type skins, ult is a narrow multi tiered cake.),
City Slicer (Kaiju type skin where she sits on a skyscraper.)
Discordia - Tarot Reader (Magician skin, 1 Ball of cards that scatter, 2 the death tarot card below them etc.)
Erlang Shen - Illusory Sage (Holographic armour and pet that's a drone in disguise, illusions flicker.)
Fafnir - Fear-ocious Greed (A Xing type skin where Faf’s head is a void and his armour is spiked and has a face, dragon form and armour are black and red with a similar fire.)
Fenrir - Bloodthirsty Beast (Fire replaced with blood, fur matted and lighter fur to show the blood better.)
Freya - Queen of Blades (Armour with sharper edges, bladed gauntlets etc.)
Ganesha - Club Bouncer (Ult is velvet rope, weapon is a nightstick.)
Geb - Lead Lined (Geb is like a nuclear bunker.)
Guan Yu - Savannah Strider (Guan Yu as an african warrior riding a zebra.), Red Rider (A burly, fiery armoured man with a blood red horse, the apocalypse is brought by a quartet of horsemen, Guan brings the horrors of War.)
Hachiman - Black Rider (A thin ragged man with tattered clothes and an emaciated horse, the apocalypse is brought by a quartet of horsemen, Hachiman brings with him a wave of Famine.)
Hades - Killjoy (Bat who laughs type skin with a more yellow colour scheme.)
He Bo - Cumulous Rider (He Bo rides a cloud and fires electricity.)
Heimdallr - Heim Dolly (Cutesy or female skin.)
Hel - Hel & Gel (Wateslime effects.)
Hera - Casting Stones (Hera is a living statue and Argus is more humanoid but also a statue.),
Year of the Jaguar (Hera takes on a mayan appearance and Argus a jaguar.)
Hercules - Zero to Hero (Possibly a Tier 5 where he’s scrawny but as he levels he becomes more buff and develops a godly glow.),
All Rocked Out (Hercules has a guitar, throws a spherical speaker.)
Lernaean Venom (Poison type skin with a hydra head in place of the lion on his arm.)
Horus - Lord of the Air (Horus takes a more regal form with darker feathers and air particles swirling his wings.)
Hou Yi - Sun Kissed (Beach skin with a more tanned mans.)
Hun Batz - Howlin’ Good Time (Party skin, Hun wearing an ironic tee.)
Isis - Mistress of Magic (Isis takes on a more magician look, flourishing with attacks and wings only appearing when she does.)
Izanami - Shrieking Banshee (add screams and a white tattered dress.)
Janus - Dodgeball Champ (sporty skin, 2 and ult dodgeballs, 1 hula hoop portals.),
SWAT Bot (police skin, 3 is a spike strip.)
Jing Wei - Eternal Oath (Jing Wei’s oath continues even if she does not, zombie skin)
Jormangandr - Leviathan (Jorm takes a more sea serpent/dragon appearance, slick instead of scaly.)
Kali - Body Built (either a frankenstein type skin or a bodybuilder, bodybuilder holds barbells and kettlebell.)
Khepri - Pyramid Protector (a sandstone statue skin with sand effects.)
King Arthur - Kingdom Defence (An Imperialistic red and gold arthur with a helm and castle inspired designs for his armour ie. guard tower pauldrons.)
Kukulkan - Firestorm (takes on a phoenix look with fire effects.)
Kumbhakarna - Instiller of Nightmares (Kumba takes on a Chern like appearance, creepy and dark with more spikes.)
Kuzenbo - Swamp Lurker (Creature of the Black Lagoon type skin perhaps with sludge dripping from him.)
Loki - Devious Mugger (an anarchy adjacent skin, mask, switchblades.)
Medusa - Stheno (Medusa takes on the appearance of her sister with bronze claws and tusks.)
Mercury - Speed of Light (Angelic skin with light effects.)
Merlin - King’s Steward (Merlin is dressed like an advisor of sorts, alternate name Elemental Advisor.)
Marlin (Merlin is now a swordfish man.)
Mulan - Chi Master (wears a DBZ style Gi.)
Ne Zha - Blazing Lotus (Beach skin shorts with flame design and a fiery lotus tattoo on his back.)
Neith - Longstockings (Pippi skin.)
Nemesis - Divine Retribution (Purple spiky skin, reference to her shield.)
Nike - V for Victory (V for Vendetta but a woman and colour swapped (white clothes, black mask.))
Nox - Aetherial/Night’s Sky (Wind effects with a toga. This is a reference to her being the mother of Aether, god of the upper atmosphere.)
Nu Wa - Prison Warden (Prisoner minions. In an ideal world, she would have a whip to replace her auto attacks but that's just me. Bastet could get a similar skin but with attack dogs(or cats) and could be her lieutenant.)
Odin - Rune Reader (Magical odin with a conjured Gungnir.)
Olorun - Stairway to Heaven (Heavy metal skin.)
Osiris - Uris (Osiris in all his buff, pre murdered glory, reference to his local name meaning mighty.)
Pele - Vesuvius (Pele takes on a more greek appearance.)
Persephone - Asphodel’s Keeper (An almost lifeless appearance with white birch like tree plants.)
Poseidon - Broseidon (frat bro skin with beer visuals.),
Posei-Don (Mafia skin.)
Ra - Burning Light (Opposite of a void skin, like a sentient ball of light in a vaguely human form)
Raijin - Djembe Destroyer (African inspired drummer.)
Rama - Phantom Arrow (Rama, like his one, can (theoretically) go through walls, ghost skin.)
Ratatoskr - Tree Crawler (Squirrel costumed superhero.)
Ravana - Cyber Stiker (Cyborg skin.)
Scylla - Kylla (Jack the Ripper from Fate skin.)
Serqet - Mantiqet (Manticore skin.)
Set - Emissary of Chaos (Set’s armour resembles Discoria’s wings and looks like a more wild beast.)
Skadi - Cyro-Mech (Skadi takes on a cyborg look and controls a robot dog with her watch. Kaldr’s fangs release liquid nitrogen.)
Sobek - Nile Crocodile (Plushy Sobek.),
Fish Bait (Angler skin.)
Sol - Pyromaniac (Part of a prisoner theme set with Nu Wa.)
Sun Wukong - Delusional Illusionist (Sun Wukong uses his “power of Illusion” to appear as animals and create a decoy. To get to his cloud he climbs a chain link fence, cloud is a bed of barbed wire. Also a part of the Nu Wa Prison set.)
Susano - Manslayer (Susano takes the form of a wandering samurai in the new Meiji era.)
Sylvanus - Call of the Wild (Sylv takes the form of a satyr and treeboi a more Ent-like look with more bramble.)
Terra - Metallic Monstrocity (Terra controls all the earth, including metal ore, which she coats herself in. She takes a similar look as Kevin from Ben 10.)
Thanatos - Pale Rider (An enigmatic figure with an obscured face riding a horse so white, it is nearly translucent. The apocalypse is brought by a quartet of horsemen, Thanatos brings a wave of extinction as Death. He takes to the sky on the back of his noble beast.)
The Morrigan - Morgana (King Arthur’s sis and a powerful mage.)
Thor - Frost-slayer (Thor has a reputation for killing frost giants, this skin would reflect that. His hair is tied up, his armour more streamlined and in line with typical viking armour, a gambeson and chainmail.)
Thoth - Knowledge Seeker (A professor with a voracious appetite for knowledge and a tiny pet ibis on his shoulder, brown suit and all that.)
Tsukuyomi - Yakuza Enforcer (Tsuki uses giant tonfas, or nightsticks, and wears black trench coat hanging from his shoulders, anime style.)
Tyr - Morally Absolute (Compass design on his breastplate (moral compass lol) and as much symmetry as possible including a double edged blade.)
Ullr - Odin’s Successor (Ullr takes his place as Odin’s chosen successor, he would take on kingly attire, including a crown.)
Vamana - Sakura Shogun (Vamana dons a Japanese yukata and umbrella with cherry blossom designs.)
Vulcan - Trapmaster (As revenge for being tossed off of Olympus, Vulcan creates a golden net to ensnare Juno. This would be a younger Vulcan with net launchers on his back.)
Xbalanque - Outback Tracker (Australian hunter skin.)
Xing Tian - Relentless General (The Great General Xing Tian will not be conquered. He faces down armies with his armour donning the face of a demon to strike fear in their hearts. Basic idea is that Xing is still alive and had a face on his chest even before he was decapitated.)
Yemoja - Waves of Darkness (Void effects.)
Ymir - Nordic Earth (As Odin carved earth into existence from Ymir’s body, shouldn’t his body reflect the entire earth? I propose that Ymir have ice at his head and feet and become more tropical in the middle like the actual earth.)
Zeus - Ladykiller(Loverboy?) (Zeus' reputation as a prolific lover is one of his defining traits. As such, he should have a skin that’s younger and more alluring.)
Zhong Kui - Shinto Priest (Japan and China both use paper talismans to ward off evil so I figured why not give him a Japanese skin.)
Everything from here on is just some of my thoughts on this project, so if you don’t care, you can ignore this and stop reading.
This took me a bit longer than last time, but I figured I’d do it again but make it more pleasing to look at. This took a surprising amount of research and effort and I appreciate you taking a gander. I also wanted to put a brief synopsis of group skin ideas at the end and an explanation of some of the skin ideas in part 1.
Prison Escape - This would be an event or battle pass. Nu Wa and Bastet would be the jailors and Sol and Sun Wukong would be the escapees. This roster of escapees could always be expanded later ie, the Devious Mugger Loki skin.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - This would also be an event or battle pass. I picked the gods mostly based on if they had a horse or ult that could work well. Apollo, among other things, is a god of plagues and healing so he fit well for Pestilence. Guan is a war god and fits in similarly well. Hachiman is the outlier for not having any relation to famine, but had a horse so in he goes. Thanatos, as Death, was the most obvious choice but the troubles in animating him a horse to fly on would make him the final tier reward.
Gambler’s Paradise - The first gambler skin I thought of in the first part of this came long before I knew Hera was going to get just such a skin. They would likely come out individually, much like said Hera skin. They include; Game Master Ullr, Death Dealer Hades, High Roller Baron Samedi, Lounge Singer Chang’e and Rain Bringer Chaac. I was also hoping they would take on a prohibition or fifties vibe.
Divine Masquerade - I took a real liking to Isis’ Midnight Raven skin and figured a few more gods could look good in a similar style. These were; V for Victory Nike, Undead Masquerade Ah Puch, Jazz Musician Heimdallr and Night’s Mistress Nox.
Coincidentally, I had a lot of African themed skins. I wanted to give the Yoruba Pantheon more representation because it’ll probably be a while until they get their next rep in Smite. Same goes for Japan, as I took heavy inspiration from anime for a couple of the skins.
Now for things I’d like to expand from the first part of this. DJ Persephone would be better as Underworld Meistro. Golem Tamer Sylvanus would make more sense as Troll Tamer with Vanus remaining a goblin. Vamana’s Beach Bash was mostly because of beach umbrellas and he’s mostly shirtless anyway. Ratatoskr’s Nidhogg’s Vassal was a reference to the dragon at the base of Yggdrasil. Odin’s All Seeing Eye would have two pillars projecting a flaming head with one hole where his working eye is, not just a straight Eye of Sauron rip. Jing Wei’s Sea Tamer was either supposed to be a pirate or a Nereid though I wouldn’t mind both. Izanami’s Portal Mistress was inspired by her ult being a portal and that being Janus’ sphere of influence. Monkey Business Hun Batz was inspired by Punkduck’s Overwatch video.
submitted by RootZepplin to Smite [link] [comments]

More fun Infos about Raphael (MC's dad)

🧊Real name is Masaru Yukimura, born in 13/10/1952 and originated from Hiroshima.
🧊Came from a yakuza family, the Yukimura clan and was eldest of the seven siblings.
🧊Out of everyone in his family, he only trusted his twin sister, Masami (who shared the same sentiment as him) and the family butler, Kojiro.
🧊Was exiled by his family when he openly renounced his position as the heir of the clan. On the day of his exile, Kojiro snuck a one-way ticket to Paris inside his bag with a letter from Masami saying she'll write him letters every month to keep in touch.
🧊Spent most of his time in exile learning new skills, mastering a couple of languages and doing odd jobs to repay his debt with Kojiro.
🧊Changed his name into Raphael and applied for citizenship.
🧊Enrolled to a university to become a psychiatrist and passed with flying colors.
🧊Met Kahina when his classmate brought him to an opera house in Paris and fell in love when he saw her performance.
🧊 Bonded over their love for science, they eventually get married and had Isidore a year later as well as Marisol five years after.
🧊Moved to Marseille for a promotion and lived a fairly simple life with his family.
🧊 When Isidore and Marisol were kidnapped in 1981, Raphael and Kahina frantically searched for them non stop alongside other distraught parents who also lost their child.
🧊Cried every night as he dreamt of his children screaming and crying as they were being pulled away.
🧊Never stopped searching for them for the past 30 years, Raphael and Kahina had been collecting information of their whereabouts while maintaining their daily lives.
🧊On that fateful day, he received an anonymous call from a man named Caesar, saying that the missing children are now in Cassell college and there'll be an agent who'll pick them up.
🧊Was beyond furious when he found out what happened to Isidore and Marisol and proceed to chew everyone out.
🧊Took an extended leave to help his children deal with their PTSD and several undiagnosed traumas.
🧊Had trained a senior beagle named Hercule to be a therapy dog for support and comfort (Often brings him to help Erii with her therapy sessions).
🧊 Sees the Gen/Minamoto siblings as children of his own and was lowkey glad when Kahina adopted them.
🧊Plans on bringing Isidore and Marisol to meet their aunt, who's now the current head of the clan.
🧊Is suportive when they came out to him; Isidore as a trans man, Marisol as a lesbian and will not hesitate to uppercut anyone who badmouths his kids.
🧊Absolutely despised being compared to other men as it reminded him of his rough childhood.
🧊Loves Symphony rock, heavy metal and Enka.
🧊Has tattoos on both arms and chest with flowers and animals as the main motifs.
🧊His favorite food is seafood, specifically bouillabaisse with giant shrimps in it.
🧊Is horrified when he found about Kahina's plan on realizing Chisei's dream of opening a sunscreen stall on a nudist beach.
🧊Still falls madly in love with his wife and vice versa, often stuck in their 'honeymoon' phase.
🧊Face claim: Hiroyuki Sanada.
🧊 His body type is akin to a muscle bear, thick beards and all.
🧊Has a slight Chūgoku dialect that's apparent whenever he's in a bad mood.
submitted by Bi-disaster94 to DragonRajaMobile [link] [comments]

Suicide Squad Annual 1 - The Man Who Never Misses

DC Next presents:

Suicide Squad

Annual: The man who never misses
Written by Deadislandman1
Edited by dwright5252 and AdamantAce
Eight years before the crisis in Coast City
Floyd Lawton crouched in a dark corner of a suburban home, surveying the dining room with his weapon in hand. He’s been sitting here for hours, biding his time and waiting for the moment to strike. His mark would be here soon, to sit down at the table to eat her breakfast, so Lawton was prepared to take the shot before the meal was eaten. If he missed, if he failed to hit the target, he would face grave consequences, ones that he couldn’t bear to be subject to.
His target finally entered the room, skipping over to her chair and pulling it out, jumping into the seat and tapping the table with open hands, humming along to a cheery beat. Closing his left eye, Lawton brandished his weapon, aiming it at the girl and placing his finger on the trigger. Placing the sights on her long, dirty blonde hair, Lawton quietly took a deep breath before pulling the trigger.
A marshmallow gently bounced off of Zoe Lawton’s head, prompting a quiet yelp from the girl as she whirled around to find her father holding a marshmallow blaster. Smiling, he stepped out of the shadows, revealing an outfit that consisted of a pair of khakis, a plaid button up shirt with hawaian trees plastered all over it, and a silly party hat strapped to the top of his head, the strap digging into his bushy facial hair.
“Happy birthday, sweetie!” piped Floyd, dropping the blaster and opening his arms to receive a hug, “Come give your old man a big hug!”
“Daddy!” squealed Zoe, practically leaping out of her chair to run to her father, tackling him with a hug that Lawton returned. As the two embraced, Susan Lawton shambled into the room, heavy bags under her eyes as she brushed back her crimson hair, which was stricken with a serious case of bedhead.
“Well, look who’s up!” said Floyd, releasing Zoe to give Susan an affectionate peck on the cheek. “I didn’t think you’d be awake this early.”
“It’s only nine o’clock, Floyd,” said Susan, rubbing her eyes. “Besides, I’m not going to miss our daughter’s birthday!”
“Yeah, but...you were up late last night prepping the chicken for today’s birthday lunch,” said Floyd.
“Mooooom, Daaaaad!” howled Zoe, stamping her feet, “No more talking! Let’s have some fun!”
“Of course, sweety!” said Floyd, slowly backing away, “And we can start with your first present!”
“Yaaaay!” said Zoe, bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement as Floyd walked out of the room, allowing Susan to occupy their now ten year old daughter to prevent her from bouncing off the walls. He’d been retired from active duty for about five years now, having finished his distinguished service with a Silver Star Metal and an inhuman record for shots hit versus shots missed. He was the best marksman the special forces had ever had, which made it perfect for him to carry those skills into his new job. But today wasn’t about his job, today was about Zoe, and he wanted to make sure that he would be here the entire day.
Marching up to his and Susan’s bedroom, Floyd knelt down next to their bed, reaching underneath and grabbing a large package, sliding it out before slinging it under his shoulder. Susan, who was aware of Floyd’s day job, warned him that she wouldn’t accept any toy guns, something that Zoe showed a peculiar interest in, but Floyd felt that he should at least meet her halfway.
A toy crossbow wasn’t a gun, right?
Scratching the scruff on his cheek, Floyd turned back towards the entrance to his bedroom to head back to Zoe when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Pulling it out, Floyd frowned when he realized it was from a restricted number.
“Shit.” said Floyd, under his breath so his daughter wouldn’t hear. He knew these calls weren’t meant to be ignored, so he quickly answered it, bringing the phone up to his ear, “Hello?”
“Deadshot, we demand your services. Your targets are the two VIP’s located in a limousine arriving at the Royal Hotel in the Gotham Burnley district precisely at noon. Eliminate them both and payment will be provided.”
When the client gave their demands then hangs up, it was always a sign that the job couldn't be ignored without serious repercussions. Growling to himself in frustration, Floyd knew that if he didn’t drive up from Burnside to kill these pricks his family would be in serious jeopardy. Placing the present on the bed, Lawton walked over to his closet, grabbing a suitcase from the corner before walking downstairs as he made his way for the front door, Zoe skipped in front of him, only to see him holding his suitcase.
“Daddy! I thought you were staying with us for my birthday!” said Zoe, pleading with puppy dog eyes. Susan walked into the hall as well, glaring at Floyd.
“I’m sorry, pumpkin, but this is really important. Daddy really can’t miss this,” said Floyd, flashing a look at Susan to confirm that this was indeed serious. Susan sighed, nodding in understanding as Floyd knelt down to be at head level with his daughter, “Tell you what, I’ll be back as soon as I can, then we’ll all have a great big cookie cake!”
Zoe’s eyes widened as she began to giggle, “Really?! Awesome!”
Tackling Floyd with one last hug, Zoe skipped down the hall, with Susan following her to the dining room to eat breakfast as Lawton straightened his shirt, walking out the door to complete his job.
The Royal Hotel was a place that hosted only the most wealthy and prestigious people traveling in and around the city, though considering Gotham’s reputation, Lawton couldn’t imagine why anybody would ever dream of staying here for longer than a night or two. At least, anybody who achieved their status through legitimate means. The reality of the situation was that the Royal was often a hotbed for criminal activity, specifically organized crime, and judging by the host of armed and tattooed Japanese guards standing rank and file outside of the hotel entrance, Lawton felt it was safe to presume he was offing some high-up Yakuza members in today's job.
Lawton counted the guards posted outside of the hotel from his rooftop perch and stored the number in his head before kneeling back behind cover, placing his suitcase on the concrete and clicking the locks on the sides, propping it open to reveal his combat gear inside. A main body piece consisting of light kevlar fabric supported by armored plates around the chest area made up most of the suit, with wrist gauntlets that featured built in guns preloaded with submachine gun ammunition and a metal helmet with a targeting system built into the right eye to complete the set. Carefully taking the suit out of the case, Lawton slipped his civilian attire off before getting into his battle gear, sliding his arms into the wrist weapons before picking the helmet up and putting it to the side, revealing a semi-automatic rifle with two full magazines, a high powered armor piercing round meant for his wrist weapons and capable of punching through a tank, and a serrated combat knife.
Since Lawton never missed, he tended to keep his ammunition count light as to maximize his mobility, but he still packed just a little extra just in case he came up against more opponents than he initially expected. Packing the spare magazine into his suit along with the knife and the shotgun shell, Lawton returned his attention to his helmet, picking it up off the ground and observing it for any imperfections or issues that might prop up during combat.
Despite the fact that he polished and repaired as much of the helmet as possible after every mission, small scratches and dents were visible all over the headgear, showing the years of hardship and battle it and Lawton had been through despite his best efforts. As he continued to examine the gear, a small thought propped itself up in his mind as he mentally recalled the cause of each and every scar on the helmet.
How long was he really going to keep doing this?
A decade of military service, half a decade of contract killing, would the years of murder continue to pile on? Sure, Lawton didn’t mind taking people’s lives, he’s been doing so for nearly half his life at this point, but he was concerned that as he got older, as his reflexes began to atrophy, that he may be the one biting a bullet instead of his target. This wasn’t for the obvious reason that Lawton feared death, he’d cast that anxiety aside early on in his career.
In truth, Lawton was worried about his work invading his home life, invading Zoe and Susan’s lives. A career like this is bound to leak into one’s personal relationships, often in the form of someone being paid to slag your family members. Lawton didn’t want anything to happen to his wife or child, and the longer he worked, the bigger the chances that an assassin would kick down the door to his home to snuff out his family.
After this job, Lawton would see to it that he’s taken off of the deep web to retire. The best way to prevent this kind of thing is to stop before it becomes an issue.
Honk Honk
The limousine carrying Lawton’s targets began to pull up to the hotel, screeching to a halt as the assassin cursed to himself, flipping the helmet around before slipping it over his head. Grabbing the rifle and magazine, Lawton slid the latter into place before turning back towards the hotel, planting the butt of the firearm into his shoulder before looking down the iron sights, his one-eyed helmet visor providing a more complete scope for him to work with.
Two Yakuza in black suits came out of the hotel’s front entrance, rapidly approaching the limousine and standing guard as the door opened, allowing an older Yakuza in a white suit to exit the vehicle. The older man turned around, gesturing to somebody else to get out of the car as well as the two Yakuza piled around the door, creating a sort of shield as the second person seemed to exit the car, with the bodyguards preventing Lawton from getting a good view of the person in question.
Judging by their apparent importance, it was clear that the man in the white suit and the person hidden by the bodyguards were his targets. Considering the fact that one of the people had bodyguards at all, Lawton could surmise that they were the more important of the targets. Making the decision that they would be the first to go, Lawton took aim at one of the bodyguard’s backs, hoping to hit a collateral as he took a deep breath.
The casing ejected from the rifle, spinning out into the air with Lawton’s exhalation while the bullet crossed the street in less than a second, ripping through the bodyguards back and inner organs before exploding out of his chest, hitting the concrete in front of him and ricocheting off the ground. The Yakuza outside the hotel began to shout out in alarm, running to take positions behind the limousine and marble pillars as the remaining bodyguard quikly chaperoned his client towards the entrance, the white suited Yakuza right behind him.
Lawton didn’t take into account how damn short the other target was.
Cursing under his breath, Lawton realized he only had time for one more shot before he would have to dive into the hotel himself to pursue his targets. As the Yakuza whipped out their pistols, laying down fire at Deadshot’s perch, Lawton took another deep breath, honing in on the white-suited man before squeezing the trigger yet again.
The small arms fire of the Yakuza forced Lawton back into cover, but the familiar sound of a skull exploding, like taking a sledgehammer to a watermelon, told Lawton that he had hit his mark. Peeking out of cover, he spotted the now headless white-suited man lying dead at the front doors of the hotel with a spray of blood marking his fatal exit, leaving roughly eight or so Yakuza left on the outside to slow his advance.
Eight bullets. Eight targets. Child's Play.
Popping up from cover, Lawton unloaded the rest of the mag, watching as he painted the Yakuza’s blood across the concrete in a matter of seconds. With each baited breath, each pull of the trigger, a man went down. Repeating the process eight times over, Lawton dropped every single Yakuza outside the hotel, watching them fall limp before his path was finally clear. Popping the empty magazine out, Lawton grabbed the spare mag from his pocket, shoving it into his rifle with deadly intent before mantling over the rooftop terrace, grabbing onto a nearby pole and sliding down to street level before trudging across to the hotel entrance as screams could be heard from inside. Taking cover right next to the front door, Lawton peeked inside, giving himself a lay of the land.
The hotel was as elaborate and ornate as could be, with a golden chandelier lighting up a velvety lobby with mahogany wood pillars and golden engravings lining the walls. Fancy couches were generously placed all around the floor, providing places where guests would usually sit while waiting for their room keys while bellhops would take their luggage up to their new temporary residences. After the gunfight outside, it appeared that the guests within the lobby had cleared out in a jiffy, leaving suitcases and bags out in the open in their panic. Hearing the ding of the elevator, Lawton looked upward to find that the elevator, located in a glass chute, had settled on the fifth floor. His destination clear, Lawton ducked into the lobby, keeping his weapon in hand as he shuffled across the lobby floor.
“アサシンを殺せ! (Kill the assassin!)”
Suddenly, a barrage of bullets rained down at Lawton, forcing him to dive for cover behind one of the couches. As the cushions exploded, sending fluff everywhere and creating a downpour of fabric in all directions, Lawton quickly laid down, going as low as possible before peeking out the side of the furniture, catching a glimpse of four more Yakuza guards with submachine guns taking aim from behind the upper floors. As the hail of death ceased with the emptying of the Yakuza’s magazines, the gangsters ducked behind cover, smartly keeping themselves hidden while they reloaded their weapons.
Lawton narrowed his eyes, raising his rifle at one of the upper floors, specifically at the wall. Working out a few mathematical equations in his head while adjusting his rifle sights on the fly, Lawton fired a bullet at the wall, watching it ricochet off of the surface and into the cover area of one of the Yakuza. A splash of red exploded from the cover, informing Lawton that he’d successfully blown one of the Yakuza soldier’s heads off. With the knowledge that the process was easy to pull off, Lawton rinsed and repeated, removing the rest of the Yakuza from the upper floors before the hotel was rendered silent.
Mentally counting the number of bullets left in his own rifle, Lawton guessed that he had six shots left. Crawling out from behind the couch, Lawton crossed the lobby, moving up to the elevator doors as the car began to move back down. Since he didn’t call the elevator at all, Lawton realized that he was about to get even more company. Not wanting to drag this out any longer than it’s already been dragged out. Lawton took a few steps back, taking a knee while aiming his rifle at the elevator doors as the ding sounded off.
As the Yakuza poured out, brandishing katanas raised over their heads while screaming, Lawton unloaded the rest of the magazine, painting the glass within the elevator red as he gunned down all of the gangsters in a rain of lead. With his rifle ammunition now spent, Lawton tossed the weapon aside, marching over to the elevator and pulling the bodies out of the way of the doors before stepping inside.
“死ね! (Die!)”
Two more Yakuza, hidden in the corners of the elevator out of Lawton’s line of sight, jumped out at him with their blades, stabbing and swinging at him as he scrambled forward, dodging the attacks before quickly slipping his knife from his back pocket. As the two charged him again, Lawton ducked under one of the blades, stabbing the Yakuza in the gut and slicing his stomach open before using the momentum of his blade to jam the tip into the other Yakuza’s throat before leaving it in his body as his enemy slumped to the floor. As hot blood further drenched the elevator in red, Lawton stumbled to the side of the elevator, slamming his fist into the fifth floor button before sliding down to the floor to take a seat. The mental and physical exertion required to drop so many people so quickly had left Lawton with empty lungs, forcing him to take a breather while resting until the elevator reached its destination.
“You’re a damn snake.”
Raising his eyebrow, Lawton’s eye drifted over to one of the Yakuza he’d just battled, specifically the one who he had gutted with his knife. The criminal sat against the opposite wall of the elevator, his hands clutching his gut in an attempt to keep his insides from spilling out. He glared at Lawton with true malice, as if the assassin had done some unspeakable wrong to him.
“Don’t see why it matters to you,” said Lawton, reaching over to the other Yakuza and yanking the knife out of his throat. “You’re bleeding like a stuck pig. You’re not going to be alive in the next ten or so minutes.”
“You would slaughter our leaders, the members of our families, and for what?” said the Yakuza, wheezing between sentences. “Money?! Where is the drive, the honor?!”
Lawton’s breath began to steady, allowing him to pull himself back up to a standing position as the elevator stopped on his floor. As the ding sounded off and the doors slid open, Lawton stretched out his neck before glancing at the Yakuza muscle one last time, “It’s a dog eat dog world, buddy, you’d be surprised by what people would do for money.”
Having said what he needed to say, Lawton stepped out of the elevator and into the hallway, the doors closing behind him as he stared down the rows of doors in front of him. The lights flickered, bathing the hall in complete darkness every few seconds as Lawton walked down the hall’s velvet rug flooring, looking for any signifier that would help him identify which door his target was hiding behind. The bodyguard he initially killed outside would have spilled his blood all over the target he was shielding, and chances were that they’d be stained with enough of that blood for it to drip onto the floor, creating a trail for Lawton to track.
The small droplets of blood staining the rug leading into the fifth door on the left gave Lawton a pretty clear idea of where he needed to go.
As he began to trudge towards his destination, the flickering lights suddenly cut out entirely, eliminating all light in the hall. As barely audible footsteps began to creep up on Lawton from both the front and the back of the hall, he sighed, raising his wrist guns up and checking to make sure they were loaded before turning to aim them down either side of the hall.
As he unleashed a storm of lead down both ends of the hall, the flash of his wrist mounted gun muzzles relighting the room with brief illuminations, revealing dark clothed figures charging at him from all angles. They bore more katanas, dancing elegantly as they avoided Lawton’s weapon fire with ease. As they drew closer, they swung their weapons, expecting to cut right through Lawton’s armor, only to find that the armored plating prevented them from making any headway. As the blades bounced off of Lawton’s body, he took the opportunity provided by their failure to hurt him, riddling them with bullet holes while throwing in a few kicks and punches in order to keep them from getting too close. As his ammunition began to run dry, he noticed that there were fewer and fewer blades striking his body. Along with the blood that was currently clouding his vision, it was clear that his methodology was getting results. As the attacks on him finally ceased, the lights suddenly turned back on, once again restoring sight to all who were within the hall.
Lawton being the only one left.
As Lawton wiped the blood from his visor, he observed that just as he did with the elevator, he’d painted the hall red with the blood of his enemies. Yakuza bodies were strewn up and down the hall, awkwardly positioned and riddled with holes after their attempt to get the drop on Lawton. Counting the bodies, Lawton realized that he’d killed roughly twenty-five Yakuza so far.
Whoever they were protecting, they were important, really important.
With a little ammunition left to spare, Lawton turned around and walked down the hall unopposed, having finally made it to the hotel room where his target was located. This was it, just put a bullet into his target’s head and he’ll be on his way. Raising his foot, Lawton prepared to kick the door in when it flew open from the inside, prompting him to dive to the side before turning around to face yet another opponent.
A Yakuza stepped out of the hotel room, clad in a bright red combat suit. In his hands sat an ōdachi, a larger katana wielded by two hands. The Yakuza bent his legs as he went into a sort of combat stance, holding the ōdachi upward as he eyed Lawton from behind blank goggles, waiting for him to make the first move. Lawton sighed, standing up straight as he cracked his knuckles, keeping track of the Yakuza’s strict movements as he prepared to take aim.
These chumps never seem to understand the phrase ‘Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight’.
After a single moment of hesitation between the two killers, Lawton threw his hands up, aiming both barrels at the Yakuza as he opened fire, watching the bullets fly as the Yakuza surged forward, raising the weapon high above his head as he let out a violent war cry. Lawton expected him to go down right away, for the bullets to rip through his body as it did his friends. However, the lead instead bounced off the armor of the Yakuza, producing sparks as the criminal let out a blood-curdling scream, swinging his sword down on Lawton as the assassin attempted to dodge out of the way.
As he scrambled away from the Yakuza, the ōdachi was swung to the side, cutting Lawton across the chest and surprising him even further. The armor had kept him safe so far, yet this sword was different, capable of cutting through solid kevlar. Taking a few steps back after drawing blood, the Yakuza nestled the sword on the inside of his elbow, wiping it across his inner armor to clear the blood off of the blade. Lawton clutched his wound, stumbling back a few steps as the Yakuza advanced.
“Surprised that I do not go down as fast as the others?” asked the Yakuza in a mocking tone, “I armor crafted by the smartest technicians in Japan, capable of taking twelve gauge buckshot.”
Brandishing the ōdachi, the Yakuza’s eyes honed in on Lawton’s neck, hoping to behead him by the fight's end, “And the sword capable of cutting through your armor? Forged in promethium and stronger than any steel on the planet.”
Lawton slipped his hands behind his back, quietly unloading the rest of the bullets in his gauntlets by popping the storage open and letting them spill out into his pocket. From there he discreetly pulled out the armor piercing round, slipping it into his weapon as the Yakuza’s eyes narrowed.
“Ready to die, assassin?” asked the Yakuza, raising his blade once more. Lawton honed in on the Yakuza’s head, picking the exact spot where he wanted to make a hole in his enemy’s face.
“No thanks, you can go first,” said Lawton.
Furrowing his brows, the Yakuza let out another battle cry, charging at Lawton with his sword raised high above his head. As he barreled towards Lawton at top speed, Lawton raised his wrist gun, clenching his fist before firing.
In a deafening explosion of sound, the Yakuza’s head was taken clean off, splattering his brains across the hall and leaving a stump where his neck should be. With the complete loss of motor skills or brain function, what was left of the Yakuza’s body tripped up, falling front first onto the ground, twitching as Lawton breathed a sigh of relief. He was completely out of ammo, completely out of energy, and completely out of patience.
Turning back towards the hotel door for the final time, Lawton marched back down the hall, stepping over the bodies of his former enemies as he arrived at his destination. Tired and fairly pissed off, Lawton kicked the door open, marching inside with silent fury as he began to frivolously search the hotel room for his target. It was a fairly normal hotel room, with two double beds, a tv set up on a desk, an armchair in the corner, and a window covered in curtains. A bathroom sat to the side of the entrance, containing a showebath combination, a sink, a toilet, and a closet.
Practically foaming at the mouth, Lawton began to tear the room apart, checking behind the curtains and flipping the beds, sending covers and pillows everywhere as he angrily searched for his target. This had taken up far too much of his time and effort than it should have, and every second that ticked by was a second he wasn’t with his daughter on her birthday. He would be there for her today, he made that promise to her.
“Come out!” shouted Lawton, having thoroughly trashed the room before moving into the bathroom, “Now!”
Hearing a small whimper from within the closet, Lawton stomped over to the wooden panels whole drawing his knife, tearing them open as the person inside shrieked with terror before attempting to break past Lawton. Grabbing them by their shirt before they could escape, Lawton raised his blade, preparing to murder his target before he suddenly froze in shock.
His target, who was attempting to wrestle herself out of Lawton’s grip, was a young girl no older than nine. Wearing a normal t-shirt and jeans, she fruitlessly punched and kicked at Lawton, tears in her eyes as she cried hysterically, “あなたは私の父を殺しました!行かせて! (You killed my father! Let me go!)”
Lawton could only look on in horror at the child in front of him, the person he’s meant to kill in order to complete his job. He’s killed hundreds of men, both during his time in the military and his time as an assassin, but he’s never even thought of killing a child, let alone come close to a scenario where he would have to.
Yet here a child was, marked for death by people far more rich and powerful than Lawton.
He could feel his hands shaking as he contemplated the choice laid out in front of him. If he didn’t kill this child, those powerful people would hunt him and his family down for his refusal. He could try all he wanted to keep them safe, but sooner or later he’d be taken down and his family would be six feet under. He needed to go through with his job. He needed to kill this child.
But looking into the girl's eyes, seeing the fear written all over her face, the sheer panic in her actions, the grief in her words, he didn’t just see a scared little girl.
He saw Zoe in her.
He didn’t know how, he didn’t know why, but something made them look familiar. Maybe it was the eyes, who knows. All Lawton knew was that as he stood there, knife in hand and prepared to kill, he simply couldn’t go through with it.
He couldn’t kill this girl, even if his family's lives depended on it.
Visibly shaken, Lawton dropped the knife, letting go of the girl as she scrambled out of the room, sobbing as Lawton struggled to get a hold of himself. He had just let his target go. His family would be marked for death. How was he going to-
“死ね! (Die!)”
Lawton let out a pained scream of agony as the ōdachi from earlier was driven through his back, going straight through until the tip of the blade was protruding out of Lawton’s chest. As the sword was pulled out of his body, Lawton whirled around, falling on his back as he snatched his knife off the ground, flinging it at his assailant as they raised the sword for another strike.
It was the Yakuza from the elevator, the one who had initially survived. Somehow, the criminal had pushed through his fatal wound, picking up the odachi from his dead comrade and using it to shishkebab Lawton in an attempt to kill him. As the knife slammed into the Yakuza’s forehead tip first, embedding itself into his skull, the Yakuza dropped the ōdachi as he fell backwards, landing dead on the floor with splayed arms and legs as Lawton began to cough violently, blood leaking out of his body as he struggled to stay awake on the ground. As the shock began to take over and the feeling in his nerves began to deaden, Lawton could hear the ding of the elevator as a new group of people arrived.
Gotham Police.
“This is Sergeant Nancy Yip, responding to a call regarding shots fired outside the royal hotel. I’ve counted nearly two dozen bodies so far, proceeding into the hallways on floor five.”
As he writhed in pain on the ground, Lawton realized that now was the last time he’d be able to truly talk to the people he loved before it was all over. Placing a hand over his gaping chest wound in an attempt to staunch the bleeding, Lawton used his other free hand to pull his helmet off his head. As the metallic piece of gear was yanked off his head, he allowed it to roll away, instead reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. As his vision began to blur, he quickly dialed a number into the phone, bringing it up to his ear as a person on the other end answered.
It was Zoe’s voice. Lawton let out a shaky sigh as he began to speak, “It’s Daddy, Zoe.”
“Oh! Hi Daddy!” said Zoe, “Mommy’s making dinner right now but I can take her phone to-”
“No, Zoe!” gasped Lawton, coughing up a little more blood, “Don’t...don’t go. Just stay on the phone for now.”
Hearing the distress in her father’s voice, Zoe held onto the phone, “Daddy? What’s wrong?”
“Zoe, I’m sorry but...I don’t think I’ll be making it back in time to celebrate with you,” choked Lawton, “After tonight, I won’t be seeing you for a long time, or maybe even at all.”
“Daddy, you’re scaring me!” cried Zoe, now becoming audibly upset, “You can’t go! You promised you’d come back!”
“I did, sweety...and I wanted to keep the promise, I really did,” said Lawton, who began to uncharacteristically tear up, “But things happened, and I’m so sorry I couldn’t keep my end.”
Feeling himself drifting out of consciousness, Lawton forced himself to say what needed to be said, “Listen to me, I want you to know that you’re my whole world. Always have been and always will be. I love you, Zoe, tell your mother I love her too.”
“Daddy, don’t-”
Hanging up before Zoe could properly respond, Lawton let go of the phone, allowing himself to lay completely still as he closed his eyes, a pool of blood forming around his body as the footsteps of the police grew closer and closer. If he was to die now, he would have at least been able to say his goodbyes. With that final mental note, Lawton allowed himself to pass out as the police barged into the room.
One month later
“Two hundred and fifty kills. Two hundred and fifty life sentences. That’s a lot of lives to spend in prison buddy.”
Lawton sat inside a sterile interrogation room, clad in an orange prison jumpsuit and handcuffed to an uncomfortable chair as he sat across from a grizzled blonde man in military gear. The man held a folder containing Lawton’s records, including specific assassinations he carried out and details on his gear and weapons. As Lawton stared blankly at the man, he sighed, scratching the back of his head before plopping the file onto the table separating the two.
“Strong silent type? Good, that means I do most of the talking,” said the man. “My name is Captain Rick Flag and I’ve been selected to lead a task force designed to carry out off record operations at the behest of the United States government. In the interest of keeping America’s name clean, we’ve elected to use former supervillains and assassins to do those jobs. You’ve been chosen for this task force and if you accept our offer, you’ll be given a chance to reduce your sentence, maybe even to the point where we can just let you go.”
Lawton stared Flag dead in the eyes, his stoic look telling the captain everything he needed to know. Lawton wasn’t interested in killing for his country again, so he needed to offer more.
“Well, since both I and the director of the task force were aware that this sort of thing alone wouldn’t interest you,” said Flag, reaching over to the folder and flipping it open, “We thought it’d be worth it to sweeten the pot, so to speak.”
Looking down at the folder, Lawton’s eyes widened when he saw a photo of Zoe and Susan taking a walk along the coast of some beachside town, completely safe and sound. Looking back up at Flag, he watched a smirk form on the soldier’s face.
“After your apprehension, we rounded up your family and put them into witness protection, mainly since your failure would mean consequences delivered by dark figures sitting behind computer screens,” said Flag. “They’re safe and sound...for now. If you want them to stay that way, well….You know what we want.”
“I’ll do it.”
Flag was taken aback by Lawton’s quick response, the man had been completely silent up until that point, but now he seemed eager to fight the good fight. Smiling, Flag got out of his seat, walking over to Lawton’s side to unlock his handcuffs. Once his hands were free, Lawton stood up, watching Flag as he beckoned the assassin to follow him out of the room. After following the soldier down a few different corridors, Lawton found himself being taken into a new room, one much larger than the interrogation room. As the two entered, Lawton laid eyes on two other people, who he presumed to be his teammates.
The first was a shirtless man covered head to toe in tattoos, while the second was a black haired woman cloaked in a green hood. As Lawton observed the two, Flag stepped between them, “Enchantress, El Diablo, meet your new teammate...Deadshot!”
The cloaked woman snaked towards Lawton, her body twisting and turning in all manner of inhuman ways as she shambled closer to the assassin, inspecting him from a multitude of angles, “Ssssss...this meat bag has the eyes of a killer…..I like him.”
“Hey, don’t get too cozy!” said El Diablo, “I don’t trust a guy with a beard like that.”
Flag watched the three converse with one another, a wry smile forming on his face, “You guys are getting along better than I expected. Maybe something will be made of this Suicide Squad yet.”
The end...for now.
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yakuza tattoo types video

So You Want A Japanese Tebori Tattoo  Tattoo Styles - YouTube Tattoos In Japan Are Connected To The Yakuza!? The Tattoos of Yakuza - YouTube Traditional Tebori Tattoos In Japan  Ink Expedition - YouTube Traditional Japanese Tattooing with Chris O'Donnell - YouTube 10 Types of Japanese Girls in Japan - YouTube TOP 10 WORST TYPES OF PRISONERS - YouTube How the Yakuza Made Tattoo Culture Illegal in Japan ... The Yakuza Will Kill You - YouTube All you need to know about Japanese Tattoos - YouTube

Jan 3, 2020 - Explore Michael Crimson's board "Yakuza (game series) Tattoos", followed by 170 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about tattoos, irezumi, japanese tattoo. 25 Yakuza Tattoo Art Forms. When it comes to tattoos each one has its own appeal and it also has its own set of detractors And when it comes down to Yakuza tattoos you will find that there is no dearth of people with their own strong opinions on this. When we talk about Japan, we think about concepts like peace, calm, relaxation, good manners, and a long etcetera that would be the opposite of war or violence. There will be people who will think… Why do Yakuza get tattoos in the first place? They get it for more than reason, for one they get the tattoo to show their determination, strength and willpower. They also get it to show their loyalty to their Yakuza clan and it’s lifestyle, and sometimes get a black ring around their arm for every crime they have committed. As a famous yakuza tattoo, the foo dog gives ultimate protection against all the perils and failures. Because foo dogs emerge in pairs, it’s not unusual for a person to get both of them inked. Namakubi; The blood-soaked head tattoo, or namakubi, can symbolize fearlessness, strength, and, surprisingly, admiration for an opponent. It has a mysterious appeal due to its connection with the Japanese underworld. The Japanese term is used for Yakuza tattoos is Irezumi which means “insert ink.”. People get these tattoos for adornment and spiritual purposes. The method being used is hand poking. It is done by inserting the ink beneath the skin. Traditional Japanese tattooing, or irezumi, has been intertwined with the yakuza since their inception. In the Edo period (1603 to 1868), criminals were tattooed by authorities in a practice known as bokkei, making it hard for them to reenter society and find work. The tattoo culture of the yakuza evolved in protest to this branding. Subjects of the Japanese Yakuza tattoos have a wide variety of motifs, which are divided into four types : flora, fauna,mythological and religious motives that are related to the adventures of the heroes in the picture. Also Yakuza tattoos have marine and aquatic subjects as the life of all Japanese people connected with the sea. The yakuza tattoo is worn by members of the gang as a mark of identity that shows their allegiance to a particular group. The origin of the tattoos can be traced back to the practice of branding the criminals with tattoo marks as punishment. In all probability, the yakuza tattoos have been influenced by the aforementioned act.

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So You Want A Japanese Tebori Tattoo Tattoo Styles - YouTube

Tattoos In Japan Are Connected To The Yakuza!? The Anime ... Today I give you my thoughts on why the old saying of "no tattoo's in public baths" should be ... 7 Types of Anime Fans ... Japanese tattoos have a tradition that has been followed for quite a long time with many non-Japanese adopting the Japanese tattoo culture. Japanese tattoos ... Prisoners with bad charges of any kind are not on this list simply because it goes without say that THEY ARE THE ABSOLUTE WORST. But these 10 worst types of ... Meet the master tattoo artist who must hide his life's work from the world. Because of cultural taboos about the art, Choshu Horikazu must cover his tattoos ... Tebori describes the hand-carven technique of Japanese tattooing. It's a traditional method that dates back to the 17th century, but was once completely bann... Chris O'Donnell learned how to tattoo in a sketchy biker shop when he was just 17 and now he's a world renowned artist specializing in large scale Japanese s... Help Nobita cover the Japan's issues: https://find-your-love.tsubasakaiser.com/index.html【Disclaimer】This is just my personal perspective as a Japanese perso... Yakuza: Japan's violent organized crime syndicate that believes they're descendants of samurai. Learn more about this Japanese mob / mafia from Tokyo!Subscri... Tattoo artist, Jess Yen, tells us about the style of Tebori, or Japanese hand poke tattoos, and some of the history behind it.Check out Jess Yen:https://www.... Clarification: I know that Majima had his tattoo before 2, I meant that it's not SHOWN before 2. In 2005 they didn't have one made for him, but by 2006 they ...

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