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Lost in the Sauce: March 22 - 28

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.
Figuring out how to divide the COVID-19 content from the “regular” news has been difficult because the pandemic is influencing all aspects of life. Some of the stories below involve the virus, but I chose to include them when it fits into one of the pre-established categories (like congress or immigration). The coronavirus-central post will be made again this Thursday-Friday; the sign up form now has an option to choose to receive an email when the coronavirus-focused roundup is posted.
  1. How to support: If you enjoy my work, please consider becoming a patron. I do this to keep track and will never hide behind a paywall, but these projects take a lot of time and effort to create. Even a couple of dollars a month helps. Since someone asked a few weeks ago (thank you!), here's a PayPal option and Venmo.
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Let’s dig in!


Congress passes stimulus

Last week started out with a Republican-crafted stimulus bill that was twice-blocked by Senate Democrats, who objected to the lax conditions of aid to corporations, too little funding for hospitals, and a $500 billion “slush fund” for big companies to be doled out by Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin with no oversight.
Conservative-Democrat Joe Manchin (WV) even criticized the GOP bill:
“It fails our first responders, nurses, private physicians and all healthcare professionals. ... It fails our workers. It fails our small businesses… Instead, it is focused on providing billions of dollars to Wall Street and misses the mark on helping the West Virginians that have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.”
Through negotiations, Democrats shifted the bill in a more-worker friendly direction. The version that passed includes the following Democrat-added provisions: expanded unemployment benefits, $100 billion for hospitals, $150 billion for state and local governments, direct payments to Americans without a phase-in (ensuring low-income workers get the full amount), a ban on Trump and his children from receiving aid, and oversight on the “slush fund” (see next section for more info). Senate Democrats also managed to remove a provision that would have excluded nonprofits that receive Medicaid funding from the small-business grants.
Echoing sentiments expressed during debate on the previous coronavirus bill (the second, for those keeping track), Republican senators derided the $600 a week increase in unemployment payments as “incentivizing” workers to quit their jobs. Sens. Ben Sasse (Neb.), Rick Scott (Fla.), Tim Scott (S.C.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.) delayed passage of the bill in order to force a vote on an amendment removing the extra unemployment funding. "This bill pays you more not to work than if you were working," Graham said. Fortunately for American workers, the amendment failed and the improved bill passed the Senate and the House.

The giveaways in the bill

While Senate Democrats were able to add worker-friendly provisions, the bill still required bipartisan support to pass the chamber and some corporate giveaways remained in the final version.

Trump’s signing statement

While signing the latest coronavirus relief bill, the president also issued a signing statement undercutting the congressional oversight provision creating an inspector general to track how the administration distributes the $500 billion “slush fund” money.
The newly-created inspector general is legally required to audit loans and investments made through the fund and report to Congress his/her findings, including any refusal by the executive office to cooperate. In his signing statement, Trump wrote that his understanding of constitutional powers allows him to gag the special IG:
"I do not understand, and my Administration will not treat, this provision as permitting the [inspector general] to issue reports to the Congress without the presidential supervision required" by Article II of the Constitution.
The signing statement further suggests that Trump does not have to comply with a provision requiring that agencies consult with Congress before it spends or reallocates certain funds: "These provisions are impermissible forms of congressional aggrandizement with respect to the execution of the laws," the statement reads.
While some have said that Congress fell short in this instance, one Democratic Senate aide told Politico that Congress built in multiple layers of oversight, including “a review of other inspectors general and a congressional review committee charged with overseeing Treasury and the Federal Reserve's efforts to implement the law.”
Legal experts have pointed out that a signing statement is “without legal effect.” But that ignores the fact that oversight is not equal to enforcement. The problem, in my opinion, isn’t that Congress won’t be notified of any abuses of power by Trump. The problem is that congressional Republicans and the judiciary have largely failed to hold him accountable and enforce our laws even after learning of his abuses.

Concerns about the IG

Another potential weakness in the oversight structure is the inspector general position itself. The special inspector general for pandemic recovery, known by the acronym S.I.G.P.R., is nominated by the president and confirmed by the Republican-controlled Senate. As we’ve seen from Trump’s previous nominees, particularly judicial, many unqualified individuals have been confirmed. The Democrats will not have the power to stop the president and Mitch McConnell from jamming through a loyalist to fill the SIGPR role.
Former inspector general at the Justice Department Michael Bromwich: “The signing statement threatens to undermine the authority and independence of this new IG. The Senate should extract a commitment from the nominee that Congress will be promptly notified of any Presidential/Administration interference or obstruction.”
You may recall that Trump has already proven that he’s willing to interfere with the legally-mandated work of an inspector general. When the Ukraine whistleblower filed a complaint last year, the IG of the Intelligence Community, Michael Atkinson, investigated and determined the complaint to be “urgent” and “credible.” Atkinson wrote a report and gave it to Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire to hand over to Congress. However, the White House and DOJ interfered and instructed Maguire not to transmit the report to the Senate and House Intelligence Committees. Chairman Adam Schiff had to subpoena Maguire to turn over the report and testify before his committee.
Further, there are already five IG vacancies in agencies that have a critical role in responding to the pandemic. The Treasury itself has not had a permanent, Senate-confirmed IG for over eight months now, and Trump hasn’t nominated a replacement. The Treasury Dept. has taken a lead role in the coronavirus response, with Secretary Mnuchin handling most of the negotiating with Congress on Trump’s behalf. The fact that the lead agency doesn’t have IG oversight should be troublesome in itself; replicating the situation with a special IG doesn’t seem to be a promising solution.
UPDATE: The nation's inspectors general have appointed Glenn Fine, the Pentagon's acting IG, to lead the committee of IGs overseeing the coronavirus relief effort.
This is one of several oversight mechanisms built into the new law. They include:
A committee of IGs (now led by Fine), a new special IG (to be nominated by Trump), a congressional review panel (to be appointed by House/Senate leaders)

Direct payments

Included in the stimulus bill is a $1200 one-time direct payment for all Americans who made less than $75,000 in 2019 (less than $150,000 if couples filed jointly). More details can be found here. I have read that the Treasury will use 2018 information for those who have not filed yet this year, but I am not 100% sure that’ll happen.
Mnuchin has said that Americans can expect to receive the money within three weeks, but many experts expect that timetable to be pushed into late April. Additionally, that only applies to Americans who included direct deposit information on their 2019 tax returns. Those who did not include their bank’s information will have to be sent a physical check in the mail… which could take anywhere from two to four months.
Other options are being discussed, including partnering the Treasury Dept. with MasterCard and Visa to deliver prepaid debit cards. Venmo and Paypal are reportedly lobbying the government to be considered as a disbursement option.
Future payments?
House Speaker Pelosi is already planning another wave of direct payments to Americans, saying that the $1,200 is not enough to mitigate the economic effects of the pandemic: “I don’t think we’ve seen the end of direct payments.” Republicans, meanwhile, are taking a ‘wait and see’ approach, using the next couple of weeks to measure the impact of the $2 trillion bill passed last week.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy: “What concerns me is when I listen to Nancy Pelosi talk about a fourth package now, it’s because she did not get out of things that she really wanted...I’m not sure you need a fourth package...Let’s let this work ... We have now given the resources to make and solve this problem. We don’t need to be crafting another bill right now.”
For the fourth legislative package, Democrats have said they would like to see increased food stamp benefits; increased coverage for coronavirus testing, visits to the doctor and treatment; more money for state and local governments, including Washington, D.C.; expanded family and medical leave; pension fixes; and stronger workplace protections.
Trump’s signature
Normally, a civil servant signs federal checks, like the direct payments Americans are set to receive. According to a Wall Street Journal report, Trump has told people that he wants his signature to appear on the stimulus checks.


War on the poor continues

Amid the coronavirus crisis, Trump has defended his continued support of a Republican-led lawsuit to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, which would result in 20 million Americans losing health insurance if successful. The Supreme Court agreed to hear arguments in the case this fall. Contrasting with his position that the ACA is illegal, Trump is considering reopening enrollment on, allowing millions of uninsured individuals to get coverage before potentially incurring charges and fees related to COVID-19.
Joe Biden called on Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who is leading the charge against the ACA, and President Trump to drop the lawsuit:
“At a time of national emergency, which is laying bare the existing vulnerabilities in our public health infrastructure, it is unconscionable that you are continuing to pursue a lawsuit designed to strip millions of Americans of their health insurance and protections under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), including the ban on insurers denying coverage or raising premiums due to pre-existing conditions.”
The Trump administration is also pushing forward with its plan to kick 700,000 people off federal food stamp assistance, known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). The USDA announced two weeks ago that the department will appeal Judge Beryl Howell’s recent decision that the USDA’s work mandate rule is “arbitrary and capricious."
Additionally: The Social Security Administration has no plans to slow down a rule change set for June that will limit disability benefits, the Department of Health and Human Services still intends to reduce automatic enrollment in health coverage, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development will continue the process to enact a rule that would make it harder for renters to sue landlords for racial discrimination.

Lawmakers’ stock transactions

The Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission are beginning to investigate stock transactions made ahead of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. CNN reports that the inquiry has already reached out to Senator Richard Burr for information. “Under insider trading laws, prosecutors would need to prove the lawmakers traded based on material non-public information they received in violation of a duty to keep it confidential,” a task that won’t be easy.
Sen. Burr is facing another consequence of his trades: Alan Jacobson, a shareholder in Wyndham Hotels and Resorts, sued Burr for allegedly using private information to instruct a mass liquidation of his assets. Among the shares he sold were an up to $150,000 stake in Wyndham, whose stock suffered a market-value cut of more than two-thirds since mid-February.

Environmental rollbacks

Using the pandemic as cover, the Trump administration has begun to more aggressively roll back regulations meant to protect the environment. These are examples of what Naomi Klein dubbed “the shock doctrine”: the phenomenon wherein polluters and their government allies push through unpopular policy changes under the smokescreen of a public emergency.
On Thursday, the EPA announced (non-paywalled) an expansive relaxation of environmental laws and fines, exempting companies from consequences for pollution. Under the new rules, there are basically no rules. Companies are asked to “act responsibly” but are not required to report when their facilities discharge pollution into the air or water. Just five days before abandoning any pollution oversight, the oil industry’s largest trade group implored the administration for assistance, stating that social distancing measures caused a steep drop in demand for gasoline.
  • Monday morning update: In an interview with Fox News this morning, Trump said he was going to call Putin after the interview to discuss the Saudi-Russia oil fight. A consequence of this "battle" has been plummeting prices in the U.S. making it difficult for domestic companies (like shale extraction) to turn a profit. It's striking that the day after Dr. Fauci told Americans we can expect 100,000 to 200,000 deaths from COVID-19 (if we keep social distancing measures in place), Trump's first action is to talk to Fox News and his second action is to intervene in an international tiff on behalf of the oil and gas industry.
Gina McCarthy, who led the E.P.A. under the Obama administration, called the rollback “an open license to pollute.” Cynthia Giles, who headed the EPA enforcement division during the Obama administration, said “it is so far beyond any reasonable response I am just stunned.”
The EPA is also moving forward with a widely-opposed rule to limit the types of scientific studies used when crafting new regulations or revising current ones. Hidden behind claims of increased transparency, the rule would require disclosure of all raw data used in scientific studies. This would disqualify many fields of research that rely on personal health information from individuals that must be kept confidential. For example, studies that show air pollution causes premature deaths or a certain pesticide is linked to birth defects would be rejected under the proposed rule change.
Officials and scientists are calling upon the EPA to extend the time for comment on the regulatory changes, arguing that the public is unable to express their opinion while dealing with the pandemic.
“These rollbacks need and deserve the input of our public health community, but right now, they are rightfully focused on responding to the coronavirus,” said Representative Frank Pallone of New Jersey, the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Other controversial decisions being made:
  • A former EPA official who worked on controversial policies returned as Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s chief of staff. Mandy Gunasekara helped write regulations to ease pollution controls for coal-fired power plants and vehicle emissions in her previous role as chief of the EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation. In a recent interview, Gunasekara, who played a role in the decision to exit the Paris Climate Accord, pushed back on the more dire predictions of climate change, saying, “I don't think it is catastrophic.”
  • NYT: The plastic bag industry, battered by a wave of bans nationwide, is using the coronavirus crisis to try to block laws prohibiting single-use plastic. “We simply don’t want millions of Americans bringing germ-filled reusable bags into retail establishments putting the public and workers at risk,” an industry campaign that goes by the name Bag the Ban warned on Tuesday. (Also see The Guardian)
  • Kentucky, South Dakota, and West Virginia passed laws putting new criminal penalties on protests against fossil fuel infrastructure in just the past two weeks.
  • The Hill: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said Friday that it will extend the amount of time that winter gasoline can be sold this year as producers have been facing lower demand due to the coronavirus. It will allow companies to sell the winter-grade gasoline through May 20, whereas companies would have previously been required to stop selling it by May 1 to protect air quality. “In responding to an international health crisis, the last thing the EPA should do is take steps that will worsen air quality and undermine the public’s health,” biofuels expert David DeGennaro said.
  • NYT: At the Interior Department, employees at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have been under strict orders to complete the rule eliminating some protections for migratory birds within 30 days, according to two people with direct knowledge of the orders. The 45-day comment period on that rule ended on March 19.
  • WaPo: The Interior Department has received over 230 nominations for oil and gas leases covering more than 150,000 acres across southern Utah, a push that would bring drilling as close as a half-mile from some of the nation’s most famous protected sites, including Arches and Canyonlands National Parks… if all the fossil fuels buried in those sites was extracted and burned, it would translate into between 1 billion and 5.95 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide being released into the air. That upward measure is equal to half the annual carbon output of China

Court updates

Press freedom case
Southern District of New York District Judge Lorna Schofield ruled that a literary advocacy group’s lawsuit against Trump for allegedly violating the First Amendment can move forward. The group, PEN America, is pursuing claims that Trump “has used government power to retaliate against media coverage and reporters he dislikes.”
Schofield determined that PEN’s allegation that Trump made threats to chill free speech was valid, providing as an example the White House’s revocation of CNN correspondent Jim Acosta’s press press corps credentials:
”The threats are lent credence by the fact that Defendant has acted on them before, by revoking Mr. Acosta’s credentials and barring reporters from particular press conferences. The Press Secretary indeed e-mailed the entire press corps to inform them of new rules of conduct and to warn of further consequences, citing the incident involving Mr. Acosta… These facts plausibly allege that a motivation for defendant’s actions is controlling and punishing speech he dislikes.”
Twitter case
The president suffered another First Amendment defeat last week when the full 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals declined to review a previous ruling that prevents Trump from blocking users on the Twitter account he uses to communicate with the public. Judge Barrington D. Parker, a Nixon-appointee, wrote: “Excluding people from an otherwise public forum such as this by blocking those who express views critical of a public official is, we concluded, unconstitutional.”
Trump-appointees Michael Parker and Richard Sullivan authored a dissent, arguing the free speech “does not include a right to post on other people’s personal social media accounts, even if those other people happen to be public officials.” Park warned that the ruling will allow the social media pages of public officials to be “overrun with harassment, trolling, and hate speech, which officials will be powerless to filter.”
Florida’s felon voting
U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle ripped into Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s administration for failing to come up with a process to determine which felons are genuinely unable to pay court-ordered fees and fines, which are otherwise required to be paid before having their voting rights restored.
“If the state is not going to fix it, I will,” Hinkle warned. He had given the state five months to come up with an administrative process for felons to prove they’re unable to pay financial obligations, but Florida officials did not do so. The case is set to be heard on April 28 (notwithstanding any coronavirus-related delays).

ICE, Jails, and COVID-19

One of the most overlooked populations with an increased risk of death from coronavirus are those in detention facilities, which keep people in close quarters with little sanitation or protective measures (including for staff).
Last week, U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee ordered the federal government to “make continuous efforts” to release migrant children from detention centers across the country. Numerous advocacy groups asked for the release after reports that four children being held in New York had tested positive for the virus:
“The threat of irreparable injury to their health and safety is palpable,” the plaintiffs’ lawyers said in their petition… both of the agencies operating migrant children detention facilities must by April 6 provide an accounting of their efforts to release those in custody… “Her order will undoubtedly speed up releases,” said Peter Schey, co-counsel for the plaintiffs in the court case.
On Tuesday, 13 immigrants held at ICE facilities in California filed a lawsuit demanding to be released because their health conditions make them particularly vulnerable to dying if infected by the coronavirus. An ACLU statement says the detainees are “confined in crowded and unsanitary conditions where social distancing is not possible.” The 13 individuals are all over the age of 50 and/or suffering from serious underlying medical issues like high blood pressure.
“From all the evidence we have seen, ICE is failing to fulfill its constitutional obligation to protect the health and safety of individuals in its custody. ICE should exercise its existing discretion to release people with serious medical conditions from detention for humanitarian reasons,” said William Freeman, senior counsel at the ACLU of Northern California.
Meanwhile, ICE is under fire for continuing to shuttle detainees across the country, with one even being forced to take nine different flights bouncing from Louisiana to Texas to New Jersey less than two weeks ago. That man is Dr. Sirous Asgari, a materials science and engineering professor from Iran, who was acquitted last year on federal charges of stealing trade secrets. The government lost its case against him, yet ICE has had him in indefinite detention since November.
Asgari, 59, told the Guardian that his Ice holding facility in Alexandria, Louisiana, had no basic cleaning practices in place and continued to bring in new detainees from across the country with no strategy to minimize the threat of Covid-19...Detainees have no hand sanitizer, and the facility is not regularly cleaning bathrooms or sleeping areas…Detainees lack access to masks… Detainees struggle to stay clean, and the facility has an awful stench.
State jails are making a better effort to release detained individuals, as both New York and New Jersey ordered a thousand people in each state be let out of jail. The order applied only to low-level offenders sentenced to less than a year in jail and those held on technical probation violations. In Los Angeles County, officials released over 1,700 people from its jails.
A judge in Alabama took similar steps last week, ordering roughly 500 people jailed for minor offenses to be released to lessen crowding in facilities. Unlike in New York and New Jersey, however, local officials reacted in an uproar, led in part by the state executive committee for the Alabama Republican Party and Assistant District Attorney C.J. Robinson. Using angry Facebook messages as the barometer of the community’s feelings, Robinson worked “frantically” to block inmates from being released.
  • Reuters: As of Saturday, at least 132 inmates and 104 staff at jails across New York City had tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus… Since March 22, jails have reported 226 inmates and 131 staff with confirmed cases of COVID-19, according to a Reuters survey of cities and counties that run America’s 20 largest jails. The numbers are almost certainly an undercount given the fast spread of the virus.

Tribe opposed by Trump loses land

On Wednesday, The Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs announced the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s reservation would be "disestablished" and its land trust status removed. Tribal Chairman Cedric Cromwell called the move "cruel" and "unnecessary,” particularly coming in the midst of a pandemic crisis. Rep. Bill Keating (D-Mass.), who last year introduced legislation to protect the tribe's reservation as trust land in Massachusetts, said the order “is one of the most cruel and nonsensical acts I have seen since coming to Congress.”
The administration’s decision is especially suspicious as just last year Trump attacked the tribe’s plan to build a casino on its land, tweeting that allowing the construction would be “unfair” and treat Native Americans unequally. As a former casino owner, Trump has spent decades attacking Native American casinos as unfair competition. At a 1993 congressional hearing Trump said that tribal owners “don’t look like Indians to me” and claimed: “I might have more Indian blood than a lot of the so-called Indians that are trying to open up the reservations” to gambling.
More than his past history, however, Trump has current interests at play in the Mashpee Wampanoag’s planned casino: it would have competed for business with nearby Rhode Island casinos owned by Twin River Worldwide Holdings, whose president, George Papanier, was a finance executive at the Trump Plaza casino hotel in Atlantic City.
In the Mashpee case, Twin River, the operator of the two Rhode Island casinos, has hired Matthew Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union and a vocal Trump supporter, to lobby for it on the land issue. Schlapp’s wife, Mercedes, is director of strategic communications at the White House.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

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  1. Don't Stress Over 'Due' Payouts
It's hard for some individuals to accept, but slot video games reach the outcome of each spin at any kind of slot game is totally random. This is one of those must-have ports pointers: 'Due' payments don't exist.
Controlled by the arbitrary number generator (RNG), all the port mixes are randomly diverse and also chosen when you spin the slot. Only port spins that struck a winning combination receive a payout, as well as there's no way to understand when that'll take place. Any individual informing you or else is wrong.
  1. Limited Machines do Exist
Occasionally, you'll meet a tight vending machine, one that simply never appears to strike. These machines will have you spinning far as well long without a solitary hit, making you invest greater than you probably need to simply trying to appeal a single slot game.
Tight machines are a lot more usual than you might think, particularly when you include all the slots with a terrible repayment portion. Limited machines are dreadful, yet a minimum of you can likewise find loose ports that will strike regularly and also give regular payments also.
RELATED: Ports one of 10 online casino video games with the least expensive house edge. Examine them full blast right here.
  1. Cash over Card
When playing slot machines in person, we suggest you stay with having fun with cash rather than with credit history or debit cards. There are almost say goodbye to coin-based slots at casinos, yet you can still pick smaller sized religions after putting cash.
Physically placing costs into the fruit machine as you play will make you extra familiar with the cash you invest playing port games. In contrast to swiping whenever you want to rotate, using cash as you play port video games can aid you wager within your limits. When playing online ports, offer yourself a collection amount to deal with.
  1. Know When to Quit
Ports can be a great deal of enjoyable, however, for it to stay that way you need to know when it's time to quit. Offer it some significant factor to consider as well as determine your goals for playing slots. Decide how much time and money you agree to invest playing slots and also remain accountable.
Slots can be one of one of the most fast and also most thrilling experiences, which is why it is very important to establish some limitations prior to you get spinning. You don't want to get so caught up in the enjoyment that you invest way more than you can pay for to chase after a payout.
  1. Own Your Own Slot machine
Think of that you remain in a land-based gambling establishment as well as sitting ideal in front of you is the similar slots that you possess in the house. Currently, wouldn't it make good sense that considering that you already own the identical one-armed bandit that everybody appears to be losing on, that you are the only individual who understands the features of exactly how that fruit machine gamer? Unlike the various other people in the gambling enterprise, you are the ONLY INDIVIDUAL that RECOGNIZES how to PLAY and WIN on that particular slot machine.
There is NO BETTER method to WIN playing an one-armed bandit than OWNING an one-armed bandit of your very own!
We market all popular slots versions including yet not limited to, OGT fruit machine, Bally vending machine, Williams vending machine and others!
See all slots offer for sale below!
We offer genuine #casino #slotmachines, #pokermachines, #arcade #games like pacman, pinball machines, jukeboxes, #cherry #master #games, 8-liner games, 10-liner video games, as well as even 20-liner #video #slot #machines
submitted by jimmm123456 to u/jimmm123456 [link] [comments]

WWE Network Updates: 12/03/2018

The following shows have been added to the WWE Network today:

Hover over links for descriptions



In Ring

See what new shows are coming up on the schedule
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The wiki pages with all WWE Network content has also been updated.
I am a bot. I will edit this post if more content is added today. Please contact tonyg623 with any bugs or suggestions. Thanks!
submitted by WWE_Network_Bot to wwe_network [link] [comments]

Is this a scam? Got a call saying I won a drawing at a home showing event, which I did enter, and this is my prize

I was at the Philly Home Show a couple weeks back and entered a drawing at the event, only detailed we provided were name/numbeemail. I got a call back saying we won a package. The lady explained everything on the phone and didn’t ask for any personal details or form of payment. She said all we have to do is go to this event and listen to a timeshare presentation for 2 hours and are not obligated to buy/pay for anything, then we get a free trip to Vegas or Orlando. The hotel she told us to go to is legitimate.
How do we know if this is a scam? Is there a golden rule for knowing if you actually won something in a drawing?
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Fantasea. Resorts" [email protected] Date: January 29, 2019 at 7:46:12 PM EST To: Subject: HERE IS YOUR INVITATION FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT IN ATLANTIC CITY ON SATURDAY FEBRUARY 9TH AT 1:30 PM - NG

60 N Maine Ave., Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Your scheduled Presentation and Gift Pick-up is for
DAY Saturday DATE February 9th TIME 1:30 pm_
For any questions, call 609-858-0403
GIFT CODE: *******
Congratulations ******** (I blocked out my own name here)
LAS VEGAS OR ORLANDO VACATION · 2 Round Trip Airfare · 4 Days and 3 Nights Accommodations SHOW TICKETS · 2 Adult Tickets in Las Vegas to Blue Man Group or Mystère™ by Cirque du Soleil ®, or similar -OR- · 2 Adult Tickets in Orlando to SeaWorld or Blue Man Group or similar
SHOPPING • A Discount coupon book for The Tanger Outlets in Atlantic City (Up to $1000 in savings at over 150 stores).
SHOW TICKETS • 2 tickets to any Broadway Revue show at Resorts Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City based on availability.
MINI VACATION • An exciting 3-day/2-night stay. Good at more than 40 Different Destinations (you have one year to use it).

• Please bring this letter with you, either printed out, or on a smartphone or tablet.
• Please bring 2 forms of identification: A government picture ID such as a driver's license plus a Major Credit Card (Debit cards, Prepaid Cards, Business Type Credit Cards are not accepted as a form of identification for this promotion.)
• If married or engaged or in a significant relationship, both you and your spouse or significant other must attend the presentation together.
• One gift package per household or vehicle please.
• This is a very limited time promotion.
• Please arrive promptly for your Presentation and Gift Pick-up.
• Be ready for a fun and informative presentation and tour (120-150 minutes) about Fantasea Resorts and the renaissance of Atlantic City. During the multi-media presentation there will be light refreshments.
Any questions, please call 609-858-0403

The night before your presentation you will have the opportunity (but are not required) to stay in a Fantasea Resorts Suite based on availability.
If you already reserved your suite you can skip this section.
We have made a few of our Suites available for you to check into the night before your presentation for a special limited time promotional rate. Once you reserve your suite, your presentation time will change to the morning after you check in. Please verify your presentation time when booking your suite. The special promotional rates are as follows: Sunday thru Thursday arrivals can enjoy a 1 night stay in a studio suite for $29 plus tax or a two-night stay for $49 plus tax. Friday arrivals can enjoy 1 night for $59 plus tax or Saturday arrivals can enjoy a 1 night stay for $89 plus tax. Your room rate plus $10 per night in taxes will be collected when you make your reservation. Upon check-in, you will need leave a $50 refundable security deposit for any incidental room charges made during your stay. (During Holiday Periods, Pricing May be Higher)
If you would like to reserve a suite you must call the FantaSea Resorts Reservations Dept. at (888) 964-6050.
(This number is for booking your suite only) Hours of operation: Mon - Fri, 9:30 AM – 8:00 PM Saturday 9:30 am – 3:30 pm and Sunday Closed. Holiday hours may vary.
All reservations are on a first come first serve basis
Please have your credit card ready when you call. There will be NO additional charge to your credit card unless you fail to cancel your reservation at least 72 hours in advance, do not attend the presentation, or fail to meet the qualifications for this promotion. Your presentation time may change when booking an overnight stay. PLEASE CALL ********** TO RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOW
FLAGSHIP RESORT 60 N Maine Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401
It’s Easy Getting To FantaSea Resorts At The Flagship From New York or North Jersey: Take Garden State Parkway South to Exit 38 (Atlantic City Expressway) Follow directions below.
From Brooklyn/Staten Island: Take Verrazano Bridge to Staten Island. Stay on the Staten Island Expressway to Goethals Bridge to New Jersey. Take N.J. Turnpike South to Garden State Parkway (exit 11). Follow directions below.
From Philadelphia area: Cross Walt Whitman Bridge into New Jersey. Stay on I-76 South (North-South Expressway) to the Atlantic City Expressway. Take the Atlantic City Expressway to Atlantic City. Follow the directions below.
All Others: Take the Atlantic City Expressway to Atlantic City. Turn left on Atlantic Avenue. Go to the end of Atlantic Avenue. The 32 story Flagship Resort will be on your left. The garage might be going through some renovations, if it is not finished when you arrive please park in the lot adjacent to the building, Parking is Free. Enter the building through the front entrance and take the elevator to the 7th floor to the Welcome Center.
Present this invitation and your 2 forms of I.D at check-in desk. Enjoy your visit!

Everyone is welcome to visit FantaSea Resorts, Flagship Resort even if not eligible for this promotion. This offer is designed for credit worthy married, engaged and cohabiting couples (both parties must attend, one must be over the age of 25 ), and single persons currently working or retired with a combined annual household income of at least $40,000. Multiple families or couples who know each other are not eligible to attend presentation on the same day. Children are permitted to accompany their parents on the tour, but only a maximum of 3 children per presentation. The purpose of this advertising promotion is to acquaint you with our facilities and vacation ownership program: however, you are under no obligation to purchase and you will receive your promotional package upon completion of the presentation. Because of the value of this offer you must bring 2 forms of identification: A government picture ID such as a Driver's License plus a Major Credit Card. Debit Cards, Prepaid Cards, Business Credit Cards and Checkbooks are not acceptable forms of identification for this promotion. At Least One Party has to be a permanent US resident or a US Citizen. All Must Be Able To Read, Speak and Understand English.
2 Round Trip Airfare: Your vacation certificate must be registered within 6 months of the issue date and allows one full year from the registered date to select and complete travel. Year-round Sunday through Tuesday departures are available from major airports within the continental U.S., Calgary International, Toronto Pearson, or Vancouver International Airports, and is based on airline availability. Availability is limited during major holidays New Year’s Day, Presidents’ Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas.
Two travel dates are required a preferred and alternate; each must be at least 45 days in advance with a minimum of 30 days between the two dates selected. Reservation Deposit: Following a travel itinerary selection, the Reservation Deposit is due. Once you confirm a reservation, the government taxes, carrier and agency imposed fees are due at the time of booking. Any refundable deposit paid amount on file at the time of booking will be applied to the charges amount due at the time of booking. Charges in excess of any refundable paid deposit amount on file are owed by the traveler and must be paid at the time of booking using a valid credit or debit card. Any Refundable Reservation Deposit balance remaining after charges, will be refunded 10 days prior to travel.
The certificate for the 3 day / 2 night mini vacation is sponsored by GRAND INCENTIVES. This vacation offer is for 2 adults 21 years of age and older. Up to 2 children under the age of 18 may stay in parent's room for $10 per child. There is a $50.00 refundable room guarantee deposit required. Once your deposit is received your reservations will be processed. All reservations should be made at least 45 days in advance. All reservations are subject to availability. Driver's license required for verification of age and major bank credit card required – no debit cards. Certain Peak times and locations may be extremely limited, for example, June, July, and August. The 3 day / 2 night mini vacation does not include food, transportation, taxes, tips, telephone calls or items of personal nature. Revue Tickets: Good for (2) show tickets at Resorts Casino. Not redeemable for cash. Coupon is non-transferable. Only (1) voucher per customer Must be 21 years of age or older. May be redeemable at Resorts Casino. Based upon availability. If there is no show on the day you are here the show tickets will not be replaced with another gift. Some shows may be sold out to the general public. Check with Box Office.
The Tanger Outlet Discount Coupon: can be redeemed at the Atlantic City Tanger Outlet Shops for a Customer Discount Book with discounts at shops like Calvin Klein, Banana Republic, Gap, Guess, Izod, Polo and others.
The developer reserves the right to discontinue this promotion at its own discretion. FantaSea Resorts reserves the right to substitute gifts of equal or greater value should the indicated gifts not be available at the time of your preview. Flagship Resort Development Corp. (07-00-0009) is registered with the New Jersey Real Estate Commission and the New York State Department of Law. Registration does not constitute endorsement of the merits or value of the property. Obtain the New Jersey Public Offering Statement from the sponsor. New York residents should ask for and receive a New York Timeshare Offering Statement. This offer or any part thereof is void where prohibited by law. Employees, owners or people who have toured our facilities in the last 12 months are ineligible. Flagship Resort Development Corp. is a members of the American Resort Development Association. Promotional package is given in exchange for taking a fun and informative presentation of our resort (120-150 min). The price range of timesharing vacation plans available is $9,900 to $50,000.

submitted by A_Shot_Away to Scams [link] [comments]

Trip Report- Dirt Cheap Vegas Trip with Hooters Review and Naps!

TLDR; 20 something couple who has been to Vegas before stayed at Hooters Hotel and Casino 4 nights, 5 days with airfare and resort fee for $887 and it was worth every penny.
Hooters Hotel and Casino: With the flight, hotel and resort fee we paid $444 a person which we thought was too good to pass up. The hotel wasn't as bad as I expected it to be but it was pretty old. It is located a short walk to the strip which accessible by going into Tropicana located next door and using a bridge. When we booked this trip we only expected to be at this hotel to sleep at night and we ended up staying there for a lot more since it beat our expectations.
Some parts of the hotel are "nice" and newish and some aren't. The new parts will NEVER be comparable to many of the casino's listed in the faq(even the budget ones) but that doesn't make it bad. If you are a regular person that doesn't need fancy shit or all you plan on doing is sleeping here(bachelobachelorette party or 21st birthday) it's great. The casino was small and never crowded, it was great for gambling a bit at the end of the night since it's almost impossible to get lost or lose whoever you are with. There was a cafe area with a coffee place, Krispy Kreme donuts and a Pizza Hut. There was also a pool bar, Hooters, and Steak n' Shake. They boasted about free parking, $15 buckets of bud light, and $1 margaritas inside the casino bar. The room service seemed incredibly cheap but we did not use it.
Our room was average and as far as we know it was not one that was recently remodeled. The bathroom wasn't very nice and the safe was busted. It looked as if the Bathroom had been done about 10 years ago and the glaze was coming off of the bathtub corners. The room was clean and it had two awkward chairs that belonged in the 70's around a small table. We both thought that a reclinechair was missing from the room due to empty space. The bed was very comfortable and we slept amazing. The AC was ice cold and we had a tiny balcony overlooking the pool. It was $25 a night for a mini-fridge which we decided against and I kept filling up bags of ice and moving it from the sink when needed. If you are not flying in, bring a cooler and save yourself the money or go buy a cheap cooler at Walgreens on the strip for $8. The pool was very clean and quiet, it felt like we were the only people there most of the time and I got a ton of reading done. You couldn't bring your own alcohol or food and the security was tight. The menu seemed decently priced for a pool in vegas.
If you stay at Hooters I highly recommend purchasing the Hooya One Pass, it comes with two different show tickets, a coupon for a free margarita, buy 10 wings get 10 wings, and a 1 hour open bar with wings NIGHTLY between 5-6 pm. At the same bar the drinks cost $5 during happy hour and we watched numerous hotel guests spend more than $20 on drinks in just that hour. I must've eaten about 100 wings and had over 30 drinks the entire trip because of this pass. The bartenders were really great to us during the open bar and we always had a drink in our hand. It saved us a ton of money on dinnelunch but I would've liked to have done one more nice dinner. It also would have been nice if we didn't have to go back to the hotel for 5pm every day but, my GF and I really enjoyed the happy hour, a nap, and a shower before going out for the night(not always in that order).
It seemed like a lot of teenage kids were staying in the hotel for a basketball tournament or something and I never saw any parents. I observed a bunch of people staying in some rooms and the kids would sit outside of the room to charge their phones in the hallway. We had one issue with the kids, we were trying to go down and two girls got off our floor, when we got in the elevator all of the buttons were pressed to go up. It wasn't a big deal to us but it could be to people looking to make a show or relax and not have to deal with that crap. The elevator was also kind of shady and it seemed like it skipped our floor or something a few times when trying to go down. I don't know it it happens a lot but both of these things probably don't happen at places on the strip.
Monday: We left my house at 3:30 am and flew Spirit Airlines from Newark to LAS which landed at 8:40 am. I'll never fly spirit again if I can help it. It was a $14 taxi to the Hotel where they wanted to charge a $25 early check in fee, we debated and decided to drop off our luggage and explore the area so that we could stay up a little longer before crashing since we got roughly 3 hours of sleep. While walking the strip we decided to get a quick bite to eat at Bubba Gump Shrimp Company since there is one in NYC and we've always wanted to go. We each got a flavored margarita which we normally don't get and they were pretty good, she got a shrimp po' boy, and I got calamari and a gigantic bucket of french fries. We mostly went to some shops for gifts and got supplies like shampoo, sunscreen and water for the week at Walgreens and the Liquor store. We checked in at 2:30, unpacked and took a nap. Between 5-6 we had an open bar(well and domestic drafts) at the pool bar with complementary wings and vegetables because we purchased the Hooyah One Pass for $20. At 7pm we took a Lyft to Freemont for a tour at Bangor Brewing. We had a flight and 2 or 3 beers. The guy giving us the tour waited patiently for us since our driver didn't follow directions and we were late. We were the only people on the tour but the place was pretty packed for a while. We explored Freemont Street for the remaining of the night which was very fun and interesting. If I had a kid under the age of 9 I wouldn't bring them but it honestly wasn't that bad besides some girls in thongs, pasties, and dominatrix looking girls(if your kid has an Instagram they have seen worse). Security walked a beat like they were riot cops and one came up to us and told us we couldn't drink in cans on Freemont and that we could drink out of plastic cups instead. He was really cool and I swore he was a cop until we saw real cops. Heads up to anyone. I really liked the vibe of Freemont but the light show was honestly terrible, I may have been spoiled by light shows at concerts and sporting events from a previous job, my girlfriend thinks that the show just needed different music...
Tuesday: We woke up around 8:30 am and went to breakfast at the Steak n' Shake in Hooters. The food was average but service was slow(we never went back). We went to the pool for an hour or two before we went to a timeshare sales pitch for fun and free stuff(buffet and freeplay). I did the math and the $9,999 timeshare came out to be $33,000 over seven years. Once I gave the numbers and said no the guy became a HUGE dick. Sadly, one person bought one. Once the timeshare pitch was finished we went to the liquor store again. We got lunch at Taco's and Tequila where we split nachos and each had a few margaritas. I think they were some of the best margaritas I've ever had. Later we napped and went to the open bar before going to use my freeplay. After we finished loosing $100 in freeplay and getting tons of free drinks, I decided I had to go and see what a dispensary was like. I don't know the rules about posting about this so I will answer questions in a PM. I will also elaborate with a mod's approval since I think it could be really helpful. After getting back to the hotel we went to Hooters for some more wings and went to bed.
Wednesday: We hung out at the pool for a few hours and we went exploring again. We walked around 15 miles this day and I wish we'd had gotten a light rail pass or Ubered to the end of the strip and walked back. We both like exploring things though so none of us mentioned it until it was too late. We didn't have anything planned for this day until we got back to the hotel and looked at all of the comedy clubs. We decided on the late show to see Jimmy Shubert at the Laugh Factory in Tropicana because it was close by and I actually knew of the opening act, Jason Lawhead, because of Bill Burr's Monday Morning Podcast. It was a pretty good show for the price we paid, and we got to see the worst heckler ever get thrown out. The night got hazy for me and I think we went to Hooters for some wings, fries, and onion rings before going to our room and passing out(probably with my shoes on).
Thursday: We actually had plans! We woke up with purpose and got breakfast at Coco's Bakery, a short walk from where we were staying. It was cheap and some of the better breakfast food I've had in a while including some of the diners here in NJ, I wish we could've gone again. After breakfast, we went to the pool before heading to the Mirage for a late lunch buffet thanks to Tahiti Village. Next, we used MyVegas rewards at New York New York for buy one get one crepes at 48th and Crepe which were amazing and we cashed in a ticket for buy one get one 40 oz beers at Tom's Urban. It was happy hour so the beers were under the voucher limit and we basically got them for free + tip which was great considering their somewhat decent selection of draft beer. We went back to the open bar for 5pm, napped and got ready for dinner at Black Tap in the Venetian which was everything I thought it would be and more. I wish I had room for a Crazy Shake but I could barely finish my burger and I only ate 3 onion rings, luckily there is one in NYC. At 10pm we saw John Caparulo at Harrah's. The show was average and I think he could've really used an opening act to get the crowd going instead of awkwardly walking on stage. It was pretty empty, we got GA cheap seats and got moved up to the 5th row. We gambled pretty late and made fun of all the people waiting in line at the club at MGM Grand at 2:30 in the morning, these people looked miserable and hadn't even been in the club yet. I don't miss those days.
Friday: We laid in bed for most of the morning since there was not an option for a late checkout and we weren't leaving for the Airport until 8 PM. We double and triple checked for everything and I swear I packed a few things that I can no longer find(it's not a vacation until I've lost something). We checked out around 11am and stored our luggage with the valet. We went to the M&M Store and did the free 3d movie which was pretty entertaining since I don't think I have ever seen a 3d movie before. We decided on going to the Bodies exhibit at Luxor which was pretty cool but probably not worth $30 with an MLife card. We also took the tram to Mandalay Bay which was pretty nice but very empty and kind of eerie. It also smelled like a funeral home or church or something. We cashed in another couple of MyVegas rewards and went to Tom's Urban again for 40oz beers(on happy hour). We also ordered the two way fries which consisted of shoe string and sweet potato fries. They were out of this world! Finally we went to Coyote Ugly for buy one get one drinks(MyVegas). My GF has always wanted to go here but none of her friends ever would go with her. We both fell in love with the bartender and we talked for about an hour about life in Vegas before heading back to the open bar and did some last minute gift shopping.
In all we did a lot of gambling, walking around, and exploring. We also talked with a ton of locals and tried to get a feel for the place. I'm not a fan of most shows and she had seen most of them in her previous travels. I really wanted to change the hotel after booking it and she kept insisting that it'd be fine. Besides using MyVegas a trick we learned was to use your Mlife card for anything you purchase inside an MGM casino, it doesn't matter if you are buying show tickets or a frozen drink, you'll get points from your purchase. I expect to get a ton of comps to use at the Borgata and I think we are coming back for the Golden Knights/Devils game in January.
My total expenses for the trip came out to be $1190.75 based on all of my credit card statements and cash that I had left over in my wallet. This includes my half of the hotel, resort, plane and all of the booze, rides, and gambling I did.
submitted by dooit to vegas [link] [comments]


Hello Everyone!
So the Nitty Gritty Details first as always:
Sale Set Up
Going to go by timestamps for dibs, and will use the typical NIL system that most sales use. Please don’t ghost me, I really do not mind if you change your mind. And if you cannot commit to an item within 2 hours I will move to the next person- unless we have arrangements made via PM holding time wise.Don’t like my prices? Make me an offer, I am pretty flexible to a point, no lowballs, but a lot of the prices are a decent percent off retail already, so I may be firmer on some things price wise. Also it’s a lot of stuff to keep track of, so I apologize if it hasn’t been removed from the list right away if it’s been sold!
Shipping Starts at $3 and goes up by weight- depending how heavy or how much you buy we can probably come up with a bundle price for you. And I will try and get the shipping as cheap as possible- even if I have to send stuff separately or get creative lol.
Going to be shipping within the USA, but I have done a few Canada sales, and one to the Netherlands- so if you are International and really don’t mind the $$$ shipping let me know we can work something out. You would be responsible for any and all customs issues that arrive if they were to occur- so you are agreeing to that as well when you purchase internationally from me. Can also insure the package on request- you cover that too.
I take payments through Paypal only please. I prefer Friends and Family Payments, but if you would like Goods and Services Protection, then you would just cover the fees. If it is a lot of stuff you are buying and would like G&S I prefer to send you an invoice, you still cover fees.
I would more than likely mess it up completely so that will be 100% up to the purchaser.
Mods: Verification is tagged in sets of items- like I will tag the first thing out of a list of what the photo contains. Let me know if there are any no no’s in my post and I will fix it promptly.
ON TO THE GOODIES small wishlist on bottom
bh Cosmetics
*Pride and Prejudice and Zombies LE Palette RIS other person used a few times and so did I $10 closed
Butter London
*Crown Jewels Gift Set- $26 value -BN $18
*Pressed Single in Double Date BN $4
Etude House
*Deluxe Any Cushion Set with Refill and Primer in the shade Petal $18
*Any Cushion Refill in Vanilla BN $10
*Any Cushion Cushion Foundation in (?) Petal (have me double check shade) BN $14
Japonesque Brushes All BN
*Angled Brow/Eye - $8
*Cut Crease- $10
*Blending Eye- $10
*Foundation Angled- $12
*Wonder Pencil in Deep BN x2 $2 each
Real Techniques
*Limited Edition Travel Size Mini Contour Brush with Full Size Head BN $8
*Limited Edition Travel Size Mini Expert Pro Brush with Full Size Head BN x2 $8 each
*Limited Edition Blurred Finish Gift Set BN $22
*Sculpting Sponge BN x2 (one package is ripped) $8 each
*Limited Edition Color Correcting Made Easy Brush & Sponge Gift Set BN $22
Too Faced
*DS Chocolate Soleil in medium/deep open Possibly swatched, more than likely not. $4
TZ Cosmetics
*Aurora Borealis Highlighting Palette may have been swatched $15 closed
Wet n Wild
*Limited Edition Geometric Highlighter BN $4
Tools *NYX Brush Cleanser BN x3 $8 each *Ecotools Brush Cleanser BN x2 $6 each
Hollywood Beauty Sweater Saver BN $6 *Brush Cleansing Mat BN $5 *Drugstore Makeup**
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Blues (don’t remember name) Used 2-3x $2
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Neons BN Sealed $3
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Nudes/Bronze BN Sealed $3
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Purples BN Sealed $3
*CoverGirl True Naked Jewels Eyeshadow Palette used 1-2x $4 Brush not included
*Covergirl Total Eye Look Palette in Blues (forgot name) BN Sealed $3 *Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Gilded Envy BN $3 *Nonie Colour Prevails Eye Shimmer Powder in Purple and in Silver both BN Discontinued $6 each *Coastal Scents Revealed Smokey Eye Sampler $1 or FWP BN *ELF Baked Trio Eyeshadow in Purples (man these names are hard to remember) BN Not Sealed $3
*Elf Eye Smudge Brush FWP or $1 *Revlon Photoready Eye Art in Peach Colors BN Sealed $3
*Walgreens x DC comic collab Catwoman Eyeshadow Palette closed BN $5
*JCat Baked Eyeshadow in Creme Brulee BN $5
*Rimmel London x Kate Moss Lipstick in 110 (I believe it is a matte lip) BN $3
12/24 NEW
ABH Glow Kit open BN $32 *has small slice on back of cardboard sleeve- doesn't affect palette
*ABH Lip Gloss in Punchy Red BN - $12
*ABH Lip Gloss in Socialite BN -$12
*ABH Lip Gloss in Petal BN -$12
*ABH Lip Gloss in Barbie Pink BN -$12
*ABH Liquid Lipstick in Soft Lilac BN- $12
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in 10k BN x2 -$8 each
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in Topaz BN -$8
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in Gem BN -$8
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in Day Rate BN -$8
*ABH Metallic Eyeliner in Liquid Silver BN - $14
BITE Beauty *Lush Fruit Lip Gloss in Spice BN - $12
*Lush Fruit Lip Gloss in Peach BN -$12
*Lip Pencil in 038 BN - $10
City Color
*Eyeshadow Single in All Eyes on Me BN - $4
*Tsum TsumAnna & Elsa HYALURONIC ACID Sheet Mask- x5 $2.50 each
*Tsum Tsum Winnie the Pooh & Piglet Honey Sheet Mask- x5 $2.50 each
*Modern Twist Kajal Liner in Grey TideBN - $10
*Modern Twist Kajal Liner in NightcastBN - $10
Marc Jacobs
*Enamored Nail Polish in 116 shocking BN - $14
*NYX Round Lipstick in Jupiter BN x2- $3 each
*NYX Round Lipstick in Summer Love BN x3- $3 each
Real Techniques
*Bold Metals Blush Brush 300 BN x2- $10 each
*DS Always On Gel Eyeliner in Fishnet BN - $8
*Lady Gaga Black Liquid FAME perfume - BN -$12
*DS Juicy Couture Roller Ball Charm usage shown - $3
*Bath and Body Works Breathe Perfume usage shown- Discontinued Scent/ Hard to find - $20
*Victoria’s Secret Very Sexy perfume BN- 2007 version Hard to Find Bottle Style- $25
*Britney Spears Curious perfume- usage line shown by arrow in picture - $8
*Hilary Duff With Love perfume- usage shown- $15
*Disney A Princess Wish perfume- sprayed 1-4 times Discontinued $12
*GAP Love Shack body spray- Discontinued- usage shown- $7
*Bath and Body Works Signature Vanillas: Coconut body spray- Discontinued Scent- usage shown- $12
*Got2B Kinkier Curl Mousse should be 70-80% full I will double check if interested (price will be adjusted if less) $5
*Tresemme Keratin Smooth Serum usage shown- $3
*Got2B Oil-licious Calm and Shine Styling Oil Discontinued- usage shown $5
*Got2B Smooth Operator Smoothing Luxury Mousse usage line $4
*Travel Size Big Sexy Hair Spritz and Stay BN - $3
Travel Size Pantene Sheer Volume Foam BN $3 *ETC.**
*Juice Beauty Luminous Lip Crayon in: 12 Malibu -BN $6
*Ipsy December Bag - BN $6
*Green Italy Towel BN -$2 each
*Lottie London Nail Polish in Riot! BN -$5
*Nail Inc Floral Decals nail polish- used 2-4 times- $2
*Kiss Gradation Polishes Kit BN - $3
*DS First Aid Beauty Facial Cleanser BN -$6
*DS Avene A - Oxitive BN $8
*DS Korres Rose Facial Sleeping Mask - $7
BITE Beauty
*Bite mini Amuse Buche Lip in Fig and Meringue - $5 each
*Mini Liquid Lips Matte2: all BN $3.50 each
*More Better
*Times Square
*Love Bug
*Creeper x2
*Bad Habit
*Mini Liquid Satin Lips: all BN $3.50 each
*Mess Around
*Magic Wand
* Ultra Matte Lips FS
*Beeper- Swatched 1x $4
LE GWP Only Take Five x2- BN $6
*ILUVSARAHII X Colourpop “Mamacita”- BN $5
*Ultra Glossy Lips
All BN, LE, SOLD OUT - all BN $5 each
*Wishes x2
*Bash (old formula)
*RSVP x2
*Bash (new formula & box- color differr) - BN $5
*MISC Colourpop Lips
*Lippie Stix- LE GWP Only- Fab Five- BN $6
*Lippie Pencil in: Oversized - Swatched 1x $3
*Ultra Satin in Calypso- BNIB $6
Coloured Raine
*Matte Lip Paint in: Sugar x4 - BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Soul x2- BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Marshmallow x2- BN $6 each
Dose of Colors
*DOC in: Cotton Candy x2-BN $9
*DOC in: Attitude- BN $9
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Stain in:Pink Petal- swatched 1x - $2
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Super Gloss in: Sunrise - BN $3
*Elf Mini DS Lips- all BN $1 each
*ELF Lip Laquer in Natural- BNIB $3
Pink *(how original)
*Funky Fuchsia
Gerard Cosmetics
*Berry Smoothie Lipstick x3- BN $6 each
*All Dolled Up Lipstick x3-BN $7 each
*Fire Engine Lipstick -BN $6
*Kimchi Doll Lipstick -BN $7
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Pink Tiara- BN $8
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Coral Craze- BN $8
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Butter Cream- BN $8
Hot Makeup
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Bubbly- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Casino Night- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunset- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Runway- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Like a Queen- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunkissed- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Blown Away- BN $7
*Lipstick: Crystal’s Kiss- BN $7
*Lipstick: Take it Off- BN $9
*Lipstick : Voyage- BN $9
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Lovecraft- swatched 1x $12
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Hellbent- BNIB $14
KIKO Cosmetics
*More Colour Lip Liner in: Billowing Peach x4- BN $4 each
*Studio Shine Lip in Jasmine- BN $5
*Studio Shine Lip in Dutchess- BN $5
*LaSplash Liquid Velvet Matte Lip in Red Velvet- BNIB box damaged- $7
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Saintly- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Bitter Berry- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Madly Mandarin- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Lip in: Samantha x3- BN $5 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: So Seductive x3- BN $5 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Get Lucky- BN $5
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Olympus- BN $5
*Burts Bee’s Mint Cocoa Chapstick BN $2
*Buxom DS in: Rose Juelp- BN $4
*Buxom FS Liquid Lip in: Moonlighter- BN $6
*Carmex Moisture Plus (tint)- swatched 1x $1
*Clinique Black Honey DS Lip- BN $6
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte Lip in: Catoure - BN $3
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte in: Crimson Cat- BN $3
*Essence Matte Lip - swatched x2 $1
*DS Grande Lips Lip Plumper - x2 BN $5 each
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Jack Skellington- Pumpkin Spice Latte- BNIB- $5 x4
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Sally Peppermint Candy Corn- BNIB- $5 x2 *LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Ursula Wicked Grape- BNIB- $5 x2
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Cruella De Vill Cruel Red Velvet- BNIB- $5 x1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Maleficent Blackberry Magic- BNIB- $5 X1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Halloween Minnie Sour Trick or Treat Candy- BNIB- $5
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Vampire Mickey Spooky Ooky Smores- BNIB- $5 x3
Maybeline Baby Lips in: Purple Container and Pink Container- both swatched 1-2 times $1 each *(can’t find names on them)
*Nivea Shimmer Lip Care- opened but BN $2
*Palladio Herbal Lipstick in: Smokey Rose x4- one opened but all BN $3 each
*Rimmel London x Kate Moss in 113- used lightly x2 $2
*The Lip Bar in: Cosmo- BN $6
*Ulta DS Color Rush Lip Gloss in: Olivia - BN $2
*Ulta Matte Lip Crayon in: Soiree - BN $2
Walgreens x DC comics Collab in “Combat” and “Bravery” -$1 each *(see notes for other info pertaining to these
Nonie Colour Prevails
Liquid Lip with Clear Matte Topper- all BN $4 each *COLORS
*Retro Pink
*Darkest Taupe
*Suede Matte Lip Liners- all BN $2 each
*Prune x2
*Stockholm x5
*Cannes x7
*Orange County
*Cherry Skies
*Tea & Cookies
*Run the World
*Subversive Socialite
*Club Hopper
*Foiled Again x7
*Life’s a Beach
*London x3
*Los Angeles x3
*Whipped Caviar x4
*Copenhagen x4
*Milan x2
*Respect the Pink x3
*Pink Lust x2
*Sao Paulo x5
*Kitten Heels x3
*Vintage Red x4
*Aria x4
*Alabama x2
*Nyx Lip Liner in: Dolly Pink- BN $2
Nyx Matte Lipstick- all BN $3 each (a couple are opened but still BN)
*Daydream x3
*Shy x2
*Bloody Mary x2
*Pure Red
*Indie Flick x4
*Pale Pink x2
*Couture x4
Nyx Macaron Matte Lip - all BN $3 each
*Blue Velvet
Nyx Butter Lipstick - all BN $3 each
*Big Cherry
*Sugar Wafer
*Nyx Lingerie in: Satin Ribbon x 5 - all BN $3 each
*Nyx Mega Shine Lipgloss in: Perfect Red x2- all BN $3 each
*Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Cherry Cheesecake
*Sugar Cookie
*Tiramisu x3
*Peaches and Cream x2
*Strawberry Parfait x2
*Red Velvet
*Creme Brulee x4
*Peach Cobbler x2
Nyx Intense Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Spice Cake x2
*Sorbet x2
*Funnel Delight x3
*Orangesicle x2
OCC Cosmetics
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tarin: Digitalis- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Anime- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Femme x2- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Queen- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
Tattoo Junkie
*Happy Hour with Sparkle Lip Effect BN- $7
Matte Lip Paint with Effect Toppers- all swatched 1x $4 each
*Minx with Velvety Lip Effect
*Walgreens x DC comics Collab in: Riot with Sparkle Effect Lip topper
*Outcast with Chroma Effect Lip Topper
Too Faced
*Lip Insurance Glossy- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Pitch Perfect- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Maneater- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Bachelorette BN $9
*Melted Lip in: Melted Melon-BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Marshmallow- BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Fuchsia-BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Frozen Hot Chocolate- BN $8
Wet n Wild
Fall 2017 LE Catsuit Matte Lip - all BN $7 each *COLORS
*Sleepy Hollow x4
*Boo Blu x4
*Widow’s Peak
*Purple Panic
*Terrifying Tangerine
*LE Midnight Mermaid Metallic Matte Catsuit -all BN $7 each
*Coral Crown
*Harbor a Crush
*Sea Seduction
*Lara’s Necklace
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in : Rebel Rose- swatched x2 $3
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Give Me Mocha- BN $5
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Coral Corruption used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in: Turn’t Orange- used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in” Shelly Shocked- used 1x-$2
*Wet n Wild Gel Lip Liner in: Never Petal Down- used 1x- $1 (or FWP)
*Cushion Matte Lip in: Melon Like it is - BN $5
*Lipstick in: Think Pink- BN $1
*Gel Lip Liner in: Red The Scene- BN $3
*World Famous Neutrals Palette (open) (closed) - might have swatched each color 1x if that (does not come with eyeshadow look cards)- $16
BH Cosmetics
*28 Color Neutral Eyes Palette(closed) (open) (details/usage notes) - used 5-6x - $6
Coastal Scents
*Hot Pots at Various uses - $1 each
*Fancy Pansy
*Venetian Red
*Volcanic Blast
*Pale Daffodil
*Light Yellow
*Blue Moon
*Gypsy Blue
*Elven Silver
*Snow Pea
*Mellow Yellow
*Sea Lily
*Colourpop Element of Surprise Eyeshadow Palette - used a few shades 2x- $14
*I Think I Love You pressed shadow palette- BNIB $18
*Colourpop Yes Please Palette BNIB- just came with powder stains on lid -$14
Super Shock Shadows - BNIB
*Reversible x2- $5 * Supermodel x3- Discontinued-$6
*The One- Discontinued- $6 right side up
*One by One- SOLD OUT- $6 (pictured twice, or I may have two- see below)
*Shop- BNIB- $5
*Posey BN - $5
*Cherries Jubilee
*Pressed in:Snake Eyes- swatched 1x $3
*Pressed in: Let’s Do It- used wet x2 for eyeliner- $3
I buy too many doubles...grr, here is what I have with those:
*Pressed in Running Late BNIB $4
*Pressed in Blowfish BNIB $4
*ELF Prism Eyeshadow Palette in Naked- BNIB $6
Kat Von D
*Lighting Liner in: Poe- BN $8 note:(had some color on tip when purchased)
*Shade and Light Eye Palette in Rust- BNIB $14
KIKO Cosmetics
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 05 Gold and Teal- BN $5
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 04 Sky Blue and Indigo- BN $5
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 03 Lilac and Plum- BN $5
Looxi Beauty
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Sorbet- has been repress, but now you have to really work at it to get color- FWP if interested
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Firefly- swatched 3x $4
*Makeup Forever DS Shadow in 6RO1 (?) closed - BN $5
*FS UD 24/7 Glide on Velvet Eyeliner in Lush- BN $14
[Naked Cosmetics* Loose Pigment]( in: Mother Nature- Swatched 1x- $6
*Revlon Color Exactify Wheel Liquid Liner in black- tried one time on one eye- $5
*Sephora + Pantone Universe Color of the Year Palette (open) (closed) - RIS BNIB- did not use so BNIB- $30
*Vintage Single Shadow - swatched 1x $8
*Tarte DSTarteist Mascara BNIB $12
Too Faced
*Violet Femme Single Shadow - BN $10
*Cat Eyes Palette used $7
Wet n Wild * Unicorn Pigment Collection - BN $15 as a 3 set x2 or $5 each for singles
*Midnight Mermaid Collection Liquid Shadows all BN $7 each
*Moonlight Majesty (purple)
*Mysterious Nights (dark, kinda greyish? Best to look up swatches)
*Lara’s Necklace (green)
Winky Lux
*Winky Lux Kitten Palette - Used only a few colors once, purchased swatched only on MUE open - $14
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: Demi Black x2 BN- $3 each
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: 616 Black x3 BN- $3 each
*Spooky Lashes by Ardell in: Goddess (top and bottom) x2- BN $4 each
*Kiss Lashes Flutterful & Fierce x5 BN $3 each
Want to try Colourpop’s Crystal Spray Primers, but don’t want to buy the bottle? DECANTS AVAILABLE! Great for foiling Eyeshadows!
5ml eye dropper- $1.50 10ml eye dropper- $2.50 10ml Spray Bottle- $3.50 (spray bottles are slightly pricey)
Available in the following:
*[Rose Quartz)[
Face Continued
*YSL Blur Primer DS- BNIB $15
*Coty Air Spun Powder in Naturally Neutral- BN only opened for pictures- $5
*It Cosmetics Color Correcting Full Coverage & Anti Aging Hydrating Serum DS- BN $5
*Makeup Revolution strobing/highlighting duo chrome palette (I used as creme eyeshadows)- each shade at least swatched some lightly used- $10
*LA Girl Face Setting Powder- Used 1-2x $4
*L'oreal Lumi Cushion Foundation in W2 OPEN used lightly, no cushion puff included- $4 . *Tarte DS Amazonian Clay Blush in Seduce- BNIB $14
*ELF Highlighting Holographic Duo in Siren’s Call- Swatched yellow side 2x- $6
*ELF Shining Facial Whip - BNIB $3
*Wet n Wild Paint Palette Limited Edition in Metallics- x2 BN $4 each
*Algenist Luminizing Drops in Rose- BN $20
*DS Benefit Watts Up - BN $7
*GlamGlow Glow Starter in Nude Glow - $5
*Milk Blur Stick DS - BN $4
*It cosmetics CC+ DS in Medium- BN $5
Sonia Kashuk Limited Edition SOLD OUT Brush Sets
*4 piece Pop Art Set x4- BNIB $12.50 each
*Saydee’s Work of Art Matching Brush Cup x2 $6 each
*Smashbox Brush #9 - used, make an offer not sure what to price at
*Kate Spade Makeup Bag flaw opened - Used, Loved, Zipper is cracking other than that still in great shape- I’m thinking $25 but open to offers
*Crown Chisel Brush BN - $5
*Soho The Little Mermaid Makeup Bag opened Used 1-2x Tops Brand New Looking- $6
*Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray By Home Basics -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $8
*Large Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $10
*Mac Brush #159 BN $18
Not sure if anyone would be interested in this, but I have an old vintage perfume bottle for sale, opened closed
*Dr. Brandt Pore Dermabrasion DS- $6
*Scary Pretty Face Mask BN $1 each *Pumpkin Spice x2 *Sugar Cookie
*Stratia Soft Touch AHA Decants| 5ml-$2
Demeter’s Fragrance Library Watermelon Lollipop 15ml only sampled a bit $4
Kat Von D
*Sinner DS BNIB- $8
*Twirl Sample - usages shown: Fuller-$1.50 not so full- $1
*Chloe Sample - usage shown $0.50
*Betsey Johnson Too Too - usage shown $0.50
*JLO Love Glow - usage shown, no cap $4
*BN Sample Size - $2 each
*Black Tulip - Nest Fine Fragrances x2
*California Clementine
*Tory Burch Love Relentlessly
*Marc Anthony Hydrating Coconut and Shea Butter Travel Size- BN $6
*Briogeo Repair Don’t Despair Deep Conditioning Mask DS- BN $4
*Forever 21 Heart Shaped Curlers - BN never used- $2
*Forever 21 Circle Shaped Curlers - BN never Used- $2
*Hair how-to Barette Roll - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $4 *Hair how-to Barette Perfect Bob - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $3
*E-Pony how to Barrette - Never used only opened- $4 backside
*French Twister Hair how to - probably tried 1x like new $4
*Hair Braider how to NO instructions - BN $2
*Herbal Essences Bio- essence Dry Shampoo - usage line estimated in picture- $3
*TGI Bed Head After Party -70-80% left $5
*DS OUAI Treatment Mask BN $5
*Broadway Nails Press on Glow in the Dark Manicure- BN $3
*ORLY Color Blast in Fly like Flit (orange)- used 1x $2
*ORLY Color Blast in Follow Your Path (blue) - BN never used $3
*Sally Hansen Color Therapy in Reflection Pool - used one time $3
*LE Wet n Wild Holiday 2016 Mega Last in R-U-FREE-2-DANCE - used 1x $5
AB Makeup
Brand Name Shade Usage Price
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Mild Mandarin BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Pink Rabbit BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Real Peach BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Romantic Peach BN $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Honey Pink BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Momo BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Pink Skirt BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Pure Pink BN $7
Apieu LE Apieu x Rilakkuma Shimmer Eyeshadow GL 101 sealed- 2 Available $5 each
Beauty People Fast 10's Gel Liner Auto Pencil Diamond Brown swatched 2x $6
Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack Pure Pink BN $6
Brow Lash EX LE Minnie Brow Powder and Brow Liner Duo 24hr Waterproof Light Brown only swatched powder side 1x $12
Clio Kill Black Waterproof Eyeliner 01 Black see notes on photo $4
Clio Chic Matte Eyeliner Black swatched 2x $6
Dolly Wink Color Eyeliner Sugar Purple used 1x $7
Etude House Bling Bling Eye Stick Little Bear Star used 2x $3
Etude House Bling Bling Eye Stick Shooting Star sealed $4
Etude House Cookie Blusher "Strawberry Choux" used 2-3x No Puff $4
Etude House Dear Darling Lips Wonder Fun Park BL 601 used lightly 2x $3
Etude House Eyebrow Brush see photo notes $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest BK 805 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest BK 806 sealed-2 available $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest PP 505 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest GR 708 opened light usage $3
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 003 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 005 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 010 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BE 104 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes OR 205 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes RD 303 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes RD 304 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BR 405 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BK 802 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Jewel BE 103 sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BR 428 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BR 429 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BL 606 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection GR 709 Opened used 1-2x $3
Etude House LE Ice Cream Pink Makeup Pouch Sealed $5
Etude House Tear Drop Eye Liner 01 White Tear Sealed $4
Etude House Tear Drop Eye Liner 04 Pink Tear swatched 2x $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 05 (brown sparkle not sure on name) sealed $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 06 Olive Peridot sealed $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 07 Carat Diamond used 1x $3
Holika Holika [Jewel Under Eye Maker] Pink used liner end 3x swatched shadow end 1x $4
Holika Holika Magic Pole Liner 2x 01 Black Eyeliner swatched 1x $8
Holika Holika Shimmer Eye Shadow SPP 3 sealed $4
It's Skin Babyface Petit Gel Eyeliner 05 (dark blue-ish teal) used 1x $3
It's Skin Babyface Petit Blusher 04 used 3x no Puff $3
Koji Eye Talk Excellent Double Eyelid Maker Moisturizing BN $10
Koji Spring Heart False Lashes with glue BN $4
Ladykin Shadow Stick Yellow Green swatched 2x $4
Lioele Duo Eyeshadow No.1 Golden Godiva BN $8
Lioele Mix Concealer Palette closed/open Only Comes In This Shade Combo see closed photo caption notes $9
Missha Missha x Line Friends 4D Mascara front back Black Sealed $7
Missha Shimmer Eyeshadow GBE 03 Sealed $4
Missha Matte Eyeshadow 5BL 01 see photo notes $4
Missha Matte Eyeshadow SGR 01 see photo notes $3
Peripera Touch Pang Lip Brunch With Pink BNIB 2 available $8
Secret Key Chubby Jelly Lips Cherry Red BN $6
Secret Key Twinkle Waterproof Gel Liner Purple Sparkle )not sure of name BN $6
The Face Shop Tint Glass Lips Joyful Red- Little Mermaid BN $10
The Face Shop Tint Glass Lips can't read name- Snow White BN $10
The Saem Face Lightener CC SPF30 PA++ Green used 1x 90% left $5
Witch's Pouch Silk Glow Art Shadow Stick 06 see photo notes $2
Witch's Pouch Silk Glow Art Shadow Stick 01 swatched 1x $3
AB Nails US Shipping ONLY
Brand Product Shade Condition Price
Ladykin Gumho Nail Polish Cashmere Purple used 1x $2
The Saem Eco Soul UV Gel Nail see photo BN $4
ISO If the price is right I may buy ONLY the things listed, open to swaps for these items as well
*Demeter Fragrance Library Perfume: Sex on the Beach
*Limited Edition Japanese skincare bottles (empty prefered) with Disney Characters
*Anything Disney try me, excluding the MAC Disney Items
*Stila Magnificent Metals Duo Chrome Shades- Sunset Cove, Sea Siren, and Into the Blue
So that about wraps it up! I appreciate it if you made it all the way to the end, it’s a lot of stuff! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, or if you want more usage detail on anything, or even more pictures!
Have a great day everyone!
More to come Stay Tuned :)
Also if you are looking for A LOT of skincare check out my SCX post and my ABX post for everything Asian Beauty :)
submitted by ktlady0225 to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

Uncut's 75 Best Albums of 2018

Last year I listened to and wrote small reviews on Pitchfork's top 50 of 2017, which can be read here. It was a lot of fun and I found a ton of new music I wouldn't have discovered otherwise.
I will still do the Pitchfork one for 2018, although I'm sure they'll have some of the same albums as this list on Uncut.
I listen to the albums from 75-1, and to stay surprised, I try not to look to see what the next album is. I'll post Spotify links to each album in case you're interested. Will update the list as I finish each album.
75. Fatoumata Diawara - Fenfo (Something To Say): This album was actually pretty cool. If I'm remembering correctly, it reminded me a lot of Ibeyi's Ash from last year, which I enjoyed. This had a cool island vibe to it and was pretty upbeat (for the most part). She doesn't sing in English (except for a few parts) but it didn't matter. It was still a pretty refreshing listen. I kinda got annoyed listening to this and at most times I just really wanted it to end. Felt pretty repetitive and wasn't really into it. Personally don't think I'd come back to it but I thought the same thing about Ibeyi's album but I go back to that from time to time. Albums like this is why I enjoy doing these lists. I would have never thought to put this album on otherwise. 5/10.
74. Beach House - 7: Honestly pretty surprised this album is so low on this list. This hasn't been getting the proper treatment it rightfully deserves. I heard it when it first came out and I liked it. Beach House, in my opinion is the quintessential bedroom pop/dream pop band. For a long time they've put out pretty great albums. That could just be me reminiscing on my younger festival days. Beach House was one of the first bands I had ever seen play a festival. I think Pitchfork in 2010. Anyway, I don't think it's as good as Teen Dream or Bloom but it's a refreshing album nonetheless. Especially if you're into the bedroom pop stuff that's become pretty popular as of late (Jay Som, Soccer Mommy, etc). Pay No Mind is probably my favorite song off this album and is one of my favorite songs of the year. Lose Your Smile is great, too. 7/10.
73. Kacey Musgraves - Golden Hour: I've been a fan of hers since I first heard Same Trailer Different Park a while ago. Simply put, she writes good pop country songs. Little fun fact, Musgraves wrote Mother while she was tripping on acid and got a text from her mom which sent her into an emotional breakdown. Her lyrics are genuine and honest (although sometimes can be a little cheesy), but they're all very well written. I'm actually surprised this isn't higher on the list. It's a great, smooth, beautifully written album. Velvet Elvis, Love Is A Wild Thing, and Butterflies are my jams. 7/10.
72. Olivia Chaney - Shelter: I was really excited for this album. Last year, Chaney teamed up with the Decemberists to form Offa Rex. Which is a pretty great album as well. Chaney has a beautiful voice. It's like a lullaby. She whispers softly throughout the album and it's incredibly soothing and so easy to listen to. The musical arrangements in each songs are masterfully put together that you often forget to pay attention to anything she's singing. The whole album is pure folk music. It's poetry. The only downside is I almost felt bored and found it a little difficult to keep my attention throughout. Impossible and true/I wait/With feeling/Hold me down/Or let me go/Darling won't you/Let me throw a tender rope/For you, Chaney sings on Arches. And on Dragonfly, she sings As actors/On the wrong stage/With imperfect lines/My dragonfly beats it's wings/In vain, so high/I hope I don't lose my lines. Should mention that IOU gets an early vote for one of my favorite songs of the year. Paste said it best when they called this album a "Sunday morning record." While it was putting to me asleep at times, overall, it's pretty great stuff. 7/10.
71. Jon Hopkins - Singularity: I'm not gonna lie, when I read that this was a "microhouse" album, I kinda rolled my eyes. What kind of pretentious sub-genre is this? Boy was I wrong. This is the kind of album you put on, turn up the volume and listen to front to back no problem. And now I get it. Microhouse is just a toned down version of regular house music. This whole album is a trip. It was just so easy to listen to and made my ears feel good. I don't think you can listen to random tracks off of this album. It feels like a whole experience, the whole album needs to be played in it's entirety to truly enjoy it. So many good sounds/beats, Hopkins literally takes you to a different world throughout this album. Ranking this at 71 seems pretty low. I'm really struggling to find something I didn't like about this album. 10/10.
70. Harmony Rockets - Lachesis / Clotho / Atropos: I wasn't really into this album to be honest. I felt bored after a little while. It's like improvised psychedelic jams and while some parts were cool and fun to listen to, I lost interest rather quickly. Don't really see how this is higher on the list than the previous album, but hey, here we are. 4/10.
69. Natalie Prass - The Future And The Past: Imagine for a second that Jessie Ware and Robyn had a daughter that made music. That's exactly how I felt listening to Natalie Prass. Those that know me know I'm a serious sucker for female pop vocalists. I guess she originally scrapped an entire albums worth of music after the 2016 election and began to write this one based on her frustration/heartbreak with the result. [Per her interview with Exclaim! via Genius: but Prass pushed the album’s release to scrap half the songs and replace them with songs that tackle culture divides and gender and income inequality, all of which have been exacerbated during Trump’s presidency.] The lyrics get across her message almost immediately with the albums opener, Oh My. Not once does this album seem like it's over the top or that she's trying too hard. Imo, the only negative thing I can say about this album, is that it kind of relies too much on funk/soul/jazz, etc. This is the first album I've heard by here, so that just may be her thing. Another song that gets a vote for my end of year list is definitely Lost. Album is a must listen. 9/10.
68. Richard Swift - The Hex: Honestly, I couldn't get into this album. It was interesting and weird with lots of different experimental sounds. His voice was difficult for me to get used to. At times, the whole thing almost felt overwhelming. With lots going on, it was difficult to concentrate or focus on it. I will say though, there are some beautiful arrangements on this album, particularly HZLWD, which happens to be an instrumental. My favorite song off the album though is probably Dirty Jim. 4/10.
67. Phosphorescent - C'est La Vie: This album rules. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Reminds me of last years War On Drugs album (which was also good). It's got a great Americana/heartland sound to it that is sometimes missing in newer rock albums. There's really not much to say about this album. If you're into bands like War On Drugs, Kurt Vile, Wilco, Father John Misty, Okkervil River, etc. then this is a can't miss record. New Birth In New England was my favorite song off this album and will surely make my final list of best songs. 10/10.
66. Arve Henriksen - The Height of the Reeds: I wasn't crazy about this album. It was all instrumentals (usually not a big deal). He's a trumpet player but he does a great job of not really making it sound like a trumpet. Definitely filled with some interesting sounds, but I honestly found myself getting bored rather quickly. I didn't really find it to be relaxing/soothing, either. Usually with albums like this I can turn it on and just zone out. This one was different. Favorite part of this album were the song titles. For example, The Swans Bend Their Necks Backward To See God, and "Is There A Limit For The Internal*. 4/10.
65. Blood Orange - Negro Swan: Heard the name, never listened, not what I was expecting. This was nothing short of great. Dev Hynes has such a cool, soothing voice. The music is awesome...all the beats/sounds fit perfectly within each track. The spoken lyrics that appear throughout the album are a nice touch that break up the pace of the album (not an issue). Few great features as well, with Diddy, A$AP, and Project Pat. If you're a fan of artists like Frank Ocean, Solange, Jorja Smith, etc. and haven't heard this, I suggest you get on it as quickly as possible. Such an easy listen. Saint, Hope, and Chewing Gum were my favorites, but honestly, not a single bad track. This album is a must listen. 10/10.
64. Suede - The Blue Hour: This album was FUCKING SWEET. Never heard of these guys before but they've been a band for a very long time. This whole album was outstanding. They have a cool heavy/gothic 80s sound (that I'm not usually into), but it sounds so new and fresh. There's a clear Smiths influence throughout this whole project. The whole thing is just...good. I have little issues with this album, but one complaint I have is that his voice got to be a tad much by the time it was over. Wastelands, Beyond The Outskirts, and Don't Be Afraid If Nobody Loves You are my favorite tracks, but it was honestly difficult to narrow it down. This album is a must listen. 9/10.
63. Israel Nash - Lifted: Cool folky/country rock/dreampop/Americana album. I really got a vibe of multiple different genres throughout the whole thing, which was pretty cool/refreshing. Nash reminds me a little of guys like Jason Isbell, Hiss The Golden Messenger, Son Volt, etc. This was just such an easy early morning album to listen to. I really liked the retro Americana sound that's throughout the whole thing, but tbh this album didn't really do it for me. My main issues with this album is that a lot of the songs, imo, sound pretty much the same and he just doesn't really do anything different or better on this album that I can't get elsewhere within this alt-country/Americana genre. I don't think this is one I'd revisit, kind of a "listen and forget" album. That being said, if alt-country is your jam, this should be worth your time. Rolling On and Golden Fleeces were my two favorite from this project. 6/10.
62. Angelique Kidjo - Remain In Light: This caught me completely off guard. She's a Beninese singer with an incredible voice. The whole album (which I didn't realize) is a cover of Talking Heads' 1980 classic Remain In Light. She does a fantastic job throughout the entire thing. Full of awesome jazz (which I'm usually not crazy about) and TONS of African influences, this thing is seriously such a great time. Once In A Lifetime is one of the best covers I've ever heard. I don't think I had a single issue with this album. Must listen. 10/10.
61. Laurie Anderson & Kronos Quartet - Landfall: This album was pretty weird. Ambient/instrumental/spoken word...I don't know, I felt pretty lost throughout the whole thing and felt like I couldn't concentrate on anything. Clocking in at thirty songs and over an hour long, I got bored almost immediately. There were a few good songs, but overall, this was one that I would have been fine with skipping. I'm just not sure. 4/10.
60. U.S. Girls - In A Poem Unlimited: I thoroughly enjoyed this album. I've been a big fan of dreampop for the better part of a year or so (Jay Som, Soccer Mommy, Beach House, etc) so it was no surprise that I was a fan of this album. Listening to M.A.H, I got serious Gwen Stefani No Doubt vibes with was pretty awesome. And honestly, she reminds me a lot of Stefani/Blondie throughout the whole album (not really a bad thing). This whole thing was just a solid pop album. The previous mentioned M.A.H (mad as hell) is my favorite song off the album. That particular song takes a critical look at Obama's presidency, which is a super different take than the ever-so-popular FDT takes. 8/10.
59. Stick In The Wheel - Follow Them True: One of the most unique albums on this list. English folk band that doesn't go too crazy. It opens up with Over Again (which is a great song) but I was left waiting for this to turn into like an album full of Irish drinking songs. The whole album ends up being pretty minimalistic and uses their voices heavily to carry the album. Parts of it reminded me a little of Delta Rae. Great rhythms, cool sound. Definitely not something for everyone, and while I was left impressed and curious, I wasn't really into it. 6/10.
58. Mary Gauthier - Rifles And Rosary Beads: This was a good folky/country album. I liked this album and I especially liked the idea behind it. Per NPR, she worked in collaboration with the nonprofit SongwritingWith:Soldiers to co-write the album's 11 tracks with veterans and their families. That's a pretty incredible thing to do and it leads to some heavy lyrics. Honestly too many good lyrics to share, the songwriting is top-notch and the melodies are great. I think you'll just need to hear it for yourself. This album was made in a special way, I'm not sure I've heard anything quite like it before. Knowing she wrote this with Veterans really changes your perspective on it. 8/10.
57. Elephant Micah - Genericana: Low energy, rock/experimental album that I thought sounded pretty cool for a little bit. Some parts were clean and easy to listen to, other times I found it to be a little messy with the distortion. This was a good break from the folk/indie that's been pretty heavy for the past few albums but this wasn't something I particularly enjoyed. 5/10.
56. Dawn Landes - Meet Me At The River: This will probably end up in my top 5 for AOTY. I really enjoyed this. I have a soft spot for female vocalists, particularly in the indie/folk/country categories. But make no mistake, this is a country album. She reminded me a bit of Kacey Musgraves/Miranda Lambert/Joan Baez/Brandi Carlisle/Amanda Shires/etc. I had most of this album pretty much on repeat. It's fun to listen to, easy to sing along with and the songs are genuinely well written. The lyrics in Why They Name Whiskey After Men are pretty catchy: "It comes on strong and keeps you warm before it starts to do you in/And in spite of the pain you go back again/Must be why they name whiskey after men." It was honestly pretty difficult to pick a favorite song off this album. The previously mentioned Whiskey After Men and Southern Girl were up there. 10/10.
55. Jess Williamson - Cosmic Wink: Best way to describe Jess Williamson is probably a more folk-y Angel Olsen. Pretty cool. "Your hair in my bed is regarded as a relic/My past and my future envy me." Great lyrics she sings on Awakening Baby, my favorite track off this album. The whole thing is full of great melodies and lyrics that make you want to restart each song and listen again. However, I think just one listen was enough. It wasn't something I kept thinking about after I finished it. 7/10.
54. Tune-Yards - I Can Feel You Creep Into My Private Life: I enjoyed this album quite a bit. I thought it was a fun, quick listen, almost every song had me nodding my head to the music. Electro indie pop is usually pretty awesome so I gotta give props to this record. It can be a bit much at times, and does sound like it's a little cluttered and definitely obscure, but the actual music is pretty damn catchy and damn fun. Look At Your Hands is my jam. 7/10.
53. David Byrne - American Utopia: I wasn't really too sure what to expect with this album and I wasn't sure if I was going to be into it. But I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's a nicely paced electronic/pop record with some pretty obscure/outrageous lyrics and sounds (which is probably pretty typical for Byrne). Now the chicken imagines a heaven/Full of roosters and plenty of corn/And God is a very old roosteAnd eggs are like Jesus, his son. Pretty goofy stuff, but it's a ton of fun. Every Day Is A Miracle is easily my favorite song off this album. 7/10.
52. Willie Nelson - Last Man Standing: Another album where I wasn't really sure what to expect. Although I'm a fan of country music, I had never really listened to Willie Nelson before this album. But I gotta say, I dig it and I get the appeal. Perfect balance of country/blues/rock. His lyrics are pretty top notch and the whole album was a great listen. First verse from Something You Get Through: "When you lose the one you love/You think your world has ended/You think your world will be a waste of life/Without them in it/You feel there's no way to go on/Life is just a sad, sad song/But love is bigger than us all/The end is not the end at all." It's just so easy to tap your foot to the rhythm of this album. He's 85! That's incredible! The previously mentioned Something you Get Through is my favorite song off the album, but there really isn't a bad one. 9/10.
51. Gwenifer Raymond - You Never Were Much Of A Dancer: She's a fantastic guitabanjo player. It's pretty incredible what she does throughout this whole album. It's all instrumentals and I'll admit, I got pretty bored of it rather quickly. I just felt empty afterwards and felt like I needed more. Which is dumb to say because the whole album is extremely complex and in-depth. There just felt like something was missing. 6/10.
50. The Necks - Body: Gotta say, I wasn't crazy about this one. First and foremost, I was never really into jazz music. If it's on at a party or background music while I work, cool. But I've never gone out of my way to listen to the genre. Body is an experimental jazz/post-rock album by Australian trio The Necks. The album is one song long, close to an hour. It started kinda slow and I was pretty bored, but it does pick up and get kind of cool around the 25 minute mark. I'm impressed that they were able to improvise this whole thing for an hour long but I would have personally preferred 8-10 individual tracks. Probably wouldn't listen to this again. 5/10.
49. Mary Lattimore - Hundreds Of Days: This album kinda caught me off guard. Knew nothing about her or her music, but she's an American classically trained harpist. This album was absolutely gorgeous. Each track told a different story that I'm not smart enough to understand, but their titles are masterfully written with names like Never Saw Him Again, Their Faces Streaked With Light And Filled With Pity, and On The Day You Saw The Dead Whale. You can feel different emotions in every track and they all leave you open to your own interpretation as to what they're about. Of course, there's no lyrics, but this album doesn't even need them. If you want something easy to listen to, while studying, cooking, trying to relax, sitting in a coffee shop on a rainy fall day, this album would be pretty perfect. My favorite tracks are Baltic Birch and the aforementioned On The Day You Saw The Dead Whale. I'm gonna go cry now and think about my life. 7/10.
48. Laura Veirs - The Lookout: I really thought this album was going to be great, but I was left thinking it was "just good." I have never heard of Veirs prior to this list, but she reminds me of artists like Lucy Dacus, Jenny Lewis, maybe Laura Marling too. Found it interesting that it was her first solo album since 2013, and her first project since she collaborated with Neko Case and k.d. lang on 2016's case/lang/veirs (which I have not heard). I'm a pretty big fan of indie/indie folk/alternative country but honestly, for no particular reason, I found this album to be quite forgettable and don't think I'd come back to listen to it. That being said, her soft vocals make this a pretty easy listening experience and again, the whole album works damn well as background music. My favorite tracks were Heavy Petals and Everybody Needs You. 6/10.
47. Julia Holter - Aviary: I was unsure about this album. At times I wasn't very into it and at other times I though it was a beautifully made album. Definitely a neat progressive/experimental/indie pop project though which is nice, it's something that I've never really heard/listened to. I don't think this is one I'd revisit, I don't really think this album is important to this list. 5/10.
46. Kathryn Joseph - From When I Wake The Want Is: Odd little folk/indie album...Kathryn Joseph has a little whiny voice, similar to Joanna Newsome/Bjork. Her voice is definitely an acquired taste but if you give it a chance, not terribly difficult to deal with it. I just personally couldn't get into it, her voice kind of annoyed me and made it a little dificult to enjoy the rest of the album. The album has a pretty serious Radiohead vibe to it (never a bad thing). It sounds super unique and worth a listen if want to hear a little mix of Bjork and Radiohead. 6/10.
45. Anna Calvi - Hunter: This album seriously feels like such an 80s pop-rock/goth classic. I really enjoyed it and couldn't get enough of it. Lots of cool chord progressions, awesome goth sounds, this album pretty much had it all. Don't Beat The Girl Out Of My Boy and Chain were my favorite songs off this album. 8/10.
44. Ryley Walker - Deafman Glance: Pretty good jazzy/indie folk/psychedelic album. Pretty much just a dude with a nice soft voice and his guitar making nice music. He'd be your middle-of-the-day jam band festival act and he'd fit the bill perfectly. Super chill album to have on at work or just relaxing at home. Telluride Speed is definitely my favorite track from this album. 7/10.
43. Tracey Thorn - Record: Alright I enjoyed this quite a bit. Such a cool and fun pop/dance record. I spent the whole time just tapping my foot and bopping my head. I was pretty surprised to learn she's been making music since 1980, but it makes total sense. This sounds a lot like a classic 80's pop album. This album seems to do a good job of cheering you up and just wanting to make you move around. So fun. Guitar and Dancefloor are my favorite songs off this album. But honestly, I couldn't really find a song I didn't like. Really not much more you could ask for from a pop record. 10/10.
42. Melody's Echo Chamber - Bon Voyage: I feel like this album is pretty underrated. There's just something so magical and different about it that makes me keep coming back. Great mix of psychedelic/indie rock/pop all at once. On top of all that she sings a few songs in French or Swedish which just help add to albums mystique. There are a few parts on this album that seem a little over the top, like on the song Desert Horse, there are so many different sounds at once, but somehow it works. Overall, I really enjoyed the sound of this album and I think it should easily be considered a must listen. 9/10.
41. Cat Power - Wanderer: I was pretty excited for this album. Cat Power has always been someone I enjoyed listening to and honestly, I totally forgot all about her...granted, it's been six years since her last album. Wanderer is about what you'd expect from her in terms of melodies, guitar playing (lots of finger picking), piano, lyrics, wonderful voice, etc. She completely reimagined Rihanna's Stay, which is one of my favorite songs of the year. I came back to a few songs on this album at least twice, especially Horizon. This is a light album, easy to turn on and simply listen to. Truthfully, it's been quite some time since I heard any of her previous albums, but there's a good chance I enjoyed this one the most. 7/10.
40. Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino: Don't crucify me but I've never really been too into Arctic Monkeys. I just don't think I ever got it or was crazy about his voice. But, I was surprised by this album. I found it to be pretty enjoyable. It was a lot different than other rock albums I heard this year and I think a lot of that has to do with Alex Turner's voice (which I came away enjoying more than I did previously). Clocking in at 40 minutes, I sort of felt like the album dragged on and was too long. When I finished it, I walked away with a real "once you've heard it once, you've heard it a dozen times" feeling. 6/10.
39. Eleanor Friedberger - Rebound: I wasn't expecting to run into any Fiery Furnaces on this list. Eleanor Friedberger is/was the lead singer of that band (Illinois suburb represent!). Anyway, this was a clean/polished indie pop/rock/bedroom pop/dreampop/whatever album that made me feel alright. I did get a little bored toward the end of the album but overall I enjoyed it. Some parts (her voice, specifically) can even be a little dream-popy which remind me of Beach House (pretty good thing) and at times, she reminds me of Tracey Thorn. Straight up decent indie pop/rock album that will likely leave no lasting impression on me. Everything was my favorite song on this album. 6/10.
38. Calexico - The Thread That Keeps Us: The whole time I listened to this I kept hearing Ryan Adams. My goodness the singer is basically doing his best Adams impression on most of this album. Just listen to Eyes Wide Awake and tell me I'm wrong. Anyway, this was a looooong indie rock album that was pretty enjoyable. I just couldn't get past his voice and there's nothing really wrong with that but it just didn't sound different or do anything more unique than any other indie rock album I've heard this year. 6/10.
37. Stephan Malkmus and the Jicks - Sparkle Head: What more could you ask for from Stephen Malkmus than a solid 90's alternative/indie rock record? Nothing. This is exactly what this album is. I was never crazy about Pavement or other Malkmus works but I overall enjoyed this record. I really liked Middle America which I've heard a lot (may have been the single? Or in a TV show?). Anyway, I'd say this is pretty much a must listen if you're craving some old school 90's indie rock. 7/10.
36. The Lemon Twigs - Go To School: A musical! This album is about a monkey that goes to school with humans and it's as silly as it sounds. A fun, goofy, silly pop album that was so fun to listen to. Clearly inspired by classic 70s and southern heartland music, this sounds like an awesome theatrical production by two brothers that are just having fun. I honestly haven't heard an album like this since Meatloaf's Bat Out Of Hell. This Is My Tree sounds like it's 40 years old but it's so fresh. Gotta listen to this one. So fun. 9/10.
35. Go-Kart Mozart - Mozart's Mini Mart: This was a goooooooooofy British electronic indie pop album. This was sooo weird and obscure. I will say though, easily my favorite album name of the year. The album is short so they did a pretty good job of keeping my interest throughout the whole thing even though I ended up not being too crazy about it. It's pretty obvious they don't really take themselves too serious which adds to their goofiness. Less than 3,000 monthly listeners on Spotify so it's pretty impressive these guys found themselves so high on this list. The music itself was pretty neat and fun but the whole thing was just way too out there for me. 6/10.
34. Hookworms - Microshift: I can confidently say this is one of my favorite albums of the year. It's a cool psychedelic/electronic/indie rock album that hits all the right spots. Cool vocals, cool effects, cool fucking music. The singers voice reminds me of something so familiar but I can't quite figure it out. It's pretty difficult to find anything about this album I didn't like. I really, really liked this. There was something different about it. The mix of electronic and indie rock is apparently a recipe for success. Static Resistance, Ullswater and Opener were my favorites off the album. Listen to this and enjoy. 10/10.
33. Connan Mockasin - Jassbusters: There pretty much isn't a more boring way to follow the Hookworms' album than with this one. I'm not claiming this one is bad. It was just boooooring. Thankfully it was a super short album. Every song just felt the same to me. No doubt this man is talented but I simply couldn't get into it. Glass of wine dinner making music imo. 6/10.
32. Gwenno - Le Kov: Cute lil indie pop record. Whole album is in Cornish so beats the fuck out of me what she's saying or singing about, but it's pretty nonetheless. The music accompanying her nice voice is worthwhile though, even though it's in another language. Compared to other albums with similar style, it's nothing special. But it's an easy listen, makes for pretty good background/working music. 6/10.
31. Gazelle Twin - Pastoral: Oh boy I was not a fan of this. Super strange industrial music that distracted the fuck out of me. I was annoyed, bored and simply could not get into this. Thankfully, this was less than 40 minutes long. It was weird. If you're into intense shit you'd probably like this. I however, am not and did not. 2/10.
30. Mélissa Laveaux - Radyo Siwél: Lots of fingerpicking, super soulful voice...pretty much everything I enjoy. Not sure what language she sings in but for the most part, it isn't in english. I was into it when I first started listening, but towards the end, I ended up not being particularly crazy about this. It didn't really move me or make me think about it in any way. I think I'd say half the songs were pretty good and the other half was just straight boring. 6/10.
29. Let's Eat Grandma - I'm All Ears: Don't let the strange name throw you off. There's honestly not a single bad thing I could say about this album. I enjoyed every second of it and have had it on repeat all week. These girls are something else. Super talented electronic/pop/synth band that does everything right. A lot of synth to create deep/dark sounds, beautiful vocals and songs that keep your attention throughout the entire album. It's Not Just Me, Falling Into You, Cool & Collected, Donnie Darko, etc. take your pick. Every song is great. I'd consider this a must listen. 10/10.
28. Dirty Projectors - Lamp Lit Prose: This just felt like a mess, I thought everything was kind of thrown all over the place. At times I found it to be too distracting, goofy, too weird, obscure. I don't get it. It was simply exhausting. Though I'll say I did enjoy That's A Lifestyle. 5/10.
27. IDLES - Joy As An Act Of Resistance: Holy smokes! This was incredible. It was intense, politically charged (albeit never feels like a political album), straight punk music. I can't remember the last time I've heard anything like this, if ever. Whatever IDLES did to produce this record should be imitated/replicated by every band today. I'm Scum leading into Danny Nedelko is my favorite one/two punch of tracks so far this year. Was difficult getting myself to move on with this list because this was so good. Very good chance this ends up as my AOTY. Instant classic. Listen to this now. 10/10.
26. John Prine - The Tree Of Forgiveness: This album will grow on you. Wonderful, warm, easy listening. If you're into Country/Americana, this is a pretty good record for you to dive into. There's some nice songs on here and there's certainly some forgettable ones. Definitely feel some Willie Nelson, Neil Young, etc. This is perfect background working music. Turn this on and just get shit done. I thought that Willie Nelson from earlier was better. Boundless Love is my favorite tune from this album. 7/10.
25. Courtney Marie Andrews - May Your Kindness Remain: Likely the best country album I've ever heard. As soon as the chorus hits on the albums opening track, you can tell how good it's going to be. I haven't felt that much during this list. It's so smooth, vocals are unimaginably good, lyrics are deep and incredibly thought out. There truly isn't a single bad song on this album. Great lyrics throughout. On the albums title track: "Broke on a barstool, throwin' your paycheck away/On overpriced booze, slots, and valet/Fortune might buy diamonds, all shiny and new/But it can't buy you happiness or love, that is true." Or from Took You Up: "Lonely even when you're standin' there/In so deep with few words to share/Sometimes love gets you so damn depressed/All you can do is hide from it/But I wouldn't have it any other way/Wouldn't take the mansions or the getaways/Wouldn't trade love for a million bucks/If I have you then that's enough." Country album of the year. Must listen for any country fan or simply anyone that appreciates great singing/songwriting. 10/10.
24. Paul Weller - True Meanings:
23. Kurt Vile - Bottle It In:
22. Father John Misty - God's Favorite Customer:
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