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[S3E16] List of all scenes for Season 3

This is my first reddit post, so please be gentle, but do point out any errors of fact or etiquette I've made.
I've spent some time this week getting ready for the finale episodes by making a list of every scene in every Season 3 episode: what time the scene starts, who's in the scene, and a very limited amount of notes for some scenes. There are probably quite a few errors, and I know I haven't classified all the locations yet (like many Silver Mustang scenes are listed as "LV" instead of "SM").
Comments and corrections are very welcome!
TWIN PEAKS SEASON 3 - SCENES location key: BA - Buenos Aires, Argentina Fa - The Farm FH - Fireman's home (the purple place) GN - Great Northern Hotel (in Twin Peaks) LV - Las Vegas, Nevada NM - New Mexico NY - New York City, New York PH - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Rh - the Roadhouse (Twin Peaks) RR - Double R Diner (Twin Peaks) SC - Sioux City, South Dakota (Yankton Federal Prison) SD - South Dakota SM - Silver Mustang Casino, Las Vegas TP - Twin Peaks, Washington UT - Utah VA - the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia WA - Washington state, outside of Twin Peaks WR - the Waiting Room (Red room) ? - I don't know. "+" means first appearance ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.1 3:43 FH +???????, +Special Agent Dale Cooper ("Remember 430. Richard and Linda. Two birds with one stone.") 6:11 TP +Dr. Lawrence Jacoby, +Delivery Driver 8:28 NY +Sam Colby 12:49 NY Sam, +Guard, +Tracey Barberato 15:40 GN +Beverly Paige, +Ben Horne, +Jerry Horne 18:24 TP +Lucy Brennan, +Man in Suit? 19:35 SD Mr. C (Dale Cooper doppleganger), +Robby, +Otis, +Buella, +Ray Monroe, +Darya 24:30 NY Sam, Tracey, +Experiment Model (@ 33:38) 34:35 SD +Marjorie Green (Buckhorn, South Dakota) 36:15 SD +Officer Olson, +Officer Douglas, Marjorie 38:40 SD +Hank Fillmore, Olson, Douglas, Marjorie 40:10 SD Olson, Douglas, Ruth Davenport 41:27 SD Hank, Olson, Douglas, Ruth, +Detective Dave Macklay, +Constance Talbot 43:40 TP +Margaret Lanterman (The Log Lady), +Deputy Chief Tommy "Hawk" Hill 45:15 SD Constance, Macklay (Buckhorn Police Department) 46:35 SD Macklay, +Phyllis Hastings, +William (Bill) Hastings 48:18 TP Hawk, Lucy, +Deputy Andy Brennan 49:30 SD BHastings, Macklay, +Detective Don Harrison, +Chief Mike Boyd 56:00 SD Macklay, BHastings 56:42 SD Macklay, Harrison, PHastings (lump of meat) ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.2 1:38 SD BHastings, PHastings, Macklay, +George Bautzer (woodsman @ 6:00) 6:18 SD PHastings, Mr. C 7:20 LV +Duncan Todd, +Roger ("why do you let him make you do these things") 9:05 SD Ray, +Jack, Mr. C, Darya (restaurant) 12:07 TP Log Lady, Hawk (Hawk in trees with flashlight) (pool @ 14:34) 15:08 WR Cooper, +Phillip Gerard, +Laura Palmer (red room) ("is it future or is it past?") (white horse @ 22:05) 23:38 WR Cooper, Gerard, +Evolution of the Arm, +BOB 25:20 SD Jack, Mr. C 26:47 SD Mr. C, Darya (calls Phillip Jeffries @ 36:30) (Jeffries: "you're going back in tomorrow, and I will be with BOB again.") Owl Cave symbol playing card @ 34:32 Mr. C: "This is what I want." 39:22 SD Mr. C, +Chantal Hutchens 40:33 WR Cooper, Evolution of the Arm ("253 time and time again") 42:39 WR Cooper, +Leland Palmer ("Leland: Find Laura."), Evolution of the Arm, Gerard ("something's wrong"), Mr. C, doppleganger of the Arm ("non-ex-ist-ent!") 45:25 NY Cooper, Sam, Tracey (box shrinks @ 47:20) 47:59 TP +Sarah Palmer (her house) 49:12 Rh +Chromatics, +Renee, +Shelly Briggs, +Hannah, +James Hurley, +Freddie Sykes, +Red, +Jean-Michel Renault 52:54 Rh credits 54:23 Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.3 1:38 FH Cooper (falling through space, then purple place) 4:25 FH +Naido, Cooper, +Major Garland Briggs (number 15, then number 3, "blue rose") 13:16 FH Cooper, +American Girl (Ronette Pulaski?) (watch with 2:53) 14:36 SD Mr. C (clock at 2:53) (in car) 15:03 FH Cooper, American Girl ("When you get there... you will... already be there.") 16:20 PP/SD Cooper, American Girl ("You'd better hurry... my mother is coming."), Mr. C 19:03 LV +Douglas "Dougie" Jones, +Jade, Mr. C (owl ring, Rancho Rosa) 22:27 WR Dougie, Gerard (owl ring) 25:41 LV Cooper, Jade 29:35 LV +Gene, +Jake, Cooper, Jade (Rancho Rosa) 31:45 LV Gene, +Little Boy, +Drugged-out Mother ("one-one-nine!") (Rancho Rosa) 33:30 SD Mr. C, +First Trooper, +Second Trooper (SD Highway Patrol) 34:25 TP Hawk, Andy, Lucy 39:10 TP Jacoby 41:30 SM Jade, Cooper, Laura, +Security Guard (Silver Mustang Casino) 43:40 SM Cooper, Security Guard, +Cashier, +Slot Machine Man, +Lady Slot-Addict 50:25 SM +Floor Attendant Jackie, Cooper 51:25 PH +FBI Deputy Director Gordon Cole, +FBI Agent Albert Rosenfield, +FBI Agent Tammy Preston (FBI Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA) (meeting with strange murder "clues") 55:40 Rh +Cactus Blossoms 57:09 Rh credits 58:40 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: +Wise Guy ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.4 1:40 SM +Pit Boss Warrick, guard, boss, Cooper, Floor Attendant Jackie, Lady Slot-Addict 3:50 SM Cooper, +Bill Shaker, +Candy Shaker 5:55 SM +Supervisor Burns, Mr. C, Warrick 9:35 LV +Limo Driver (Al), Cooper, +Janey-E Jones 13:00 LV Cooper, Janey-E 15:35 PH Cole, +Bill Kennedy, +Denise Bryson 19:40 TP Lucy, +Sheriff Frank Truman, Andy 21:32 TP +dispatcher Maggie Brown, +Deputy Jesse Holcomb, Frank, +Deputy Chad Broxford, +Deputy Bobby Briggs 23:25 TP Lucy, Andy 24:30 TP Frank, Hawk, Chad, Bobby, Jesse, Andy, Lucy 28:45 TP Frank, Andy, Lucy, +Wally "Brando" Brennan 33:30 LV/WR Cooper, Gerard, Janey-E, +Sonny Jim Jones 41:41 SD Constance, Macklay, Boyd 42:10 SD Cole, Albert, Tammy, +FBI Driver (SD airport) 44:00 SD Cole, Albert, Tammy, +Warden Dwight Murphy, +Inspector Randy Hollister, Mr. C (SD prison) 50:13 SD Cole, Albert, Tammy 54:20 Rh +Au Revoir Simone 55:16 Rh credits 56:45 Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.5 1:40 LV Gene, Jake, +Lorraine (Rancho Rosa) (Argentina box, message "Argent 2") 3:29 SD Major Briggs, Constance, Macklay, Harrison, (wedding ring in stomach: "To Dougie, with love, Janey-E") 4:33 SC Mr. C, +Prison Tech, BOB ("you're still with me. that's good.") 6:50 TP +Mike Nelson, +Steven Burnett 8:10 TP Frank, Lucy, +Doris Truman 10:46 LV Sonny Jim, Janey-E, Cooper 12:17 LV Gene, Jake (Rancho Rosa) 14:00 LV Janey-E, Cooper, +Phil Bisby 16:48 LV Phil, Cooper, +Rhonda, +Frank (Bob Stephenson), +Anthony Sinclair, +Bushnell Mullins, +Darren 23:13 LV Bushnell, Cooper, Phil, Rhonda 25:25 SM Warrick, casino dude, Candie, +Rodney Mitchum, +Bradley Mitchum, +Mandie, +Sandie 28:16 LV Drugged-out Mother, Little Boy, +Punk Leader 30:50 LV Chris, Jade (xxx who is Chris?) 31:47 RR +Norma Jennings, Shelly, +Toad, +Rebecca (Becky) Burnett, Steven 34:11 RR Becky, Steven (cocaine smile) 37:56 LV Cooper, Phil 39:29 TP Andy, Hawk 40:47 TP Jacoby, +Nadine Hurley (Dr. Amp) 45:24 VA +Colonel Davis, +Lieutenant Cynthia Knox (Pentagon, Arlington, VA) (16 fingerprint hits on Major Briggs in last 25 years) 46:40 Rh +Trouble, +Richard Horne, +Charlotte, +Elizabeth, woman, +Federico, Chad 50:56 PH Tammy (Cooper photos & fingerprints) 52:28 SC Mr. C, Warden ("Mr. Strawberry", "the cow jumped over the moon") 55:23 BA (beeping, shrinking box) (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 56:05 LV Cooper, +Officer Reynaldo 56:25 LV credits 58:07 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: +Heidi (fat RR waitress), Hollister, +Detailer, Burns, Jade ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.6 1:43 LV Cooper, Reynaldo 3:27 LV Sonny Jim, Janey-E, Reynaldo, Cooper, +Patrol Officer 6:37 LV Sonny Jim, Cooper (clapper) 9:00 LV Janey-E, Cooper, Sonny Jim 13:12 ? (stop light) 13:30 ?/LV Gerard ("wake up" "don't die"), Cooper (case files scribbles) 18:35 PH Albert, Cole, +Diane Evans (Max Von's Bar) 20:41 TP Red, Richard (coin trick) 27:00 TP Richard 27:24 TP +Carl Rodd, +Mickey 29:33 RR Shelly, +Miriam Sullivan, Heidi 30:57 TP Richard, Carl, +Hit and Run Mom, +Hit and Run Boy, Miriam (yellow "soul", number 6 & 324810) 35:35 LV Todd (computer & folder for Ike) 36:54 LV cops, Drugged-out Mother 37:53 LV +Ike "The Spike" Stadtler 39:33 LV Cooper, Phil, Sinclair, Bushnell (Cooper's scribbles) 45:35 LV Janey-E, +Jimmy, +Tommy 48:04 LV Lorraine, Ike, other woman 49:13 TP Richard 50:15 TP Hawk, Chad (Laura's diary pages) 53:00 TP Maggie, Frank, Chad, Jesse, Doris 54:54 Rh +Sharon Van Etten 56:18 Rh credits 57:52 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: Jade ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.7 1:40 WA/GN Jerry, Ben 3:35 TP Hawk, Frank (Laura's diary pages shown) 7:03 TP Frank (on phone to Harry; Laura's diary pages shown) 8:08 TP Andy, Farmer 9:10 TP Frank, +Doc Will Hayward (rising computer screen) 12:50 SD Knox, Macklay 13:40 SD Constance, Major Briggs, Knox, Macklay, Davis, woodsman at 16:08 16:53 PH Cole, Albert 18:20 PH +Younger Man, Cole, Albert, Diane (Diane's house) 21:36 PH Cole, Albert, Diane, Tammy (on airplane) (Cooper's fingerprints, photo of Mr. C & mansion) 23:47 SC Cole, Albert, Diane, Tammy, Hollister (Yankton Federal Prison, Sioux City) 24:24 SC Diane, Mr. C 27:05 SC Cole, Albert, Diane, Tammy, Warden 27:33 SC Cole, Albert, Diane, Tammy 29:25 SC Mr. C, 2 prison guys 30:02 TP Andy 31:17 TP Warden, Mr. C, 2 prison guys 33:42 LV Janey-E, Cooper, Sinclair, +Detective T. Fusco, +Detective "Smiley" Fusco, +Detective D. Fusco, Rhonda, Bushnell (Cooper draws figures) 40:00 LV Janey-E, Cooper, Ike, Evolution of the Arm 41:25 LV Cooper, Janey-E, +Another Mom, +5-Year-Old Girl, +Soccer Mom 42:10 GN Ben, Beverly (Great Northern Hotel) 46:58 TP Beverly, +Nurse, +Tom Paige 49:18 Rh Renault (sweeping peanut shells) 52:38 SC +Prison Guard, Mr. C, Ray, Warden 55:23 RR Shelly, Norma, +Bing (person asking for Billy) 55:55 RR credits 57:24 Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.8 1:42 SD Mr. C, Ray 7:40 SD Mr. C, Ray, woodsmen, BOB (Ray calls Jeffries @ 10:50) 11:20 Rh +MC, +"The" Nine Inch Nails 16:00 SD Mr. C 16:21 NM (July 16, 1945 / White Sands, New Mexico / 5:29 AM (MWT)) 18:28 ? (effects) 21:20 ? woodsmen (Dutchman's / convenience store) 24:10 ? Experiment/mother? 26:20 FH outside purple place. (formed from gold globule seen in previous scene?) 28:55 FH +Senorita Dido 30:25 FH Dido, ??????? 33:54 FH ???????, Dido (movie theater) 36:32 FH ???????, Dido, Laura (gold sparks, gold seed, Laura @ 39:05) 39:35 FH ???????, Dido (Fallopian tube) 40:49 NM +frog-locust (1956 / August 5 / New Mexico desert) 42:52 NM +Girl, +Boy 44:14 NM woodsmen 44:38 NM +New Mexico Husband, +New Mexico Wife, +Woodsman 46:06 NM Girl, Boy 48:34 NM Woodsman 49:11 NM +Disc Jockey, Girl 50:00 NM Woodsman, +Receptionist 51:06 NM Woodsman, Disc Jockey, Girl 51:45 NM "This is the water. And this is the well. Drink full and descend. The horse is the white of the eyes, and dark within." 54:00 NM Girl, frog-locust 56:35 NM Woodsman leaves, "horse whinnying distantly" 56:44 NM credits 58:04 Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.9 1:40 SD Mr. C 2:09 plane Cole, Tammy, Diane, Albert 3:35 SD Mr. C, +Gary "Hutch" Hutchens, Chantal 4:43 plane Cole, Diane, Albert, Tammy 6:41 SD/LV Mr. C, Hutch, Chantal, Todd (text: "around the dinner table the conversation is lively") 9:51 LV Cooper, Janey-E, Bushnell, Fuscos, +Desk Sergeant (Las Vegas Police Department) 18:35 LV Ike, Fuscos, more Las Vegas police 20:40 TP Lucy, Andy (chairs) 23:05 TP +Johnny Horne, +Sylvia Horne 24:02 TP +Betty Briggs, Bobby, Frank, Hawk 27:35 SD Diane, Cole, Tammy, Albert, Knox, Macklay 29:47 SD Constance, Major Briggs, Diane, Cole, Tammy, Albert, Knox, Macklay 32:45 WA? Jerry ("I am not your foot") 34:40 TP Chad, Frank, Hawk, Lucy, Bobby 37:37 TP Frank, Hawk, Bobby (Major Briggs' message @ 39:01: sun over left peak, moon & splotch over right peak 253 yards east of Jack Rabbit's Palace before ... Jack Rabbit's ... put some soil from that area in your pocket 2:53 10/1 10/2. other message: COOPECOOPECO and other stuff) 40:35 SD Diane, Cole, Tammy 42:45 SD BHastings, Tammy, Macklay, Cole, Diane 49:25 GN Ben, Beverly 51:56 Rh +Hudson Mohawke, +Ella, +Chloe 55:06 Rh Au Revoir Simone 56:30 Rh credits 58:09 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: Warden Dwight Murphy ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.10 1:41 TP Richard, Miriam (trailer park), Chad 5:04 TP Carl, Steven, Becky (trailer park) 7:00 LV RMitchum, Candie, BMitchum 9:34 LV +Doctor Ben, Dougie, Janey-E 11:49 LV RMitchum, Candie, Sandie, Mandie, BMitchum, +Paul, +Sheena, Ike, Soccer Mom, Cooper, Janey-E, Roger? 15:13 LV Janey-E, Cooper, Sonny Jim (sex) 18:15 ? (wind howling) 18:37 TP Jacoby, Nadine (Dr. Amp) 20:42 LV Janey-E, Cooper, Sonny Jim 21:25 WA Jerry 21:45 TP Lucy, Chad, mailman 24:20 TP Richard, Johnny Horne, Sylvia Horne 28:56 LV Todd, Roger, Sinclair 30:40 SD Albert, Constance, Cole, Tammy 31:25 SM Pit Boss Warrick, Sinclair, BMitchum, RMitchum, Candie, Sandie, Mandie 38:18 LV RMitchum, BMitchum, Candie, Sandie, Mandie 40:12 SD Cole, Laura, Albert, Tammy (Diane received: "Around the dinner table, the conversation is lively", sent: "They have Hastings. He's going to take them to the site.") 43:22 GN/TP Ben, Sylvia 44:27 TP Log Lady, Hawk ("Laura is the one.") 46:17 Rh +Rebekah Del Rio, +Musician (Moby) 51:33 Rh credits 53:12 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: Fuscos ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.11 1:41 TP +Boy Playing Catch, Miriam (trailer park) 3:07 TP Becky (trailer park), Shelly, Norma, Carl 5:30 TP Becky, Carl, Norma, Maggie, Bobby (Carl's van) 7:02 TP Becky, +Gersten's neighbor, Steven, +Gersten Hayward (Gersten's apartment) 8:14 TP Maggie (police station) 8:51 SD Macklay, WHastings, Albert, Diane, Tammy, Cole, woodsmen (Buckhorn), Ruth Davenport, 13:15 woodsmen @ Dutchman's 16:25 RR Bobby, Becky, Shelly, Norma, Red, +Carrie, +Ralph, +Russ, Jesse, +Woman in Car, +Sick Girl, Toad? 24:55 TP Frank, Hawk, Lucy, Log Lady, Jesse (Indian map, mention Blue Pine Mountain, "day after tomorrow") 29:50 SD Cole, Albert, Diane, Tammy, Macklay (Ruth's coordinates) 33:48 LV Bushnell, Phil, Cooper, Sinclair 37:40 LV BMitchum, RMitchum 39:40 LV Cooper, Bushnell, Gerard, Limo Driver 42:06 LV Cooper, Limo Driver 43:10 LV BMitchum, RMitchum, Cooper, Limo Driver 50:00 LV piano player, Cooper, BMitchum, RMitchum, Candie, Mandie, Sandie, Lady Slot-Addict 55:26 LV credits 57:03 Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.12 1:35 SD Cole, Albert, Tammy (Chet Desmond mentioned) 5:35 SD Cole, Albert, Tammy, Diane 7:37 WA Jerry 8:07 TP Sarah, +Check-Out Girl, +Bag-boy 11:25 TP Carl, +Criscol (Kriscol in subtitles) 13:07 LV Cooper, Sonny Jim 13:37 TP (mountain & woods) 13:51 TP Hawk, Sarah (Sarah's house) 16:06 TP Miriam (hospital) 16:32 SD Diane ("Las Vegas?" text, "THEY HAVEN'T ASKED YET") 17:10 GN Ben, Beverly, Frank (Ben's office) 25:25 SD Cole, +French Woman, Albert (hotel) 31:25 UT? Hutch, Chantal, Warden, +Warden Murphy's Son 33:36 TP Jacoby, Nadine (Dr. Amp) 36:27 ? +Audrey Horne, +Charlie (mentions Billy, Tina, Paul, Chuck) 47:17 SD Diane 49:20 TP (woods) 49:42 Rh Chromatics, +Abbie, +Natalie, +Trick (mentions Clark, Mary, Angela) 53:02 Rh credits 54:34 Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.13 1:40 LV BMitchum, RMitchum, Cooper, Sandie, Mandie, Candie, Sinclair, Bushnell, Todd 4:44 LV +Head Mover, Janey-E, Sonny Jim, Cooper 7:02 Fa Mr. C, Ray, +Renzo, +Muddy, +Farm Accountant, Richard (Western Montana, "The Farm") 23:25 LV Fuscos, Sinclair, +Detective Clark, +Crooked Partner, Desk Sergeant? 27:05 UT Hutch, Chantal (Utah) 28:00 LV Janey-E, Cooper, Sinclair, +Szymon Waitress, +Man in Urinal 34:22 TP Shelly, Becky 35:50 LV Cooper, Sinclair, Bushnell 38:47 TP Bobby, +RR Diner Waitress, +Big Ed Hurley, Norma, +Walter Lawford 44:52 TP Nadine, Jacoby 47:29 TP Sarah 50:14 ? Audrey, Charlie 53:10 Rh MC, James, +Backup Singer #2, +Backup Singer #3, Renee 56:30 TP Big Ed 57:39 TP credits (Big Ed) 59:11 Lynch/Frost Productions xxx owl ring in 3.13 somewhere. ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.14 1:41 SD/TP Cole, Lucy, Frank 4:20 SD Albert, Tammy, Cole, Diane why was ring in Major Briggs' stomach? 9:22 SD/LV Albert, Tammy, Cole, Diane, +Special Agent Randall Headley, +Agent Wilson 11:21 dream Cole, +Monica Bellucci, Cooper, Tammy, Albert, +Phillip Jeffries 14:39 TP Andy, Hawk, Bobby, Frank, Chad 16:10 TP Andy, Hawk, Bobby, Frank, "it's 2:53" 22:00 TP Andy, Hawk, Bobby, Frank, Naido 24:34 TP Andy, The Fireman, Experiment?, Woodsman, Laura, Naido, Cooper, Mr. C, Lucy, 29:00 number 6 29:40 TP Andy, Hawk, Bobby, Frank, Naido 31:00 TP Naido, Andy, Lucy, Chad, +Drunk 33:43 TP Freddie, James 43:26 TP Sarah, +Trucker (@Elk's Point Bar #9), 47:48 face, Experiment?, +Bartender 49:19 Rh +Megan, +Sophie mention Paula, Tina, Billy 52:41 Rh MC, +Lissie 54:25 Rh credits xxx BOB here somewhere? ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.15 1:41 TP (woods & mountains) 2:02 TP Nadine, Big Ed 5:30 RR Big Ed, Norma, Walter, Shelly 10:42 Dut Mr. C, woodsman, +Jumping Man, +Bosomy Woman (the Dutchman's) (number 8 on Jeffries' door) 17:22 Dut Mr. C, Jeffries' apparatus ("who is Judy?") (the Dutchman's) 21:18 Dut Mr. C, Richard (text "Las Vegas?") 24:08 TP +Cyril Pons, Gersten, Steven 30:05 TP Cyril, Carl (Fat Trout Trailer Park) 30:50 Rh MC, James, Freddie, Renee, +Chuck, +Skipper 33:18 LV Headley, Wilson 34:00 LV Todd, Roger, Chantal 34:55 TP Drunk, Chad, Freddie, Hawk, Bobby, James, Naido (jail) 36:35 LV Hutch, Chantal 37:54 LV Cooper, Janey-E, Sonny Jim 41:55 TP Log Lady, Hawk 45:39 TP Frank, Bobby, Lucy, Andy, Hawk 47:40 ? Audrey, Charlie 50:30 Rh +The Veils, +Ruby 53:22 Rh credits 54:57 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: Albert ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.16 1:42 ? Mr. C, Richard 5:02 ? Mr. C, Richard, Jerry (":-) ALL." @ 9:29) 9:50 LV Hutch, Chantal, Headley, Wilson 12:40 LV Cooper, Janey-E, Sonny Jim, Bushnell 13:40 LV Cooper, Janey-E, Sonny Jim, Bushnell, BMitchum, RMitchum, Candie, Sandie, Mandie 17:56 LV Hutch, Chantal, +Polish Accountant, BMitchum, RMitchum, Candie, Sandie, Mandie 24:25 LV Cooper, Gerard (owl ring, seed), Sonny Jim, Janey-E, Bushnell, +Female Doctor 29:12 LV Cooper, Bushnell, BMitchum, RMitchum, Candie, Sandie, Mandie 30:18 LV Cooper, Janey-E, Sonny Jim, Headley 31:33 SD Diane (coordinates: 48551420117163956 34:45 SD Cole, Tammy, Albert, Diane ("I'm in the sheriff's station", "I'm not me") 42:10 ? Diane, Gerard (seed) 43:26 SM Cooper, Janey-E, Sonny Jim, Mitchums (Silver Mustang Casino) 47:05 LV Cooper, Mitchums, Candies 48:38 Rh MC, +Edward Louis Severson (Eddie Vedder) 50:53 Rh Audrey, Charlie, +Throwing Man, +Man Hit with Bottle (Monique mentioned) 56:12 Rh credits 57:36 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: Phil ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.17 1:?? 5?:?? ?? credits 5?:?? Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.18 1:?? 5?:?? ?? credits 5?:?? Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ 
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